3 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Communitarian social democrat. Roman Catholic. Interests in literature, history, philosophy and collecting vinyl records.

I miss some of the more casual subreddits, and somehow Lemmy is even more of an echo chamber than Reddit is, but otherwise yeah, Lemmy is fine. Especially with the Photon frontend.

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The sooner the Islamic Regime in Tehran falls the better. The Iranian people deserve freedom.

Appalling but antisemitism is becoming increasingly mainstream in Europe unfortunately

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Thanks, I hate it

Haviv Rettig Gur put it very accurately and concisely, if brutally, in a lecture he gave recently:

For Jews In the 21st century, you either learned English or Hebrew or you were killed.

As a Brit myself (English, Catholic, English as far back as Ancestry can tell etc.) I'm really ashamed of this country since October 7th. It's as if we felt that we had been impervious to the very deep, ancient cancer of antisemitism due to WW2. And that seems to have left us even more defenceless than many other European states which have at least tried at points to contain this.

Per the article, they didn't investigate all 350, the UN only investigated 19. Not really interested in that argument, though.

What do you mean when you say 'Zionist' about me? Specifically, what do you mean by that word?

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Reddit kept the bootlickers and the lazy, Lemmy gained the anti-greed political left


Not much. British Muslims spent the last 10 months attacking British Jews and calling for a genocide of the Jewish people in Israel, burning Union Jacks, calling for 'death to the West', and so on and so on.

I'm not saying they should be subject to similar attacks themselves, but I'm not going to march in their defence.

They could have done that after October 7th, and they chose to celebrate the death of Jews. So I'm simply not going to march with them at all. Let's see what happens.

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I get reliably more accurate search results with Brave Search tbh. It has a neat little AI summariser tool you can disable, an option to pay $3 a month to go ad-free, it's privacy-centric, clean design, browser-agnostic. Also, it uses its own indexer/web crawler, it doesn't just piggyback on Bing like DuckDuckGo does.

The only time I end up using Google is if I'm looking into a very recent event, like a thing happening in the world that took place in the last 12-24 hours or so. Google seems to index news articles quicker than Brave.

There are centrists and even conservatives out there in the world who have valid perspectives and values but who are not Trumpers.

What do you think 'Zionist' means?

That's a form of truly psychotic delusion.

Have you read the article?

You mean the plan accepted by the Jews and rejected by the Arabs, right before they launched a war which in the words of Haj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and close friend of Adolf Hitler, they would "continue fighting until the Zionists were annihilated" and, in the words of one of the most senior leaders of Jerusalem, Jamal al-Husayni, that "the blood will flow like rivers in the Middle East"?

That's the war you're referring to re: "The UN's right to defend itself"?

Because of course, it could have done at the time, and defended itself against the side that rejected the UN plan: the Arabs. And it didn't.

So what's your point here, if not spreading Jew-hatred?

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Just to be clear then:

Are you claiming that the Jewish governing party, made up of Jewish individuals, in the Jewish State (Israel) are incapable of holding back their bloodlust to slaughter non-Jewish children on the basis that they see them as lesser than Jewish children?

Take a moment. Think about it. Because we both know that this is in fact what you have been claiming. And maybe you want to walk that back, and self-reflect, and think whether maybe you've gone wrong at some point in your justifiable attempt to seek justice for oppressed peoples.

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I think we can all agree that the Jews and only the Jews have the right to determine what that phrase, which they coined, meant to them.

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(The UN does not, in fact, have a 'right to defend itself', nor to slaughter Jews in brutal pogroms, nor to teach generations of children that the greatest thing they can do with their lives is detonate a suicide vest in a crowd of Jewish civilians using the money of the international community)

11 more... doesn’t even appear in your screenshot for starters, so it’s obvious you’re not seeing a full list of results.

81 subscribers

Okay, cool, that's good to know.

What does /c/Jewish think about the idea of abolishing the State of Israel? Do they agree with you about antisemitism? Have you tried engaging with them about that?

But more importantly, Jewish people are under no obligation to make a Lemmy community and post about their religion, just as any one else isn’t. An absence of such community does not reflect an absence of followers.

