2 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Hole for Pepnis

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Not everywhere. Many places its much more sustainable to make clothes from the animals you are eating and it makes sure that you aren't wasting any of the life you've taken that you need to survive.

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Ehhh, idk. All the trans guys I know be fucking

That's 85 percent plastic

This isn't harm reduction. Stop co-opting real leftist terms for this crap. The USA has always been fascist and will always be so until it is destroyed. You people won't learn till you get all of us killed for the little bit of privilege afforded to you thru this colonist imperial hellhole

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Maybe YOU don't have to eat animals to survive. What a privilege u you have that you live in a place where vegetation can be grown in your area or more likely shipped there cheaply(not free of harm to the environment or people\animals). But your experience is not universal there are places on earth that people live where that is not an option. And some of those people have been living there sustainably for 10s of thousands of years. Not to speak of people who's body needs meat to live because of some other reason. You can not eat animals and that's fine but it doesn't replace the science of how to stop environmental damage.

Wow I'm so surprised -_-

Lets not even start on the shit still going on, on our southern border

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Wow so glad the SS will gender me correctly while they throw me in a camp

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Yes this is true but a lot of places can't mantain a sheep herd, because it is too cold or to dry for grasses and food for the sheep

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Bruh, this just has malicious software written all over it

Like a migraine, sinus, pressure, or tension. Did anything seem to cause it? Does anything make it worse?

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Yes it is. It doesn't take 1000s of years for leather to breakdown

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Have you tried sudo dnf upgrade QtQuick.Controls Then Reboot If that doesn't work sudo dnf reinstall QtQuick.Controls Reboot again Still no worky Try moving the theme file out of the share folder and reassigning the directory to the new location Then reboot Post any error messages received in terminal

What kind of headache is it?

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Yeah this is just not true at all.

Your best bet would be to go for something used in good condition before 2014 that's when cars started being internet connected and having controls being software buttons in screens and the like. If you have a bunch of money you could try to import something but the 25 year rule is an issue if you live in the US

Hi we know u haven't eaten in 4 days and you've been raped 5 times by us, but could u fill out this short survey about if we gendered u correctly, so we can learn how to better serve you.

Would you fuck a baloney sandwhich?

Yeah I'm Jewish so this isn't a new issue to me. Zionism is viewed as a fascist ideology by a lot of Jews, there for I think its unneutral to say afluent Jews are why universities are invested in Israel. I'm being as neutral as possible, these are the facts as I know them and I wouldn't trust an poll on this matter done now, personally. The fact that Israel was formed by America after ww2 and has been used as a political and military base for America since. Wikipedia has multiple articles on it.


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It disproves the idea that there aren't enough homes. When i was homeless person I didnt care where the house was. Second homes of the wealthy are vacant. landlords are part of the problem and are scum.

I have a severe fragrance allergy and I second this recommendation. Also two of my cats need inhalers and this doesn't bother them either.

Weird take.

I think google is the best and has our best interests at heart. surely there must a reason we non genius minds can't understand as to why google made things the way they are.

All hail google, I would give my baby to google in the hopes they will turn them into a superhuman google baby


Hey I just think capitalism should be destroyed

Yeah, I've found men like telling other people that they have had sex more than actually having sex

No, Jesus never existed. He is a fictional character.

I think it needs to be said most Jewish people in the diaspora are not Zionists. And that Israel is and always has been a puppet state formed by the the US

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This concept is liberalism at its finest

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