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Yes, this works. However, you can not (or should not if you possibly could?) modify data on partitions mounted by the hibernating OS. If E.g.Windows and Linux are installed and Windows is hibernating, the NTFS partitions can only be mounted read-only under Linux.

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The Energy of the .45-70 is 3867 J. For comparison: 9 × 19 mm NATO, used in guns, has 481 J, 5.56 × 45 mm NATO and 7.62 × 51 mm NATO, both used in rifles, have 1800 J and ~ 3600 J, respectively.

25 years ago (I hope this is sufficiently close to today) in Quarks & Co, a German TV science format, they analysed what it would take to build the Cheops pyramid in Cologne. It would take 10 month for the concrete foundation and 5 years for the lower two third of the pyramid. Use of modern technology makes it possible to place one stone every 20 seconds, which is triple the rate ancient egypt workers supposedly aceived. So I guess it would take 6-7 years in total.

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The kernel alone has more than 30,000,000 LOC. Alone reading would take forever and a day for a single person, let alone understand it.

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As there are LTS branches, currently 5.4, 5.10, 5.15, 6.1 and 6.6 which will get updates until Decembre 2025/2026, I don't see the problem.

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Don't touch a running system taken seriously.

Modern EVs such as Teslas have a high power consumption, much higher than some PV panels on the roof could deliver. Thus, it would only increase the weight of the car while not significantly increasing their range.

For Linux you don't need a GUI tool, most how tos just dd the ISO onto the USB medium, e.g.

sudo dd if= of= bs=16M status=progress oflag=sync

like described in the Debian FAQs

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Unlike horns, which like finger nails grow from the base, antlers are basically bones.

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This comes from early years, when FORTRAN was introduced and the programmers needed to save space in the punch cards. Today, to avoid this possible source of bugs, you usually state "implicit none" in the preamble.

User name checks out. Have fun with Linux Mint!

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Experiments and theory.

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The moron is obviously on the other end of the leash.

Since I bricked my Debian setup in an unfortunate accident involving compiling from source

How on earth?

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Reading the other reply, I guess it's about 'payment' for taking a hitch hiker. As fuel became expensive now, the driver can no longer afford the other two options in exchange.

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I hope that at least one answer is Lasanga.

AfaIk, yes, in principle one could construct the private key from the public key. However, given the current computational power, it would in practice take forever and a day, if the encryption algorithm is sufficiently strong, see e.g. the Wikipedia article on RSA

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Poland banned imports of Ukrainian grain and does not intend to deliver more weapons to Ukraine.

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I've once had a course involving programming and the lecturer rewrote the code, which we were usually using at our institute, making ALL variables global. - Yes, also each and every loop counter and iterator. 🤪

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Yet he did. source source

That's literally their name in German (Nashorn), Dutch (Neushoorn), and the Nordic languages (S: Noshörning, DK: Næsehorn, N: Na/eshorn).

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Yes. He really thought it was efficient and would avoid errors if literally all variables were defined in a single Matlab function he called at the beginning of the script. We students all thought: "Man, are you serious?" As we didn't want to debug such a mess, in our code, we ignored what he was doing and kept using local variables.

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But one could also use linen, hemp, ramie/urtica/nettle. However, they are more complicated to process and as the results are textiles, they are not windproof or water repellent.

If you can boot into terminal session, e.g. by pressing Ctrl + Alt + F2, you can try:

sudo apt clean
sudo apt -f install
sudo apt clean
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo apt clean

If sudo apt -f install doesn't work properly, you can create an apt-cache folder on, e.g. your home partition, assuming this is the one with sufficient amounts of free storage.

sudo apt clean
sudo mkdir /home/apt-cache
sudo nano /etc/fstab

In the fstab you specify where this directory shall be mounted:

/home/apt-cache    /var/cache/apt/archives    none    bind    0    0

Now you copy the files in place and mount the partition:

sudo cp -r /var/cache/apt/archives/* /home/apt-cache
sudo mount -a

Nou you should be able to run the fix-installation and update commands without the errors:

sudo apt -f install
sudo apt dist-upgrade
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Chemistry is just the physics of the electron orbitals of atoms.

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I don't believe them as long as they don't find copies oft "Sims 3" too.


opening up its source code to enable collaborative development

sounds already close to open-source, though it isn't necessarily, as the licence that is used matters.

I doubt it is even possible to be done in learning e.g. Python.

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Concerning the compatibility, there shouldn't be a difference between LMDE and Debian. The choice of the Desktop environment depends on your personal favour. As Mac user, you probably tend towards Gnome which can be installed during the setup of Debian, not LMDE. However, as I don't know about the performance of the 2013 iMac, maybe Cinnamon or Mate are a better choice.

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I don't know about the hygiene and food safety standards in your country are, but in Germany it's safe to buy minced meat at the butcher and eat it raw.

As the author of that book is now dead since more than 70 years, the copyright has expired and it theoretically can be reproduced. It may be still on a list as 'harmful for young persons', propaganda or alike.

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All EM waves are photons.

When X or gamma ray photons interact with matter, e.g. by Compton scattering, i.e. hitting electrons of an atom. Thereby the photons loose discrete amounts of energy, leading to an increase of their wavelengths, and the electrons are then lifted on corresponding higher energy levels. When the electrons 'fall' back onto their base levels, additional photons are emitted.

Microwave photons, however, have to low energy for this kind of interaction. They e.g. induce vibrations and oscillations of molecules which is perceived as a temperature increase.

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On the platform formerly known as 🐦, there was the option to completely block a user (mutually invisible), not only muting (invisible for me) them, which avoids this problem.

Here you go ;-)

What you guys are referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


I second your advice against Arch, EndeavourOS, or Manjaro as I would not call them 'beginner-friendly'.

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I doubt that there ist any explicit form of "to be" in Czech language. "Englishmen are sailors" is probably a false translation.

Why not Thunderbird + Birdtray?

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Having other 180° turnarounds in mind, e.g. Unity, which was nice on a netbook, or their display server (I don't recall its name), would it be that surprising if this was real news? This makes it a really good April Fool's joke.

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