It does in fact reflect an absence of followers. Jews do not feel welcome or safe among radical leftists, who tend to dominate Lemmy. They therefore stay away.

Also, here's a comparison:

You don't genuinely think that there's no problem here? Most Jews don't move from Reddit to Lemmy because Lemmy is dominated by left-wing people, and left-wing people are the current threat to Jews.

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What do you even mean by "support Israel"?

There are almost no Jews anywhere in the world who would oppose the existence of the State of Israel. As I just pointed out, an overwhelming majority of British and American Jews see Israel as a central part of their Jewish identity, have visited, have relatives there, and feel an emotional connection to it.

Naturei Karta are a tiny fringe minority. If you're thinking they represent some sort of larger phenomenon you're living in a bubble.

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I assume you're going to go through the next few years very confused why Jews are scared of you.

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You don't know many Jewish people and the others have chosen not to interact with you.

My guess is that you said and did nothing for your Jewish neighbours and classmates and colleagues and friends on October 8th. I'm guessing you also said nothing when crowds gathered outside Sydney Opera House to chant "gas the Jews".

Jews have an intuitive sense of who would help them if the Holocaust happened again. People who didn't speak out in those days? They went on the "don't rely on them to hide us in their basement" list.

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If I believed that Israel was a genocidal "regime" (by which you mean democratic government) I wouldn't be defending it.

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Let me give you the full sentence:

"Never again will the Jewish people put their safety and security in the hands of non-Jews."

Non-Jews were given a test with the Holocaust and we comprehensively failed.

From now on, the Jewish people will only ever trust themselves to protect them. Rightly so, in my view.

And yes, I do deny there's a genocide in Gaza. If they wanted to just eradicate them then this war would have been over many months ago.

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What an objectively stupid thing to say. Saying the Holocaust didn’t happen is denial, not comparing it to other shit.

The arrogance and confidence with which people like you speak about antisemitism, despite having never learned anything about it or thought even a second about it in a critical way, is astounding.

You don't understand Holocaust denialism or antisemitism and yet here you are proclaiming your moral righteousness!

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An 'ethnostate' significantly more ethnically and religiously diverse than any country in Europe, the Middle East or Asia.

Japan is 99% ethnic Yamato Japanese. Is Japan an ethnostate? And should they be criticised for this?

73% of Israelis are Jews, more than half of which are Middle Eastern (Mizrahi) Jews, i.e. zero connection to Europe. The other 27% of Israeli citizens are usually Arabs who are either Muslim, Christian, Druze, Bedouin, Circassians, Baha’i, Armenians, Samaritans, etc. They have the same civil, legal, political and religious rights as Jewish Israelis. They’re represented at every level of government, including in the parliament with an explicitly Arabist political party that has once served in a coalition government.

And it’s… Israel that’s the ‘ethnostate’. Got it.

Accusing Jews of being unable to stop themselves from murdering children is unambiguous antisemitism with a long history dating back to the Middle Ages.

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Antisemites have always believed this. This isn't new. The people who claimed Jews were intent on slaughtering non-Jewish children because they saw them as sub-human did also believe that wholeheartedly. It wasn't just a ruse.

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Yes, I'm sure it's a complete coincidence that Israel alone among all the countries in the world, including Syria (where Assad slaughtered more than half a million Syrians), China (engaged in the genocide of the Uyghurs) and Azerbaijan (who literally ethnically cleansed Nagorno-Karabakh of Armenians just last year), is the only one accused of being bloodthirsty child-murderers who regard non-Jewish children as less than human.

Couldn't be that a key theme of antisemitism over 2,000 years retains a deep hold on people's imaginations and biases, influencing their views today even if they aren't fully cognisant of, could it?

Nah. It's just a coincidence that it's only the Jewish state accused of this.

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Did you mean to reply to my comment? Not sure how that's relevant.

Anyway, you endorse a 1,500 year old antisemitic conspiracy theory, so I'm not sure why you think you deserve to be treated with respect or dignity.

