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Joined 1 years ago

The pattern is they're making shit up.

Also, speaking from professional IT experience, there is no such thing as a glitch. (There always are things that occur and to be analysed and fixed, but the more critical the data is or the transactions are, the more robust things are built/done.)

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I don't think he has feelings about anything you mentioned (those are valid points though).

It's just image maintenance to him.

It seems your /s was not sufficient. Sigh.

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If you want, take a deeper look into the *max events and you'll find that being dirty is the least surprise.

Bread and circuses / panem et circenses. The Romans knew.

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Let's get back to the office and commute, so we can all be depressed.

Yeah that and it's still super expensive and does not have system sellers for me. Eg. Uncharted.

Also I don't need another PC, thank you.

Props to Sony and all related entities for endorsing it!

I recently finished the game suddenly and found a (secret?) continue possibility.

You keep everything and all permanent debuffs and do not get any bonuses, though.

If you're in the USA you don't have left anyway, it's just right and extremely right

Yes indeed. Upon seeing this thread I thought I need to add the information you added, but going from dick to thick does absolutely not improve the situation.

Well the last 2 generations of ps/Xbox consoles with mainly PC parts brought that upon themselves. They need to be consoles damn it, not weak PCs.

The switch still stands out with unique features (and pricing).

How stupid of the Romans then, right? Even that can be monetized.

I would say a lot of people in Germany are feeling left out/alone with their problems.

It's been like this for at least 10, if not 20 or more years.

Most stuff is lobby and economy driven and we're getting nowhere.

In came the afd offering easy solutions and appealing to the public (never mind their program stating completely otherwise) so I guess it gave people the feeling of someone doing something and caring for them.

And if not, pissing off the rest of the politicians.

At least the latter is working.

I do not support or condone this behaviour but it is not that hard to read.

And instead of approaching the real current issues (inflation, money issues, buerocracy, environment) directly most parties even try to move further right, to get the afd voters back, which is the worst they could do.

I'm sorry.

Aside all other legitimate concerns mine is mostly that they'll use the MS store on PC...

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I really love brawlers from all decades but man, Fighting Force just isn't a good game.

While that is better, that company still has access to all your content that is hosted there, as I understand it.

This might not seem bad but in case of a leak, breach or similar (which happens often sadly) everything is out there, too.

I never understood where the E in the title comes from. Is that a decades old mistake, a meme or was there a mispronounced bootleg version somewhere?

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Color me surprised. I've read ken's book which is recommendable. So what's new here?

Having a closer look I'd really recommend the book, written by him and not some interviews with him. 🤷

And hi to all other old farts.

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Well I have to defend it here, it explicitly stated

if you have a column named "created_at" or "date"

But yeah anyhow anyone should be able to figure the own solution out with this. Nonwithstanding that if you need gpt for this, you might not have a good time in general.

Ah yes they'll be starting anytime now, soon.. Just wait...

Of course they do.

By bugs (self or dependency), negligence, wrong setup or architecture, for example.

The full extent of this can only be understood in context with personal experience regarding a narcissist.

It is literally unbelievable otherwise. Hell, even then it is hard to understand by anyone having a tiny bit of empathy.

Not an expert on this, but the battery itself does neither know nor care where the power comes from, so the only thing making a difference afaik is how fast you charge (slower = better) and how much (keeping it at 20 to 80% is recommended).

Haha yeah I also was thinking of autocorrect but SC is actually too old for that being the source.

Americans, maybe. OPs name does not sound American though. (Halbgott, German = Demigod)

The reason the date is not in the output is because you didn't include a date column in your SELECT statement.

If you want to include the date in the output, you'll need to add a column that contains the date to your SELECT statement. For example, if you have a column named "created_at" or "date" in your mainWorkSpace table, you can add it to your SELECT statement like this:

SELECT task, status, id, created_at FROM mainWorkSpace WHERE user_id = @user_id

This will include the created_at column in the output of your query.

🤷 Gpt, first try. I don't know what you asked.

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Started on US, now using DE for decades. But able to still use us. Slash position is a plus there.

But Swiss, that's the stuff of nightmares! Oh and mac while usable unnecessarily sucks too imo.

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Of course. I would not recommend using it.

More like giving hints or a rough frame to work with.

Sd slot and exchangeable battery would get me interested.

I didn't read that one.

Ken's book is mainly focused on the business side of things. While that does sound boring how I stated it it is very good imo.

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I might, thanks!

Especially by these "laymen", which in fnancials absolutely know what they are doing.

X-plore on android can give file access via Web frontend in paid Version.

With that you can drag and drop files if that's what you're looking for.

If I recall correctly (it's been a while) it seems just fine and familiar (to DE I think) but when you start using it it's just different enough to basically mess everything up and require you to validate everything.

(from an it admin perspective)

I also posed the question why I don't get a date in the output of course.