6 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

ArkScript lang developer, split keyboard fanatic

Forums really have to get back in the world. I’m trying to ditch discord and move everyone to GitHub discussions for a project (have removed all invite links, just using it for me as a « webhook monitor »). Some people are still there when they have questions on how to use the project (because they prefer speaking in French rather than English).

I'm getting fed up about all those articles "rust x something: the future?", "I rewrote in rust it's now memory safe". I get the rust safeties and all, but that doesn't automatically make everything great, right ? You can still write shit code in any language that can RM -rf all your disk, or let security gaps here and there without intending to.

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Ask yourself: do you really need a performance boost or are you just chasing the numbers to avoid a non-existant problem?

The AltStore: am I a joke to you?

People prefer having something generating shitty code and not checking it, instead of asking or searching on internet for a substantially better solution

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Damn, I had to watch the video to compare with the review (I'm very skeptical of anything AI), and this is right on point

There is still the journal you could use to recover the old state of your database. I assume you commited after your update query, thus you would need to copy first the journal, remove the updates from it, and reconstruct the db from the altered journal.

This might be harder than what I'm saying and heavily depends on which db you used, but if it was a transactional one it has to have a journal (not sure about nosql ones).

Fyi the devs aren't reading this (and probably won't be before long, since they are busy just coding a lot of features). Best place to ask for this is on the issue tracker (first check if it hasn't been asked before), even better implement it yourself if you can!

Joke on them, I don’t read ads!

Because it's opensource too. Works very well, vault is password protected and AES encrypted. Easy to configure, very lightweight.

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And they justified with

I'm having a mental health crisis right now. What I said was wrong, I could not see that a few days ago. Take whatever you want from that. I am sorry. Please stop piling on now that I have removed everything. I am seriously ill and need to stop being involved in anything for several months.

(Leaving the end out as it can be triggering, talking about death)

I don't know what to make of this.

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I mounted a disk of a server in rescue mode, since I needed to extract everything (the provider didn't have the option to dump everything as a zip). Then installed an FTP server, added a user/pass, it worked.

But I couldn't access the files of the original disk, even though I could see them. So I just chgrp/chown the original files, since the disk was just "mounted" in the rescue disk /mnt, I thought it was alright (at the time I thought permissions were volatile, stored separately from the files). I could now download the entire disk, yay!

Upon booting the original disk again, a bunch of errors: shell not starting, tools not running, because they were owned by user and not root...

Well we reinstalled all the server from scratch that day.

Well I mean if you want to pay 99$ each year, yes

I didn't say that people should go on the internet and pick the first forum post either ; that would be like trusting whatever chatgpt is handing you :p

My point was more on the "people are lazy" side of things, but yeah you have to stay critical of both chatgpt and forum posts.

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I'm using Read You, a material design RSS reader for Android (I get it through Obtainium, it's a pretty rad app too!)

Luckily the GB(A) consoles are the easiest to mod nowadays, to add backlight, rechargeable battery, better audio... IMHO this is still the best way to enjoy GB/GBA games, instead of emulators which can be buggy/force me to stay on the computer (or worse, on my phone)

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All I see is another wannabe generic purpose and C++ (and Rust? Already?) replacement. I'm not saying they shouldn't try, but a lot have already and it's pretty tough. C alternatives like Zig and Nim don't seem to have taken off, Vala either.

The reMarkable runs on Linux too! It's an eink paper tablet

You jump everywhere and like pushing things off table too?

I created a discord server for an open source project of mine, but grew to dislike it. It got spammed multiple times, people are off topic and talking about their lives in channels that aren't for that, and so I started pushing the community toward GitHub discussions.

Discord isn't searchable, nor archivable, nor public, but GitHub is (I'm aware of another conflict with Microsoft for some people, but to me this is the easiest solution to get contributors and have an easy CI setup).

I haven't had much success yet, but I'm slowly shutting down all links to the discord and will let it die (for outside contributors at least). I might keep it to stay in touch with a few developers, to refine issues and prepare migrations that aren't ready to be turned into public discussions/ issues / pull requests.

