Stoneykins [any]

@Stoneykins [any]
2 Post – 231 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Spez explicitly promised they wouldn't get rid of old reddit.

Which I took to mean they intend to ruin it by cramming all the shitty new features into it and taking away the things it does better.

Edit: I don't trust spez lmao I just think what he said might be a hint for how they will fuck reddit up going forward

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Car dealerships. They are awful on purpose. In many places car manufacturers are not legally allowed to sell their cars directly to customers, in order to create what is essentially legally mandated car dealerships, which all suck.

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We may never have a good answer for why the gay nerdy communists love the colorful scifi communist space adventures

These threads are odd to me, considering how many people call all communists tankies. The word seems to be used by anarchists, conservatives, communists, anti-communists, and more, and every person has a slightly different definition.

Half the people here could consider the other half to be the tankies everyone is mad at.

To be clear this isn't me saying "be nice to the tankies" this is me saying "the overuse of this word is confusing the shit out of me."

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Idk who told conservatives about libraries but if we had just kept quiet about them they never would have even realized they still existed.

Now they are complaining about libraries having books in them. They won't be happy until they are empty concrete rooms. Such a pitiful shame they can't see the objective value of libraries.

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I just love how America has become the political symbol for "the worst of both worlds". I just love living with no privacy with random freedoms infringed, and also where any random person could decide to gun me down in the street with no great difficulties.

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Damnit democrats all I want from you is voting reform and then we can move onto better parties.

Although I guess this is them realizing that and not wanting to let go.

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Some people are missing the forest for the trees here

Having a businesses app on your phone is better regular advertising than anything they could ever pay for.

They just want an excuse to make you look at their logo and think about their business as regularly as possible

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For a while I used amazon as a "product browser", I would shop for what I want on there, and then go buy it straight from the manufacturer or whatever online marketplace the seller prefers.

Now, it has gotten so bad, it isn't even useful for that. Amazon will show you 50 overpriced knockoffs of the thing you'd actually want to buy without ever showing you the real thing unless you already know the brand name of what you want ahead of time. The reviews are useless too now, everything has 4 1/2 stars and the same substanceless reviews.

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You wanted to say "You can be on lemmy without bringing reddit here." And phrased it as a bad question so you could post it here. You just want to soapbox.

Managing the content of your own feed is your responsibility. If people post off topic in communities, handle it with a report, not another post.

You are creating what you are complaining about. This thread is the most discussion about reddit I've seen in a week or more.

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"Mountain campsite says the women fled into the wilderness after struggling to cope with societal changes in recent years"

I can relate to this.

...found with Jara’s favorite, blessed rosary that she gave the group before they left.

“God was with them,” said Jara

Oh, no I can't. Huh.

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Solution is simple, community should turn any suspiciously product focused thread into an advertisers nightmare of filth

Then the ads will just be the ones with the comment sections turned off

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Trump is gunna die of a heart attack the day before he gets convicted and no one is gunna know how to feel about it.

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Typically the word refers to communists that are pro-authoritarian, pro-military force, and some amount of bizarrely nationalist.

The word is also, confusingly, used to describe all communists (by people that don't like communists) and several other subcategories. Really, you can't ever guess how someone means it when you see them say it. Some people self-describe as tankie, either because they fully agree with the term, or because people call them that anyways.

On lemmy, 90% of the time, "tankie" just literally means "someone from lemmygrad or hexbear", which is kinda fairly earned, because that is where all the pro-authoritarian, pro-military force, bizarrely nationalist communists hang out, but to be clear, not all of the people in those communities are like that.

Also they hate being defined this way. They will ramble for hours about how "anti-authoritarian" isn't real or is counter productive, and more like that. While spamming weird left unity emojis every time someone mentions anarchism...

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Also each of them resists different type of foods better. Wax paper will hold up to wet food, and parchment paper holds up better to oily food.

This is not anything I can prove just personal experience so take it with a grain of salt

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If I had a nickle for everytime there was a chess scandal and some media site reported that someone (allegedly) cheated with bluetooth anal beads, I could buy some bluetooth anal beads and win a chess tournament

In minecraft, if you wanna mine some iron, you punch a tree, use the wood to slap out a wooden pickaxe, grab some stone with it, then make a stone pickaxe, and you can mine it.

In vintage story you can't mine rock until you have a pickaxe, the lowest level of which is copper. You have to knap stone tools from rocks you find on the ground, and you can't make wood into planks until you have a saw (also needs metal). To get started with metalworking you have to explore and find copper bits sitting on the ground untill you have a lot, make crucibles and molds out of clay and fire them in a pit kiln, burn wood into charcoal in a pit (because wood doesn't burn hot enough to melt copper), and then you can melt and pour your copper into a mold. Do that with a pickaxe head mold, put it on a stick, and now you can mine stone. Then go find some more metals and do that some more because to mine iron you actually need a bronze pickaxe.

