1 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

She's a racist, classist noeliberal and a fucking cop (or close enough).

Her political career has been chock-full of attacking public institutions like schools, protecting white-collar crime which destroyed countless lives, protecting child molesters in the church, implementing policy against the poor, and protecting prison slavery. I'm not sure where exactly the confusion lies.

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Also remember this is useless without complementary security measures:

  1. Encrypt the storage on any device where these are installed (including your desktop/laptop drives if you install e.g. the desktop version of Signal).
  2. Lock your devices with pin or password, and store that pin/password only in your head (there's no such thing as telepathy at this point in time so they can't physically force it out of you, unlike biometric data like your fingerprints).

If you are relying on "Legally they're not allowed to," instead of, "They simply can't, despite all they might try," then you're not doing it right.

Based on my experience in many privacy roles covering US, EU, UK and other countries, the sale of a company will likely be covered in Google's privacy notice and is not considered a sale of personal data considering customer's personal data will immediately be covered by the purchasing company's privacy notice.

Funny, because if I decided to go into business with Google by renting a service from them, that honestly shouldn't mean that I automatically decided to go into business with some other corporation at Google's whim.

But hey, capitalism really cares about personal autonomy. It's not like it just exploits our labor and treats us like commodities or anything. /s

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Out of 33 of these crisis center websites they looked at:

In follow-up tests, four organizations appeared to have completely removed the code. The majority of the centers we contacted did not respond to requests for comment.

Ignorance may have been an excuse prior to this investigation, but it's not an excuse now.

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It's hilarious for Meta to invite some person who happens to run a server to an "off the record" conversation with "confidential details that should not be shared with others" anyway. LOL.

The only "confidential" information that's likely to be involved in such an exchange would be some kind of bribe for the person to shut down or assimilate their infrastructure with Meta's. It's not like they're going to reveal Meta's trade secrets to someone they believe to essentially be a competitor or anything.

We’d probably be willing to view ads if the experience wasn’t literally jarring.

Not me, sorry. Fuck ads. I've been ad-free for like a decade, and I'm not interested in regressing.

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Google does not really offer a space where people can come together to create communities or discussion threads. However, with the introduction of Perspectives, it may do so later.

So—despite the dumbass title (article's fault, not OP's)—explicitly not an alternative to Reddit, where literally the whole point is to create communities and discussion threads.

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Well, you’re an actor. Just put on the f–king clothes.

I bet they say this to vets who don't want to play military roles that might trigger their PTSD and shit too, right? ...right? Like, is it that difficult to understand that people have different experiences, and that it's completely reasonable for actors to avoid roles that relate to their past and present trauma? (No, of course it's not that difficult to get: it's just the transphobia.)

Don't be paternalistic. Homeless people know how to spend money just like anyone else, and will spend it on the best thing for themselves because they are the only people who can validly make decisions regarding their own lives. If they need to self-medicate ("spend it on drugs"), who exactly are you to decide that is an invalid decision? And most likely they will spend it on things like food and clothing anyway.

Choose to help by giving someone some money or don't. It's a small individual action that may help someone else a bit. That's all. If you care to make larger systemic change, you should really move on to organizing with homeless folks anyway; building networks of solidarity and helping to defend communities against the violence of the state and other bad actors. So maybe give someone a $20 but then sit down and have a conversation with them, and don't think the one act of charity alleviates your social obligation to act with solidarity and help change society.

EDIT: PS - Your feelings might be "normal", but that is only because they reflect the typical liberal propaganda perpetuated in society: that homeless people are somehow less human and less capable than everyone else and deserve their situation, rather than that they are simply victims of the capitalist economy that liberalism itself serves to uphold. These feelings shouldn't be normal. So help work on them in yourself and in others. We all have things to learn and growth to do. Undo the conditioning this shit system has pushed at us since birth. Kill the cop in your own head. Then we can move on to the other ones.

Dems have once again squandered full control and couldn’t cobble together any protections from a clear and present danger in radicalized right political zealots.

The mistake lies in thinking that they want to. One can believe they are bumbling fools who trip over their own feet for only so many generations before it becomes apparent that the agenda they somehow fail to foil over and over again is actually one that they wholeheartedly embrace themselves, too.

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I appreciate that the only JS scripts Beehaw seems to load are from Usually NoScript shows like two full pages of domains, and (at least—you know, the obvious ones like half of them are for ads and "analytics".

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I agree with the first part. I completely fail to see how the analogy at the end applies. Capitalists and their corporations lobby the government to pass legislation that directly fucks the economy to make it worse for working-class people who use it (and, in fact, depend on it for their basic survival). So it's much, much more like Reddit where people have to use the one corporate system that exploits and oppresses them than like someone developing a piece of FOSS software that other people can use independently. In fact, if you try to build a separate economy, the state's violent enforcers (police and/or military, depending on the context) will come in and abuse and murder you and tear apart your independent economy and force people back into the fold.

All right. Well, let me rephrase: it's not a meaningful excuse which we should buy as justification for gross undermining of our privacy and our trust in organizations which allegedly exist to help us when we are in crisis.

Maybe. The Democrats had already spent decades helping to kill the labor movement, build up the carceral state, and rampage across the world in imperial war-making prior to Reagan. So while he may have been a catalyst for further open embrace of reactionary ideology (see: Clinton), I can't quite buy that he was the absolute beginning of it.

vs the newcomer Dem candidate.

Copmala "Prison Slavery is a Valuable Pool of Labor for the State" Harris, you mean?

