2 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A lot of sentiment seems to suggest that for Lemmy or the fediverse to succeed Reddit has to fail.

I don't get that opinion at all. Reddit had become overwhelming bloated. A popular thread would have thousands of comments. Most of which would be near identical. Only the most up voted would ever be read and typically they had to have been commented while the thread was new.

The internet is vast, there is plenty of room for multiple social media to exist.

If you dislike what reddit has become then ignore it. If you still wish to use it then you can do so side by side with using Lemmy.

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People who use the default email their ISP gives them don't like change. The new service will probably have a different login screen and that's going to upset aunty Ethel and uncle ron. And then a different colour background. It's the worst thing that anyone could ever do to them

15 more...

Star rating systems don't accurately convey opinions. The majority of reviews will be either 5* or 1* with only a few wannabe critics voting in between applying their own arbitrary votes.

If Amazon are going to change things then why not adopt something more meaningful. Simple up/down votes for things that actually matter.

Was this product as described: ๐Ÿ‘/๐Ÿ‘Ž

Are you satisfied with the quality: ๐Ÿ‘/๐Ÿ‘Ž

Are you satisfied with the value for money: ๐Ÿ‘/๐Ÿ‘Ž

Then a few optional questions for things that aren't relevant to the product such as postage/packaging etc.

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All the work I did creating proprietary software was essentially thrown in the trash, and societally useless. I'd much rather be paid very little, and contribute something positive to the world; time is our most valuable resource, and we should spend it doing things that improve the world, because there is so much that needs doing.

This is very well put and mirrors the issue I keep coming up against in my career.

Putting a dead character in a container and then yeeting that container into a chasm will no longer permanently destroy the character - they will now float around as a resurrectable Soul Echo as expected.

QA clearly wasn't good enough if they didn't pick up on such a game breaking bug prior to release


If you dismiss your companion to camp and shove them into a chasm, Withers will now be able to resurrect them... so you can shove them into a chasm again, probably.

Whoever wrote these notes really deserves some credit

You're replying to a two year old thread.

I imagine you were browsing "Hot" which has a bug where after scrolling down the feed it suddenly starts including very old content that only has one comment.

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Has GitHub actually done anything negative? Your comments really just sound like fear mongering, I can't see any actual issues.

What is the bloat you're referring to? The UI is clean and simple. Navigating and searching code is intuitive. The issue tracker is basic but reliable. Releases are clear. GitHub Actions are complex but featureful and incredibly useful. GitHub Packages are basic but useful. GitHub Copilot is damn impressive.

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I wonder if they're just testing the waters to see if the sentiment has changed at all. They'll probably keep posting similar at regular intervals to verify that the backlash is subsiding.

I imagine most single developer projects lack any design or UX so the screenshot would do little to encourage users to download.

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Chrome's UI was light years ahead of the competition. I'd be tempted to say they had an impact on the design of all desktop applications.

I've been playing around with Grafana alot lately so my screens do look closer to the second. Except not such a disordered jumble so it doesn't have any where near the same wow factor

This comes to mind:

I'd actual prefer they avoided going for photo realism, it always tends to fall short. The art style they've developed works really well - realistic detail and form but with a plastic sheen and strongly saturated colours.

We should think about starting a GoFundMe to get the author the mental health support they so clearly need

That was added in the previous release - v0.0.40

I will never comprehend how americans accept that store and restaurant prices aren't the price you'll pay

I don't follow how that solves the issue? If anything by removing online purchases from your own website you're further pushing users to go to the scam site

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MYD? Have you just invented an acronym because a search reveals zero relevant answers as to what it could possibly mean.

Using acronyms, especially obscure ones only serves to exclude people.

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My mantra has always been to bring solutions not problems. Applying that to code reviews makes for a far more productive experience.

Rather than just pointing out errors in code help the developer with prompts towards the solution.

Or, if you're too lazy to explain why something shouldn't be done then why should another developer have to act on your criticism?

Why not export them rather than requiring people to install Inkscape just to view the files?

