1 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

How exactly is one supposed to just know someone's a criminal? And what do they think the flight attendants job description is?

Throw the guy in jail, terrible it happened. But I dont see how they're gonna get anywhere in that lawsuit

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LGBTQ conservatives in the US are absolute morons.

Maybe I've got it wrong, but surely the statute of limitations had long since past?

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That's not the point: paying people for any random thing they decide to do doesn't make sense and doesn't work.

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Uhh yeah no. I was on reddit for over a decade and the anti-american circle jerk (that is alive and kicking on lrmmy, btw) became much worse over the last few years.

Lemmy loves to pretend it's culturally superior to reddit, but now we've just concentrated the elitists and political extremists into a smaller pool of users.

I dont know how people still think that's how things work.

You don't pay a ticket in one state, they issue a warrant, then you get arrested in whatever state you live in AND get hauled to the issuing state in the back of a police car.

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The porn ones will probably make it

Microsoft thinks that if you type the full word you must not actually be looking for the thing you typed

...why are courtroom sketch artist still a thing?

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That's not a real reason. Most courts are recorded, have stenographer and apparently sketch artists. There's absolutely no reason for court sketch artists to exist in modern society. It's just silly and wreaks of some conservative tradition.

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I mean...they aren't wrong.

If lemmy is to see long term adoption the server admins and app devs got a long way to go.

Comments refusing to load, constant 502 errors and others. Can't submit half the time.

Weird Weird design choices. Why does gerboa have scroll arrows at the bottom of the screen in comment sections?? Did the devs forget that we use touch screens?

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If anyone aside from white upper class males vote for trump, they're certifiably a moron.

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Your inability to comprehend basic written information is concerning.

Uh...duh? Why would you think this info wouldn't be available to admins and also....who cares?

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Theft isn't specific to property, you can steal services too.

The water is certainly muddy with digital media, but this is just another oversimplified argument.

If you need to do mental gymnastics to feel OK about pirating then...idk find something better than this.

See comments below for more mental gymnastics

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Random dudes who try to storm a nuclear power plant are morons, regardless of security.

This dude would have no idea what to do, and I really doubt he could cause any harm beyond maybe temporarily forcing a plant shutdown.

Even if they opt not to transport, you will get harassed at every traffic stop when warrants pull up. They will take a lot longer than normal, and you still run the risk of getting arrested, even it they don't transport and instead release you later.

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I'm from the US and have never heard crackpipe used as a racial term...certainly doesn't immediately bring black people to mind.

The problem of caring about karma was that after a while it was evident that effort, accuracy, attitude...none of it mattered, atleast for comments. It became mostly really easy to predict how a comment would be received, with a few exceptions from cross post traffic that would shake up the votes in waves as they were posted and down/upvote brigades flooded in.

Yeah I don't see Apple paying for wildly different phone designs for different markets. But I have no doubts they'll find some new way to make their phones worthless after 2 or so years.

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It's working well, I definitely do not know it's trump Jr there.

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Stop buying exclusively AAA games then. They rarely try anything new and their primary design goals are to get you hooked so you buy more crap.

It seems to suck if the reviews are any indication

Breachd by a battering ram

I try, but then usually give up when it fails to submit 3 times

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This is...dumb as hell.

You talk like AI I'd a singular entity that can only do one thing?

That's such a simple thing for people with mobility problems to solve for themselves.

If straws are a requirement then carry your own straws. Then you can choose the material.

This author took the valid position of hating whatever the fuck this setup is supposed to be, and made the whole complaint look silly by how thick the BS was laid on.

Lol, somehow you got the above commenter covering the sentiment that a song is better if it's message is true to its creator....something a huge percentage of the population would agree with, and you equate that to fan obsession.

People on the internet are wild.

The biggest frustration is 502 errors on submit. Sometimes th8ngs go through, sometimes not

Pirating games isn't nearly as attractive as other media. Big studio Games are usually released in a broken state and pirate sources rarely keep titles updated.

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Thinking Article 5 is just a magic end the war button is naive as all hell

They didn't say anything like that...

They said, in fewer words, that the current heat is climate change exaggerated by El Nino, which is true.

I don't see how that's denying man-made climate change, or misrepresents the severity.

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Google has always been scraping data

I get a feeling people aren't a fan of family gatherings with you.

Because its cold and refreshing? Ice water stays cold longer than not ice water.

Tell that to my cat who's preferred drinking vessel is a small cup she's gotta stick her face into

UX is on par or better than reddit back when I joined. Mobile apps are certainly better.

Similar experience to reddit and apps, albeit slightly clunky.