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Lovely. This is not an anti-drug ordinance. Most people have private places to use their drugs. This is an anti-homeless ordinance. All the fucking liberals (progressive and conservative alike) in all states and all cities love those.

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I don't give a fuck about "splitting the Dem vote". One reactionary mainstream party down is one reactionary mainstream party down. But yeah: this dweeb ain't it. If shitty, counter-factual beliefs about vaccines weren't enough, the political dynasty of his family should at least push people over the edge here.

Glad Cornel West is running, and hope he winds up with the Green nomination so he has a chance at decent ballot access. Unless the GP has an even better, more radical leftist in mind like Howie Hawkins again. He was the nominee of at least two leftist parties last time around, and I'd love to see those parties doing more of the same, like the "left unity slate" a couple of them did in California last year. Good stuff.

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...and then a couple years down the line when people have come to depend on it and the code base has become simpler due to the platform capabilities that their hosting provides (nobody is self-hosting anymore anyway, because Meta hosting is so simple, easy, and cheap/free), they'll start exercising more control anyway. "Come into compliance with our corporate terms of service and Community Server Guidelines™ or you'll lose our hosting. Oh shit, there's nowhere else for you to go for hosting anymore? Gosh, gee, shucks! What a shame."

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Yes. I give it like a week before the FOSS community figures out how to bypass again. LOL.

'Member when the Zuck assured everyone that Facebook cared deeply about their privacy, and then immediately turned around and quietly implemented features where people had to opt-out of sharing all their shit (when opting out was even an option at all), and those users didn't even know it?

Ah, the good ol' days. And I don't even resent it due to being personally affected. I've never had a FB account, and I just watched from the sidelines as it affected people I know and love and the broader online community as a whole.

Plenty of fascist policy in Biden's career of politics: mass incarceration—including concentration camps—the “War On Drugs”, union busting and strikebreaking, mass surveillance (e.g. the Patriot Act, which he happily takes credit for), militarization of the police, attacks on journalism and whistleblowers, etc.

Yes, you really should work on getting in the loop.

5 more... doesn’t defederate

Again, is just one instance of kbin. Go find another if it doesn't suit you. See

Anyone who uses that platform is an absolute fucking zucker.

Or maybe there actually is no progressive side.

Hint: it's this one.

IMO the "confidential" part is that they want to offer this person some kind of deal to shut their shit down or assimilate. Basically, they're going to offer to "buy them out" (though that phrase doesn't seem completely appropriate to the non-corporate world, so it's a little weird to use it).

It's about publishing an anarchist children's book. How do you think that doesn't have to do with socialism? Anarchism is a socialist tendency, after all (perhaps excepting post-leftsts and some others who eschew such labels). One of the most historically popular socialist tendencies, in fact.

Yeah. Good point. Might be a good feature to add....

jq for parsing/formatting/manipulating JSON, and its yq wrapper for YAML. Holy shit you can do powerful queries with them.

Under rent control, we simply make landlord’s lives a little more inconvenient in a system that still expects them to exist.

Yes, landlords will survive. It's more important to focus on the material impact it has on renters, which is much greater. Everything to keep one of our basic necessities from becoming even more unaffordable. Everything to give us more protections. Everything to drive down the cost of housing and land and living. When owners complain about shit driving down their property values, we should be applauding!

Rent control is good. Abolishing landlords is even better. Making housing a human right is better still. De-commodifying land entirely and putting it back into the control of communities—and indigenous communities especially (who decisions over land have been stripped from even more completely than the general case)—is chef's kiss.

Cornel West is running.

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I love escalating war and feeding more working-class people to the meat grinder for the sake of capitalists and nationalism.

Uh huh. Your country, too, fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian, I see.

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Hmm. Hate to be a downer, but that sounds like there needs to be a way for the service itself to block (ban) users and material, not for users to be able to block other users. So I wouldn't be too optimistic about Apple's response....

is Conservative/Right Wing opinions completely unwelcome on Lemmy?


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No, but the uni-party that's in power in the U.S. is quite fascist. That has nothing to do with leftism, and I never implied it does. Apparently you missed in my original comment where I made it clear that Biden isn't the only fascist being promoted ("either").

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Which is a bad plan, TBH. At this point in history, zero waiting needs to be done to know exactly the sense of Meta's involvement. The "if" is a certainty.

they could make their own custom version of the fediverse

I mean, they already did and it's called "Facebook" (and "Instagram")? Are people forgetting that Fediverse apps are being developed as an alternative to the existing commercial "social media"? Meta is already heavily invested in keeping users on their platforms and killing alternatives. This is 100% an attempt to do that. They just added a pair of Groucho glasses to it and think people won't see through the flimsy disguise.

Yeah. Though it should be noted that that is becoming a common and popular way for politicians to try to get around the Boise decision. A city near me in California just did the same thing, and another is planning to. Fucking barf.

It's not necessarily so much the license, but resisting the temptation of taking advantage of things special to the hosting environment, and staying as cross-platform as possible, supporting a range of accessible environments no matter how tempting it is to take advantage of the benefits of one (or some) over others.

I think it's both that and not having real community ties. We don't form close associations with each other like back when we had town events, neighborhood gatherings, people belonged to more clubs, recreational groups, labor unions, etc.

I wonder if there was an attempt to ask people about television, too.

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Yeah. Most of his power comes from his literal hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth, not the attention. Ignoring him will not suddenly make him a working-class bloke like everyone else.