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Not from the bacteria's perspective

the admins specifically fell for it, since they did block this community.

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Wind and solar > nuclear > fossil fuels

Nothing really against nuclear except how it is being weilded as a distraction from better, cleaner, energy. We need to be going all in on converting everything to wind and solar, with batteries and other power storage like water pumping facilities filling the gaps.

Nuclear needs a few more issues figured out, like how to actually cheaply build and get power from all those touted newer cleaner reactor styles.

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Excuse me but this is clearly a Parasaurolophus mommy.

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This is good. I don't agree with copyrightable works by AI because I don't agree with copyright at all, at least not as it currently exists. Patents, too.

It has always felt like a contrived game to me, but that game has far too much impact on peoples lives.

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And they have the audacity to claim it is an issue of "making labels too confusing for consumers".

They could always fold fees into the overall price, but that would be counterproductive to their real goal: lying about the price in advertising.

Cop is a job where all sorts of people, good and bad, go to become bad people. Acab

Some people, regardless of how far their views are, can have those views changed.

Some people, regardless of how close their views are, cannot have those views changed.

"Changing their minds" is always an incomplete solution to prejudice. It should be attempted, but cannot "solve" the issue culturally.

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All the people taking this opportunity to say "no one should get stabbed in prison" and criticizing anyone who doesn't, maybe talk about prison reform at literally any other time? Seriously, it would be nice if this many people were always pointing out the flaws in our prisons. But it seems like there is always mystically more people criticizing the state of our prisons whenever a terrible person gets fucked with.

I say, until we do fix our prisons, people like this getting fucked up don't deserve our concern, it is wasted sympathy for someone who would not return it. Worry about the people getting stabbed in prison that don't get talked about in the news.

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People seem to only want their accounts on "general use" instances that are already pretty popular.

Which is... bizarre. There is no downside to having your account on a more niche instance (as long as it isn't so niche that it gets turned off), and there are arguably disadvantages to having your account on a more popular instance.

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They made almost no attempt to put it in layman's terms, which means as an explanation it is not very helpful unless you already know enough about the topic to not need to ask about it in the first place. Correct and unhelpful. But I guess they were busy.

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Yeah I think any human-specialized parasite is an easy choice. Head lice? Fuck em.

I think you kinda missed my point. Sure, socialists and communists don't like tankies, but conservatives think the socialists and communists who don't like tankies are tankies. They aren't "unified against tankies", they don't agree who, what, and where "tankies" are.

If you want my opinion, the biggest keystone flaw in their thinking is being so ready to support/defend any nation that is or has ever described itself as communist. There is a lot of toxicity from nationalism that leads to things like pro-authoritarianism and advocating military force, and you can see it from nationalists whether they are communist or not.

Eta: But no, I don't think this kinda stuff is inherent to communism. I think it is common in people who crave the validity of state-backed communism more than they are willing to scrutinize the history and peoples involved with the states they are supporting

It is. I didn't misunderstand it, I just wanted to comment on it.

Apparently I placed 41% of all the pixels placed by people in my instance.


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yeah he caused huge arguments in the biggest instance, the guy is talented.

Too bad that "talent" is being a huge asshole and getting the biggest reactions possible, instead of something useful.

How does a TOS work with federation??? I have no intention of breaking rules to be clear, and I assume if I did I would just get banned? I'm just curious what the legal implications are.

I can see and interact with content on without ever visiting it, which feels like a grey area on the "accessing or using" part right at the beginning of the TOS. Maybe include a definition for what "accessing" is and can include in the context of the fediverse?

Then again it might not matter, idk.

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It's depression, and other stuff.

Personally, I find that when I feel that way, it's because I'm actually just kinda tired of games in general. The huge variety available will often trick me into a headspace of "I'm not bored of games just certain games, I need to find the ones I'm in the mood for" but really what I need is a break. Do some crafts/art, get extra exercise, socialize with people that don't normally game, read a book, visit family. Just shake up the shedule for a bit and do other stuff with your free time, and in my experience, you'll want to play something, instead of just looking for something good enough to fill boredom.

Nice to see it on lemmy. I really like this game, feels like the Primitive Technology videogame.

Edit: I should point out that this game also has amazing mod support and there are good mods for it. If you like modding minecraft you will like this game, I'm almost certain.

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This is probably the grossest "um, actually" I've said ever, but I think technically rotting is what eventually gets rid of the covid in your body. A recently deceased person would still "have" covid in them.

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Corpse:water sounds like it would be a calorie free carbonated vodka drink that my sister "likes".

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It started life as a minecraft mod called vintagecraft. I believe you could say terrafirmacraft was one of it's inspirations. They made this a standalone game when they got frustrated with minecraft's limitations.