Nothing, but keep in mind that maybe 95% or even 99% of the fediverse users are a bunch of nobodies. To have a stalker or someone trying to impersonate you, you would have to be extremely lucky (or unlucky)

Funny playing IPS v3 and shell+buttons (for IPS), clean juice rechargeable battery. They both have guides and that's the only thing I needed.

I would have thought that i3wm would use a lot less memory, given how basic it is.

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I don't know, I'm an open source dev too, but my time is valuable and I can't (and won't) just work for free on dozens of bug reports from a user that don't want to investigate first by themselves.

Yeah open source is great, but if you want support you have look at the code and read the damn documentation first ; I lost a lot of time just directing users to docs because they can't read.

For todos, I'm currently trying out todoist. It's like Todo+date (can be repeated like every day/week etc)+priorities and a few tags and stuff. I can't say it works for me nor that it doesn't work, it's been a few weeks only, but a trick to somehow make it work (I mean like use the app to help you accomplish stuff and not delay it) is to write down everything: fold the laundry, wash the dishes... And then organize them when you feel like it, give them a date so that you do them when you need to. I look at the app every morning to know what I have to do, and just doing things to mark them as done feels good (tho I must admit that I let a few todos roll over multiple days because they are daunting tasks but at least I do them).

For notes I have had Google note but it was hard to organize them and find your way through. Now I use obsidian at work (miss colors and tags but there is markdown and folders), and notion for personal stuff. Notion is great but my database is growing quickly and even if I love organizing it and could spend days just putting tags, folders, colors, arranging everything to be perfect, I feel a bit overwhelmed because, well, it's huge. I may need to make a central hub page with links to everything I use frequently?

It's a post from 2 years ago, so if nothing changed as of today, well, I think they didn't succeed in updating the docs

It doesn't load for me, and according to the way back machine (it couldn't save the readme somehow?) it redirects to a framagit repo that wants me to create an account.

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You can solve both of those problems by using a folding case/cover for your phone.

IIRC at least textra is also able to peruse RCS, though I’m sure it goes through google servers too

I use them too! My phone usually fast charge at 30W, but with the magnetic cable it is capped at 5W (thanks God). I've seen drastic improvement in term of battery life because it charges slower and do not stress the battery as much as at 30W

I use a plain 34 keys layout based on qwerty for letters, comma/dot/semicolon. The numpad and symbols layers are handcrafted so that every symbol is easy to reach, it's also optimize to type things like <- and -> easily

Just add 199 more transmistters

That's up to everyone on here to participate in the development of the product!

Alas I don't think this will happen, people prefer when stuff is done without doing it themselves, because then you need to take responsibilities (myself included)

Good luck getting your vault compromised.

Unless you have a weak password or the vault isn’t encrypted (which it is, AES256 iirc and you might be able to change that on a self hosted version), I don’t see that happening.

Short SMART test, the drive is 5 years old at most. The most I'm doing on the drive is MB/s... So it should be fine

I'll try to get a new drive, probably SSD. Can it be related to the drives card? I have an hardware RAID drive aggregator card, with a single disk on it (had 3 in the past and the 2 oldest ones just died at the same time, making scratching noises ; they were 10+ years old but SMART said everything is fine (short one, haven't tried a long one as smartctl -a tells me it will take about 5-10 for all disks).

I was thinking more like just having dockers on macOS

But running a Linux like asahi is an option

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Last time I checked they were working on forgejo runners / actions!

Because you can enable totp on your Bitwarden account and it would be dumb to store the password and totp for your biwarden vault in your vault?

Also it can act as a stepping stone for non Bitwarden customers, before getting their own vault.

I use bitwarden for many services, but have aegis for importants services (eg. work ones, bitwarden because I don't want to have 2fa for it locked away).

I prefer being delusional and a cranky old dev, rather than trusting AI by giving all of my workplace code and logic. Powerful? Maybe. Helping you ship products faster? I don't know ; no metrics have been published about that in controlled settings, and I still think people will get lazy and after some time even the ones that tweaked the code and analyzed it thoroughly will just stop caring.

Go ahead, jump in that bandwagon, and prove me wrong in 5 years. All I want is proof.

Also, I didn't know one could be a cranky old dev after a few years of experience only