0 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This is what happens when politics becomes team sports in a country where critical thinking is discouraged. Every time I see someone post "vote blue no matter who", I become just a little bit stupider.

I get it. The United States has two political parties that have politics locked down. If you don't vote for the blue team, the red team wins the championship and gets the trophy er, presidency. Red team is a bunch of fascists, blue team is fascist adjacent. Red team promises to hurt the right people and further institute a surveillance state, blue team promises to fight the red team, maybe provide better policies (the red team will just undo in four years), and further institute a surveillance state. Both will happily kill little brown kids to further enrich old white men.

What is discouraging is the number of people who freak out when someone points out both teams suck. The "get out of here with your both sides bullshit". No, you just live in a shite country with terrible politicians. Both sides suck. If that upsets you so much that you can't even consider it, you suck too.

Jokes on them - all of my content is both free and ad free. 🏴‍☠️🦜🏴‍☠️

What a class A moron. You can't even respond to a single thing they say, so it's just "mental diarrhea". Every one of your comments is evading their points so hard, your mental gymnastics would qualify you for the Special Olympics if they didn't have a minimum IQ requirement.

So THIS is what the communists were talking about when they told me about the benefits of transitioning to a cacheless society!

If you think spewing mostly fabricated, irrelevant nonsense is dominating, then yes. They absolutely dominate.

Edit: ooof, that post history

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I totally understand the point most of them are trying to make and agree with the sentiment, but they're fucking morons. 100% absolute jibbering idiots.

This is an ugly binary choice here because the United States electoral system is a steaming pile of horse shit. Do what I, your friendly neighborhood lefty, am doing and swallow your pride and vote for center right Joe Biden because he's leagues better than the dementia-addled, fascist Cheeto Benito. Then take all the disgust you've built up by voting for and living with another neoliberal corporate shill presidency and work your ass off to make sure we don't have to keep voting between Dumb and Dumber every fucking election.

Do it because we'll only be gently tiptoeing to the right under a Biden presidency, so it's less likely you'll end up in jail for discussing the "wrong" political ideology while that orange shitstained merkin would have me in jail just for writing this were it up to him. Don't make it up to him.

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Did you actually think before posting this?

"Not eating pie this weekend is eating pie next weekend!"

"Might as well rear end someone. Not doing it now means you're going to do it later."

"Why lose weight? Not dying earlier means you're just going to die later."

Just FYI, this person is likely suffering from schizophrenia. Not just because of this comment, but dozens of comments about the many, many people that have tried to kill them in a variety of ways, some nonsensical, since their childhood, not to mention their "law enforcement ex boyfriend that causes planes to fly low over their home".

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Ava Louise, the woman who had gluteal implants and now has an ass so big that she can't fit into regular seats or clothing. Humans are fucking weird.

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Imagine being so stupid that you don't actually understand what the word "theory" means. Despite being on the Internet. Where you can look it up in seconds.

That's pretty goddamn stupid.

And I threw up in my eating mouth!

Looking at your comment history, I can't tell if you're a troll or just a moron.

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Ugh, fucking Empress. What a transphobic piece of shit that one is.

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I suggest dragged then hung.

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I remember being a kid playing Morrowind and really wishing my friends could play with me.

Now I'm an adult and I don't want to play with the kids. They have way more time to play and take my ass to the cleaners. After the umpteenth time getting tea bagged while some 13 year old goes on about fucking my mother, his voice breaking repeatedly throughout, I swore off multiplayer.

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We'll help you pirate it, just ask.

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Many modern humans are a bunch of entitled little shits and it applies across the political spectrum.

I strongly believe every person needs to experience serious adversity at some point - homelessness, joblessness, food insecurity, chronic health issues, or chronic pain. I have had most of the above (and still have some, yay chronic health issues) and that made me a better person by giving me perspective. I don't give a shit about losing plastic straws; on the contrary, I welcome their loss, they're stupid and polluting. I can walk and I have a warm place to sleep at night, losses like plastic straws seem as trivial as they truly are.

All the best people I know went through some shit or are empathetic enough to understand what it's like. The worst people I know either were protected from adversity, lack the empathy to learn from others, or went through an adverse situation but didn't have the tools to properly work through it so it made them worse.

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You're very kind, I always imagine using a ball peen hammer.