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A holocaust is happening today perpetrated by Israel.

Nope, done. Not having that level of antisemitism.


Everyone is tired of this nonsense.

Here's a fun fact for you:

Even naming it—that is, calling out bigotry against Jews—can be classed as yet another sign of assumed evil intent, of Jews attacking beloved principles of justice for all. In an April 2023 lecture, David Nirenberg, the historian, presented the example of an activist with a large following whose boundary-pushing rhetoric met with accusations of anti-Semitism. The activist pointed out, as Nirenberg put it, that anti-Semitism “was merely an accusation that Jews used to silence criticism and squash free speech.” He brought libel lawsuits against newspapers that accused him of anti-Semitism, and won them. It is unfortunate for those making this argument today that this activist was named Adolf Hitler.

None of this is new. Jews have seen all of this before.

Israel Is not Jewish people, many Jews outright hate the state.

No, they don't. 88% of British Jews have been to Israel at least once, and 73% say that they feel very or somewhat attached to the country. Eight-in-ten U.S. Jews say caring about Israel is an essential or important part of what being Jewish means to them. Nearly six-in-ten say they personally feel an emotional attachment to Israel, and a similar share say they follow news about the Jewish state at least somewhat closely. There aren't any longer sizeable Jewish populations outside of the English-speaking or Hebrew-speaking world to compare with, they were all killed or expelled in the last century. The lesson of the 20th century to the Jews was that you either spoke English or Hebrew or you died.

You can freely attack and criticise Israel without it being a reflection on Jewish people.

Depends on the criticism.

The only person who would think otherwise is an actual antisemite.


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You can always find fringe groups. It's a bit pathetic to so openly signal that you know that's what you're doing. You've picked massively marginal, tiny and unimportant groups. It's really embarrassing for you man. I mean, really? Boston Review? C'mon man, grow up.

How many Jewish groups share your opinion that the Jews alone, among all the peoples of the world, have no right to national self-determination?

And I swear to fucking God if you add a Naturei Karta link, a group of less than 2,000 members globally, you will have problems.

Facts don't care about your feelings.

Everyone rational has always believed this.

By openly identifying your endorsement of an ancient and false antisemitic trope, you've invalidated your right to have any opinion about anything.


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No wonder Lemmy is a Jew-free, Judenrein website with people like you dominating it.

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You aren't being clever by doubling down on an antisemitic canard.

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It is notoriously hard to find non-radicalized folks after repeatedly dropping bombs on their homes.

Sure. It was hard after WW2 with Germany and Japan. America literally nuked two Japanese cities, more or less wiping them from the map, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, many orders of times greater than have been killed in this defensive war by Israel.

But we managed to do it.

We did in fact succeed in both countries in deradicalising them and now they're both thriving democracies.

If that was genuinely Isreal’s aim they would be limiting their intervention to targeted strikes or utilizing the Palestinian social apparatus to try and secure custody of the most extreme Hamas members… they’d also be rabidly going after any Isreali settlers threatening the peace process.

This would only be true if you had literally zero clue about the extent of Hamas' physical embeddedness within the infrastructure of Gaza. They've had 17 years to turn the entire strip into a deathtrap. Particularly easy to do that when they don't care about Palestinian civilians. They're all just 'martyrs', as Haniyeh agreed.

Does Israel want a Palestinian state? No, not really. Especially not after October 7th. But it was willing to go along with that in the 1990s after the First Intifada made its point with dignity. In December 2000, they accepted President Clinton's offer to the Palestinians of a two-state solution, with a Palestinian state with a capital in East Jerusalem, some minor landswaps for the largest WB settlements, Palestinian airspace sovereignty, shared custody over the Temple Mount, etc.

The response was that Arafat walked away and launched the Second Intifada, a multi-year onslaught of wave after wave of suicide bombers, mass shootings, driving vehicles into crowds, bombing restaurants, and slaughtering schoolchildren. The Palestinians also had the distinction of inventing an entirely unprecedented form of terrorism: they pioneered the use of children as suicide bombers.

