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Joined 1 years ago

I am Steve

Primarily because if courts admit it's fallible, everyone convicted in part on bite evidence would need to be retried. Which would be a crazy amount of work. And people are lazy. Epically courts.

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There is a long history of law enforcement not taking threats of violence seriously, when they come from white conservative groups.

The Secrete Service might. As far as I know they take all threats to the president as pretty serious. But that only helps the president, not the rest of us.

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You're making a lot of assumptions. People can go without many things you may think are basic.

Those 30yo people buying PS5s may be living with their parents because they can't begin to afford their own place. Maybe they have 5 roommates who all pooled their savings for 6 months to buy it together. Maybe they simply don't have a car.

There's also the obvious selection bias of being in a Game Stop. You won't see all the people who can't afford a game console shopping there.

To me it's quite staggering that someone who considers themselves "Well Off" can't afford an occasional $500 expense. That's generally considered "Living Paycheck to Paycheck". I can only assume you're overspending in some ways.

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The first and third are just features that will almost certainly come eventually. No worries.

The second strikes me as a really strange expection for public social media. Social media is inherently not at all private. These are all public comments and posts intended for everyone in the world to read. If you have something you don't want to be public, any social media is the last place to post it.

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How was this guy a mayor?
Trump has a decades long history of not paying his debts. I assumed all his lawyers would insist on payment in full first.

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It always strikes me as strange when anyone refers to their 30 or 40+ year old offspring, as children. They aren't remotely children in any way.

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Because manufacturing the physical copy is a very small part of the expense in creating the game. It also has no practical effect on a players enjoyment or likeliness to purchase the game.

That's what happens when you try to say eight things in two sentences.

Given that dumb requirement, I think they did a decent job.

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it gets harder for the media to pretend that any of the also-rans are relevant to the race.

Do you mean the Republicans? As far as I could tell, the major networks basically ignored the Democrat hopefuls

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UBI would be great for those who are working or not.

They did nothing when the decision was leaked.
Nothing when it was official.
Nothing in the years since.

So they could use it as campaign chip in this election.
Fuck off.

Both parties use their constituency as pawns, rather than employers. It's why we all need to support Represent Us and the Forward Party who are trying to make our representatives actually represent us.

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Awesome! Honestly that's more important to me than her being trans. I just assumed she'd be another lawyer. But having real jobs represented is great!

I'm an XRay Tech in a hospital. I LOVE my 3, 12 hour days! It's only an extra 4 hours each day. Then I have 4 day weekends, EVERY WEEK! It's amazing! I could never go back to 5 day work weeks.

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Most browsers have tab support. You can have a different instance on each tab, and switch between them all you want.

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Not technically, no. Pedophilia is a sexual attraction to prepubescents. Teens aren't prepubescent, outside of those with medical disorders.

Even if they were married, I would still call sex with them satutory rape though. And since they haven't reached the age of consent, I wouldn't think they could legally sign a marriage contract either. So I have no idea how any of this is even really possible as the law currently stands.

Yah. I wasn't thinking of that as "privacy", it's kind of separate, but I can see related. But federating a delete shouldn't be much more complicated than federating an add or edit. Mostly only an issue if an instance is defederated in between.

Absolutely not!

The attention based, advertisement business model is the "original sin" of the internet. If you're not paying for the product, you are the product. You are what's being sold. It changes all the incentives for the site. It's why social media and news media have become so toxic and polarizing.

It's why Reddit has made every one of it's unpopular decisions. It made them, to create a better product for it's customers (advertisers), not because it makes a better experience for us. If we want the best site for us, we need to be the customer. That means we need to be the ones who pay for it.

This is absolutely, undeniably a bad idea.

I don't think it is. Loading multiple images in the body seems ideal.

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Of course that's their answer. It would be breaking HIPAA laws to tell the press. Or the police, unless she was in custody.

I pay for:

  • eMail, Cloud storage, VPN (Proton)
  • Search (Kagi)
  • Anything that takes away advertisements if I do. I loathe ads.

I never thought of the right to be forgotten aspart of the right to privacy. They always seemed separate.

But technically federating a deletion shouldn't be more complicated than federating an addition. It would make sense to have the option when deleting an account to nuke all posts as well. It might not be perfect if an instance is defederated in between, but it should be pretty good.

I'm not sure if that's insane or brilliant.

Yes? An annoyance at worst

I think they're referring to the new Civil War movie.

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I would agree. But the cable news business model won't survive decades. I'd be a little surprised if FOX News is still around in a single decade.

Yes? Probably? It depends a little on why you're using quotes. I assume you don't mean the literal academic theory. And instead mean some kind of more reasonable version, of what Republicans and conservatives seem to mean (and irrationally fear) when they use the term.

They don't need to take over all of them. A dozen or two of the largest subs would be plenty. Those with less than a couple hundred thousand subscribers, don't really matter much.

The chain link is what you want. That does exactly what you're looking for. Not sure why the 404. Some kind of bug.

How many candidates did they run? It certainly wasent 24,000.

None of that logic works.

Random people can't legally pardon anyone. That's why they can't pardon themselves.

The President can legally pardon people accused of federal crimes. It's only common sense that stops one from pardoning themselves, not the law.

Mortonksalt linked to instructions.

They say you should be able to put the linked URI into your instance search and pull up the local version of the same post. That isn't super clean, but it should work.

So you're right, people can and do go without many basic things, so where are they coming up with the $$$ for these PS5s?

When they don't spend money on nice cloths and their own apartment, it frees up a lot of money that can then be used on things that are more important to them. Things like a PS5.

I can't justify spending $500 for a game system when I have to buy clothes and groceries (especially groceries) and prioritize other expenses. I COULD afford to buy everyone in my neighborhood a PS5 - but seriously there are other things they really need more.

Being able to afford something, is when you don't need to prioritize necessities over it. You have enough left over after buying your cloths and food.

Looks like that's where you're overspending.

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I really don't like Coke at all. I'd try the RC its been a couple decades since the last time I had any.

There isn't a way to do exactly what you want.

Since you typically do this with your partner, the easiest solution would be for you both to be on the same instance. Then the gray chain link would work fine.

For other random people, use the colored federation star link. That goes to the home instance of the post.

Another option is to paste the link to another instance into the search on yours. That should bring up the local instance version of the same post.

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I certainly do. You got the point perfectly.

It's my pointless, useless, impossible, imaginary battle against the world itself. But hey. You don't fight the fight because you can win. You fight the fight that needs fighting.

Do you really believe I don't know individual words are used in different ways?

I thought it would be obvious, that I just believe useing words with the least ambiguous and narrowest meaning available, is a more clear way to communicate.

In this case offspring would undeniably be the term to fit the meaning parents want to convey. Continuing to use child is a sign their concept of their offspring hasn't kept up with the current reality. The fact that this behavior is common dosen't mean it's correct and immune from criticism.

Both it, and your attitude of infallibility, are just two of the many windmills I fight against.

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That seems pretty minor to me for less than a dozen images, but ok

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That's called willful ignorance. You're actively ignoring, or trying not to see another view point.

Offspring would be the term.

I get that. But being their parent, and having the impulse to protect or defend them, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.