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Here's the relevant section of the GPL FAQ:

If a library is released under the GPL (not the LGPL), does that mean that any software which uses it has to be under the GPL or a GPL-compatible license? (#IfLibraryIsGPL)

Yes, because the program actually links to the library. As such, the terms of the GPL apply to the entire combination. The software modules that link with the library may be under various GPL compatible licenses, but the work as a whole must be licensed under the GPL. See also: What does it mean to say a license is โ€œcompatible with the GPLโ€?

Yep, the citizens are now far smarter in their path finding. They'll walk quite a distance now, or follow a route via multiple different transport types.

A feature I'm really enjoying is pedestrians will walk along routes not intended for them if you've failed to provide adequate pedestrian routes. They will walk alongside a highway without a pavement if it saves them time. Or even more recklessly I've got people finding their way onto my rail tracks to shortcut their way to the station in places I've failed to put pedestrian paths.

Each citizen has their own preferences too, They'll take whatever transport is most suited to them. There's a surprising amount of depth to it.

When traveling by car or public transport they choose:

Teens - the cheapest route.

Adults - the quickest route.

Seniors - the most comfortable route.

This cost is calculated using multiple factors such as the cityโ€™s road network, traveling time, travel cost, agent preferences, and more which we will cover in more detail below. Furthermore, agents will adjust their route based on events along the way. They may change lanes to avoid a car accident or a stopped service vehicle or make room for a vehicle responding to an emergency.

Cars have seen massive improvement as well. They do indeed now pull into another lane to make way for emergency vehicles.

No longer do citizens store them in a magical pocket, they need to find parking which can be roadside or in dedicated parking structures.

Roads can be upgraded to remove roadside parking, given wide pavements, you can add signage to prevent left hand turns etc. But rather enjoyably some more reckless drivers will ignore your road layouts and intentionally take turns they aren't allowed to, or if a road becomes blocked they will perform an illegal u-turn and find an alternative route.

Honestly, I'm really not understanding why this game is getting so many people complaining. Sure it has bugs, but the core mechanics are working perfectly fine - it's an incredible feat of software engineering.

100%. Third party app access requiring premium seems like a fairly reasonable solution of money is the real issue.


I'm struggling to thinking of what would be the obvious one?

Deluge and sploosh

Angry old man angry

Damn, You weren't kidding. the article would be comical if it weren't so worrying for his mental state.

Why is anyone using LastPass anymore...?

Why blame the parking space. Do drivers near you just have zero spatial awareness?

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"qualified voter system" sounds all too much like karma that's readily gamed with repost bots creating a worse experience for everyone.

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Could you expand on how video game guilds are governed for those of us unfamiliar?

I think this might be what you're after

UI Improvements

Added a 'Delete all but latest' option for each campaign, so you can regain a little storage space wiggle room.

Is there actually any source for the reason it was painted over. Given that Disney is insanely protective of their IP it seems just as likely that they were removed for being unauthorised.


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Disagree. If that were the case then the evil bit would be entirely redundant

If that were the case it would likely breach GDPR.

Is this programming related? It's an interesting scam but it appears to be more of a process error rather than an error in the programming or an exploit?

How many people are actually returning this product though? Nobody is going to any effort to return a product that costs so little.

And everything I've read about this recall makes the reason clear so I can't see anyone opting not to just consume it - which more than likely they already did immediately on purchase.

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Yep. I've got a Logitech mouse that always bugged out on Windows. Tried downloading their app/drivers and the install indicator just kept going and going above 100%. Completely broken.

Same mouse on Ubuntu works perfectly.

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jQuery was an essential stepping stone back when JS was lacking a ton of features that people take for granted these days.

Sure everything could have been done with Vanilla JS but it was verbose and difficult to follow. jQuery made it possible for any developer to quickly make a page dynamic

As someone who read a lot as a child I still find myself saying hyperbowl. I'd certainly heard the correct pronunciation but it wasn't until very late that I made the connection to the word I'd learned by reading.

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