The Israeli left, which had pinned its colours to the 'land for peace' strategy which had worked with Egypt (Sinai) and Jordan, has never recovered from the Palestinian Second Intifada. The Intifada only ended when Israel created the walls and security checkpoints across and around the West Bank, the same thing which Palestinians today so hate. Well, guess what, maybe you should have made better choices..

So does Israel today want a Palestinian state? No. Why would they? They offered one in 2000 and got wave after wave of suicide bombers. They pulled out of Gaza unilaterally in 2005 and gave the Palestinians a democratic election. They elected Hamas, which culminated in October 7th, the single worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust. You've got the West Bank where the PA and UNRWA teach children how to count and do geometry by talking about firing rockets at Tel Aviv.

In a future scenario where the Palestinians were willing to live in peace next to Israel? Many Israelis would still say yes. But nobody in Israel thinks that's ever going to be the actual scenario, and if they did then October 7th more or less decided that one for them.

what do you mean by that?

I mean how the occupation can end. It's not obvious how that can happen, even though it obviously should. Go on Google Images, then search 'topography of Israel and the West Bank'. If a nascent civilian government of Palestine falls to Hamas or similar forces then they'd be overlooking Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. They'd have a throughline to Iran via Syria-Lebanon. That's not a risk Israel can take.

Hamas has little to no influence there

This simply isn't correct. Hamas operates in much of the West Bank, as do allied groups like the Jenin Brigades and Lion's Den in Nablus. They're also enormously popular among West Bank Palestinians.

it is governed by a civilian government that was democratically elected

So democratic that the current President Abbas is currently serving the 19th year of his 4-year term.

In fact, they’ve been trying to hold new elections, something that Israel has been blocking for years now

This is misleading at best. They're not trying to hold new elections, because every single opinion poll for about 15 years now show that Fatah would lose badly and certainly Hamas would become the new government of the West Bank, which would finally shatter the possibility of there ever being a Palestinian state. That doesn't serve Fatah or Israel. Israel therefore keeps Fatah on life-support as the least-bad option.

There is little to no violence coming from the West Bank.

Because it's been suppressed by Fatah in co-operation with Israeli security services who've been operating in the West Bank before and after October 7th.

By the way, right at this moment thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank are out marching in support of Hamas and against the killing of Ismail Hainyeh:

Gaza has restrictions from israel since 1967

Sure. So what? For the next 10 years it averaged nearly 10% GDP growth per year.

The more tight restrictions get, the more hate there will be feom the affected people.

I think this rests on a fundamental misunderstanding of the conditions in Gaza pre-October 7th.

Gaza was pretty wealthy. The average income exceeded that of their neighbouring Egyptians. Yes there were difficulties importing some goods or products, but it was rarely impossible for consumer goods. Plus, in the end, they (as we now know) had miles of smuggling tunnels.

That's one reason why Egypt started squealing when Israel began to move into Rafah. There were minimal civilian casualties, but the IDF discovered the vast tunnels, some big enough to move a tank through, between Rafah and Egypt.

The idea that everyone was sort of sitting around in tents and mud is nonsense.

They also received billions of dollars in international aid, which Hamas of course simply spent building weapons and terror dungeons. But many Gazans went to work in Israel, many went to university abroad, built decent lives. All undone because of Hamas, tragically.

Watch this tourism video by a Gazan from 2019. Does this look like a Warsaw Ghetto to you?

Yes times could be tough. But times are often tough all around the world. Ask the Sudanese or the Ethiopians. They've got average incomes multiple times lower than the Gazans did. They didn't launch genocidal wars or broadcast TV shows for children calling for beheading al-Yahud.

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Sure, I'm aware that I'm better informed on this than most people are who just rely on ambient vibes and prejudices. I'm not challenging that.

Neither the Gazans nor the Arabs of Palestinians have spent 70 years having their land and lives stolen. This sort of superficial analysis is commonplace in the West but bears no relation to the historical reality of the conditions under which the State of Israel came into existence.

The best account, drawing especially on the work of Benny Morris and more recent scholars, was given in a lecture by political analyst Haviv Rettig Gur here.