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Joined 1 years ago

That AI moderation thing is working real well I see.

I use jabref and this extension quite heavily. I can assure you that it does send the URL to jabref; it gets added as a Misc reference with the site URL in the optional fields. On my firefox / windows system it does show greyed out in the plugins menu like you say, however it adds a jabref logo in the address bar which can be clicked (or alt+shift+j) to send to jabref.

I just tried it on my linux system though, and it doesn't work for me, either. Suspect some sandboxing weirdness because I have jabref as a flatpak but firefox running natively. I'm just coming back to linux from a few years hiatus so I'm hoping someone better than me at this can check in.

Jabref does have some troubleshooting steps for their extension that might be worth trying though, depending on your install.

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If you're up for something, or down for something, it means the same thing.

If you fill in a form or fill out a form, it means the same thing.

English is fucked.

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foremost proponent of corporate ethics

abandoning a pledge to pay direct suppliers a living wage by 2030

So, the "foremost proponent of corporate ethics" is NOT already paying a living wage? Fucking rofl.

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Recording from free to air is legal because of the "time shifting" argument. The show is being broadcast regardless, just because it's at an inconvenient time for you doesn't mean you should have to miss it. It's also worth noting that media producers fought tooth and nail against this.

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The specs are insane, but you can't use it because the servers it needs to phone home to don't exist yet.

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$10 says their "solution" involves some combination of wildly expensive tech that doesn't work, inappropriate use of AI, and raging privacy violations.

Considering how much of Reddit is already bots, I'm sure this will end fantastically.

Because all the other shit is those two people's fault somehow, obvs.

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I don't really know you or your situation, but I suspect it might be the "doing something creative" part rather than the "evening" part that's contributing to the positive mood. Obviously real life and scheduling is difficult, but maybe try to make time to do some of that in the morning.

This is the most disingenuous, tone-deaf corporate bullshit I've ever read.

"we want people to associate us with renewable energy" promotes fossil fuel loyalty reward schemes

Okay, but how many job ads lie? I figure we're probably about even.

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This guy is speedrunning enshittification.

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Well what did you expect from an advertising company with a side hustle in web search.

I mean it's funny, but food manufacturers literally have entire departments dedicated to similar stuff.

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Tasmania for incest, north Queensland for rednecks, NT for weird fucked up "Florida Man" antics.

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Another vote for Spigen. I've had their cases on my last couple of phones, they hold up incredibly well.

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How does anyone maintain even a shred of hope in the face of this rampant bullshittery?

I give it a year, tops, before they start serving ads in premium too.

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Meanwhile I still feel weird taking photos of inanimate objects in public spaces in case someone thinks I'm creeping on them.

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Secret of Monkey Island. Like most adventure games you can only really play it once. It'd be nice to enjoy it again.

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As much as I enjoy hating on Apple, their track record popularising niche technology is admittedly pretty good. They made mp3 players mainstream, then everyone else scrambled to catch up. They made smartphones mainstream, then everyone scrambled to catch up. I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to pull off the same thing with VR/AR. Just don't mention the Newton.

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Yeah this fucking sucks. I have to admit I was expecting Yes to win by a landslide, but I guess I give people too much credit.

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Article is inaccurate. NewsCorp isn't journalism.

No individual is responsible for everything. But there are a disproportionately small number of individuals with a disproportionately large amount of power over a lot of things that affect a disproportionately large number of people. And you can bet they talk to each other.

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Phone bad

Affluent vs. Everyone else Paywalled

Sounds about right.

I mean there is the classic GZDoom + Freedoom

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This is about control. If you're forced to upload ID, the government instantly has a watch list of people and associated sites. Then there's the flexibility of the definition of porn. Once the legislation is in, anything regarding sex, sexuality, or gender education gets quietly reclassified. Because you know, to these people being anything but straight is inherently pornographic. Then you have a watch list of potential LGBT+ people and allies to harass.

This is also the company that promises to prioritise the vehicle occupants over pedestrians.


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Which stage of enshittification is this?

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They exist. Screenshot_20231113_080939_Firefox

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I really wanted to like this one. On paper it sounds like exactly my jam, but it just didn't grab me. The whole game felt tedious. Mediocre combat, very little weapon variety (just different tiers of the same kind of gun). Finicky and overcomplicated skill system that still somehow didn't feel like it made any impact on core gameplay, and I found the humour kind of simultaneously weak and overdone. The satire is heavy-handed, and the wackiness falls flat. I haven't enjoyed a fallout game since 3 either though, so maybe my taste has changed without me realising.

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Plot twist: the "quick, decisive action" will be to tell them to shut the fuck up or get fired.

Yes. And? You think they care? Premium isn't there to benefit you, it's there to benefit Google. As soon as the money stops coming in, they'll look for other ways to squeeze it. We're already seeing it with streaming providers shoehorning ads into their paid services. It's not that much of a stretch.

Makes about as much sense as the average LinkedIn post.

Depends. Some older versions of zip encryption are vulnerable to a known plaintext attack. That is, if you know part of the content of one of the original files, you can recover the password. This utility might be helpful. bkcrack