My buddy and I were just talking about this. Juggalos get a lot of shit, but my experience is that they are one of the most accepting groups around. It doesn't matter if you're a PhD or are stealing copper out of abandoned houses, if you show up with some clown makeup and fire poi, juggalos are down to clown.

You're 100% right. The conservative groups always try to attract two types of people: nostalgic idiots pining for a past that never existed and braindead idiots who are easy to convince that one or more minority groups are responsible taking one or more things away from them. Sometimes these idiots overlap.

I dunno, are tankies even this stupid? Tankies at least typically know that liberal≠progressive. This sounds like an American libertarian, aka "the edgy conversative", to me.

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Hey everyone! I don't understand racism in the slightest but I'm sure going to tell everyone my opinions on it!

Fixed that for you.

Seriously, I had to double check I wasn't somehow on Facebook.

Daaaamn, dog. Louisiana is going to need to invest a lot of money into reforestation after that sick burn.

What matters most is the fact they were different times. You grew up!

Of all the things that never happened, this didn't happen the most.

I can't imagine being so indoctrinated that I'd immediately conflate criticism of Israel and Zionism with antisemitism. Do you people never think? You never question your beliefs and assumptions?

Reading this comment has made me measurably stupider.

That seems to happen all too often. A company does well and gets purchased by another company. The new company drastically lowers quality while retaining high quality prices and rides a wave of profits during that period before consumers figure out the company now makes garbage.

For someone who doesn't care, you sure can't shut up about it.

Look how little I care guys. Hey you. Yeah, you. Did you know I don't care? Totally don't, 110%. Make sure to tell your friends how few fucks I give about all of this.

Why am I still talking about it? Clearly because I care so little. I learned early on that the more you talk about something, the less you care. My utter inability to stop talking about it is the supreme sign of my achieving the pinnacle of carelessness.

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Come over to Portland! I moved here a few years back. I recall sitting in traffic when a tatted up guy in a pink crop top, the shortest cutoff jeans I've ever seen, and a bright pink skateboard rolled past us and no one batted an eye. In that moment, I knew I was home.

I like to think that a lot of the more "Reddity" Reddit refugees from .world, those who tend toward pearl clutching theatrics like these posts, will eventually head back to Reddit. Maybe they'll find their perfect alternative, where there are no dev or admin issues and everyone has a comforting (for them) center-left to center-right, Western ideology driven political stance that never challenges their preconceptions.

Get outta here with your nuanced, well-reasoned opinions!


Just kidding. Great comment and analysis, this is why I love Lemmy.

Why not a rusty axe instead?

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Don't forget that if you ever do some heinous shit, everything you have done or ever will do is equally bad or worse. Your only ethical choice is to crawl under a porch and die.


Anyhow, there are a lot of Americans on here and that whole place seems to have a massive erection for purity.

It sounds good until you actually start to think it through. Get rid of the "bad guys"? Fuck yeah! Then who decides who replaces them? What do we do to keep more of the same bad guys from stepping in to fill the power vacuum?

You're got to be kidding. The post is about right to work laws. It includes a summary of what that means, plus links for more information. So you downvoted because OP didn't compare and contrast two unrelated laws or write a dissertation on how right to work laws vary by state/county/city. Laws that by definition literally only do one thing. This shit is why people don't post more.

To highlight how ridiculous your comment is, I'll help OP out and provide what you found to be so lacking. I know this is going to make OP look pretty bad, so I'm sure they'll provide at least a partial refund of what you paid for their post.

At-will employment: you can be fired for anything not protected by law.

Right to work laws: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues.

Compare: they are applied to employees Contrast: neither does anything similar

For my next trick, I'll provide specific relevant application for local law scenarios by state.

Alabama: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Arkansas: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Georgia: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Idaho: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Indiana: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Iowa: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Kansas: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Kentucky: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Louisiana: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Michigan: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Mississippi: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Nebraska: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

North Carolina: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

North Dakota: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Oklahoma: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

South Carolina: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

South Dakota: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Tennessee: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Texas: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Utah: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Virginia: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Washington: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

West Virginia: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Wisconsin: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

Wyoming: employees in unionized workplaces cannot negotiate employment contracts which require that non union employees must pay union dues

That's the spirit! One of the great things about the Internet is we can build our own alternatives, like with Lemmy and DIY servers. My friends and I have our own little Internet ecosystem. Outside of some Lemmy time, my personal Internet usage is largely served by our arrangement.

I bet they wash their ass with a bidet instead of toilet paper! Bourgeoisie!

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