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Joined 1 years ago

My experience is only from Vancouver and though I've visited many times, I don't live there, but

The public transportation and mixed zoning is something that I wish every city had. The city is massive but it feels cozy and entirely accessible.

I'm far too lazy to meal prep on my weekends. But I will choose 3-4 dinners for the week and write it down like a menu and get the ingredients I need for them. If I know it's going to be a crazy week, I will cut the vegetables immediately after grocery shopping that way I can just dump them in the pan or bowl or whatever when I'm cooking. Then I have options to choose from several different foods over the week.

I always make enough to have leftovers so I don't have to plan for lunches too.

Best of luck

I think it's important to try new food at least once.

Never tried a gyro? Go take a bite

Never tried curry? Put a fork in there

Never tried pho? Oh man lawd, get some

Opening ones palate is so important. Beyond just taste, culturally, I think it's important. And fun. And tasty.

Both depressing and enlightening. I wish I could read more about her travels and the people she met. I think there's always been a sort of stereotype that if you're in a greyhound crossing state lines, you're in a bad way, but I'm sure it wasn't always the case.

Seconding Darn Tough. My dad is a laborer and has sworn by these socks, and I use them for sports. They do honor their guarantees as well if you do get a hole. My only issue is where the toe seam is can be uncomfortable sometimes, but that's in ski boots, so lots of compression on the toes anyway

I can't say if the quality is still the same, but I bought a Chromebook when they first came out for $99 and that little buddy has lasted me a decade now. It's seen me through a deployment, a degree, several moves, and has been through a load of abuse and come out the other side working as spiffy as day one, minus some scuff on the screen. (Unfortunately Google has recently aged it out, but I'll find a use for it with a virtual machine perhaps).

I imagine most little netbooks are similarly built and can withstand a boatload, although their computing power definitely lacks.

Dang. This definitely hits hard. What a great line and what a great insight.

I think a few other commenters have said the same about already knowing what I want but just not being able to take the step. I think this will help.

Thanks :)

I've been thinking the same thing for this, but Liftoff

On the one hand, Annapurna seems to know what they're doing - Nimona was fantastic. On the other hand, I think it's going to be hard to make this into a movie. I'm assuming they'll focus on the journey of the cat and the environment around it, but they'll have to fill all of the other space, hopefully with the robots and their personalities.

Colorado desperately needs something like this. I hope it passes. Although the service times are few and far between, people will make it work, I guarantee it.

Utah has something similar between its southernmost city in the greater Salt Lake area - Provo- and up to Ogden. I believe it also shares the lines with freight and while there are delays if a freight train is going somewhere (passenger trains give way), it's still very popular.

Absolutely this. I make a slightly different version.

Halve a few cucumbers, chop into 1/2" pieces, I then crush line under a plate or bowl, not to pulp but just to break them up some. Salt and set aside for a few minutes to draw some moisture out. Drain, then add a tbsp or so of gochujang, a clove or so of garlic, tsp or so sesame oil, splash ponzu, 1 tsp sugar, and chili flakes to taste.

Honestly I've even just parsed it down to gochujang and sesame oil and it's great.

Excellent side dish to so many things.

With Ironclad, I really love when you get a good strength build going. Demon Form early game is so cash money

With the Silent, Poison builds are my go to, but if you get a good something going with Shivs in the beginning, it's so much fun.

The Defect, I recently defeated A3 with a channel lightning build - where you channel for every time you get hit. I was channeling, i think 6 every hit and had +4 focus, so when the heart did the 4x12 attack, it destroyed itself. Felt incredible.

I haven't yet figured out a solid strat for The Watcher, but divinity is fun and I enjoy going full wrath, but having enough defense to back that up proves difficult.

In terms of similar games, if I'm feeling a little more casual/braindead, Peglin is a lot of fun with a similar deckbuilding style. I have yet to figure out any really good builds and I think some balls are definitely better than others, but it's still fun and super casual.

The sounder, the 1-line, the ferries. Seattle is pretty great for public transportation. The only place I've seen better is Vancouver, but I'm not super well traveled.

But if coming from Tacoma to go watch college hockey in Northgate? There's no better way to travel than the 1-line, IMO. Or trying to get to the airport without all the insane traffic and poorly designed on and odds? 1-line.

Could you dehydrate them and later use them in oatmeal or cereals?

Also, try home made fruit roll ups. They're absolutely delicious and very easy to make

2x22" is what I have already and it fits my desk well and it's not too much, if that makes any sense. I'm going to also look at an ultrawide physically over the weekend and see how it feels, but i like to snap windows to the sides of the screens and I don't know enough about ultrawides to know if you can do that easily, haha

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I stopped that voice in my head that would constantly pop up and say "I'm so stupid" or similar variations.

It took me some time to understand that mistakes are just mistakes and everyone makes them. It easy to take all the blame and demean yourself for every little thing, but it feels so much better to stop those words in their tracks and reevaluate.

Happy birthday!

I'm usually simple, haha. Grilled new York strip steak, grilled corn on the cob, onion strings, and a dollop of creamy mashed potatoes.

Either that or carbonara.

Lemon bars, banana pudding (with nilla wafers), or my great grandma's angel food cake recipe for dessert.

Good luck figuring it out

I've done this countless times for smaller things, but I've never thought to apply the coin flip to big changes. I'll give it a shot.

I agree with the sentiment but not the words, Haha. I work 4x10s and would by far rather work on a Friday than a Monday, although I do switch it up sometims to take advantage of holidays and such. But to each their own, ofc.

1 more...

I was over the moon for a second because of the studio switch. But I goofed and was thinking Supergiant Studios, not Supermassive. Still, Supermassive has some decent hitters under the belt. Hopefully everything goes well.

I've seen an uptick in shirts and bumper stickers along the same lines and they always make me happy. "You are valued" "You're beautiful" "I hope something good happens to you today". They're great messages and seeing them worn or displayed is a force of positivity more people need, for sure.

I picked up Slay the Spire after kinda recently learning about deck building games and how much I apparently love them. Been having a bunch of fun and beat the game for the first time just recently. Now I have to do it with the other characters :3

I tried to go on vacation in the beginning of June. Was going camping in a very remote area in Glacier NP. But lo and behold, the day before I left, my DnD group gave me COVID :) I spent all of June sick and am only just recovering finally. But I have no more PTO, so it'll be a while yet for me again.

I appreciate your story and your advice. Thanks for the kernels of wisdom :)

I bounce around between three or so.

I feel like I can always find something to do in Beatsaber, whether trying to beat my own scores or trying new modes or new modded songs.

Risk of Rain 2 is also great for mindless entertainment and trying new things.

Distance. It's sort of a racing game but with a story? It gets hard as hell but it's tons of fun and the music is great. It's criminally underplayed in my opinion

Ohhh! Thanks!

I've pulled out an old laptop to try Linux Mint because I'm really over Windows' whole thing and I just need to get my hands on mint before I fully commit. But thanks for the shoutout!

This is exactly what I came to say. Thank you for having taste

Ehhh. I wouldn't say the only people who want an office setting are managers. There are definitely some bonuses to going in to work for some people - a very "to each their own" situation.

But I think the distinction there becomes the "traditional" office setting, because, yeah, no one likes that corporate bull.

Pointless sites is a great conglomeration. I think there's one called sand spiel? It's a fun physics toy. Also can't go wrong with Simon Tatham's puzzle collection.

Let myself make an impulse decision so I'm getting a tattoo that is completely silly and stupid. I'm hoping I won't regret it

Oh that's great to hear! Are the fans loud? I could get a smaller case, but I read the stock fans are quiet and work well.