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presses "lost ticket"

pays for one day

Nah not really, the catholic church loves going below the belt

Santa has always worked on tips, that's what the cookies and milk are for

FTL, Stardew valley, No mans sky, Minecraft, Old rpgs like Chrono Trigger

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Now I want a fiber optic keyboard cleaning brush

ADHD is neither a flaw nor a superpower IMO, (in most, non severe cases)- most 'ADHD' is a normal neural varient. Some people are starved of dopamine due to desensitization/lack of rewarding tasks in life, and some people have a clinical lack of neurotransmitters that need to be supplemented.

I struggled for years through highschool and most of college with my ADHD, and it wasn't until I (somewhat accidently) found myself working in emergency medicine that I could see it as positive at all.

In a hunter gather society, most of what we term 'ADHD' would be a huge benefit- the ability to rapidly learn, rapidly switch tasks, and do a little of everything. The issue is our current society doesn't reward these traits- we are physically sedentary, and ask ever increasing concentration on ever more abstract tasks of our workers. It's not that you are broken; it's that society doesn't play to your strengths- AT ALL.

In the ER, I'm very happy, because most of my work consists on hyperfocusing for super short stents, then moving on to the next thing. Additionally, I actually calm down somewhat and can self regulate much, much better than I can in ordinary life. As you may know, one of the hallmarks of ADHD is a lack of dopamine- part of what makes concentration so difficult for us and why we seek constant stimulation. In the high pressure, high stimulus enviroment of the ER, it's almost feels like time slows down for me- I feel calm and super focused, which is very rare for me in daily life.

I'm not saying all this to convince you to work in emergency medicine, only to provide a contrast- I used to want to be an engineer, and frankly I would be (even nore) dependent on stimulants if I tried to do a job like that.

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Oh so animal farm was literal?

The green text peer pressure means nothing to me, but you are 100% spot on about the ecosystem driving sales. My whole family uses apple and I get left out of so many group chats and face times that I've actually considered switching to Apple even though I'm a die hard Note fan. Apples hardware may be nothing special, but they have a killer feature in their seamless, closed ecosystem, and they know it. At the end of the day, a phones job is to communicate, and Apple does that seemlessly- with other Apple devices

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With electricity, duh

My toxic ex

Idk about uncommon, but definitely not universal or common enough that is surprising when they don't

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I thought the devs no longer supported the project?

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To show proper respect and praise of our cooperate masters

An ex of mine would keep a tissue to spit it out in. I know it's a personal thing but was always weirdly hard not to be a little offended. Like I doubt a girl would love it if I immediately grimaced and spit after going down on her. I don't really expect bj's, but to me, it's all psychological, and apitters kinda ruin all the fun.

This is how we end up with Blaine the Mono

I would impress an irresistable attraction to myself, then coast through life on nepotism and pretty privilege

Montenegro is one of the best places I've ever been. If you get a chance, go rafting down the Tara River canyon

I mean the "fool unbelievers" thing is stupid but also it's not really unreasonable that if you could speak things into existence and did so for cosmic entertainment or whatever that you would make it at the point that it's actually interesting. Like if I was going to make people I probably wouldn't start with infants, I would start with actual independent ones. Likewise I wouldn't start with an infant universe

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Very similar to the ER in that case- every patient is put on a priority scale between 1 and 5 as well. We don't forget about the 5's, but it's definitely a constant battle to remember what I consider non emergent. One of the biggest issues of ADHD is almost toddler levels object permanence...

As someone who works in emergency medicine, this article sounds very overdramatic. If the patient was so unstable they died receiving care in the back of an ambulance, odds are they weren't going to live in the hospital either

As far as I know, it only uses the camera, and doesn't use stored photos. Idk, I've never downloaded it but that's my guess

I can make great macarons and croissants, but for the life of me I struggle with making perfect buiscuts

This is our decision alone

nobody is saying you can't identify or specify whatever pronouns you want. But it laughable to say it's your decision if other people use them in the name of "tolerance," of all things

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Wait you can't transfer images directly to external harddrives?? Honestly I genuinely wonder why people put up with this shit

I haven't done formal research on the topic, but as far as I can see this is correct- alcohol just lowers your inhibitions and makes you more suggestable, therefore easier to influence by your enviroment- you're way more likely to be depressed and sipping whiskey slowly by yourself than partying with Coronas with lime.

It would be interesting to look at regional ideas of what different alcohols are appropriate for and see if the "effects" change with it

Disregarding my personal views on this subject, this is a straw man argument.

You have very noticably left out that pro-lifers view the fetus as one of these individuals you say the Pro-choice regard so highly. The Pro life argument is that it should be systemically illegal to end the life of what they view as innocent individuals.

Which... yes, is kind of similar to the general take on this article, regardless of your views on the individuality of fetuses

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Yeah I haven't tried the mods either and I kinda suck at the game but I've always felt like it has a low cost to entry, which is why it feels chill to me. A lot of death anxiety in games is due to time investment and, frankly, like BOTW, fear of long loading screens more than any in game punishment.

Ftl has such a satisfying and similar gameplay loop and allows so much pausing that it doesn't really feel stressful for me. I still hate dying and do it a lot in the game, but I can play ftl with a sort of soft mental focus that many other games don't allow me to do

I mean according to some religions he was the one who told people to put some clothes on in the first place

It always annoys me how hard it is for me to make people understand this. I often debate the concept of spirituality and Gods in general, and people (in the US) always reply with some response like 'but catholic church bad.' Which, sure, I'm not disagreeing, but is such a narrow viewpoint and doesn't exactly have anything to do with the possibility of a God or Gods existing.

No, you are completely right, but it's kind of the same with the "we are living in a simulation" thing (there isn't really a functional difference between a God's imagination and a simulation).

A more interesting question to me is not where we came from, but if there is an endgame. Created 5 seconds, 500 million years ago, 'real', or just avatars in a superconsciousness, the question remains- is there a "RIGHT" way to use our agency and experience?

I mean, we need scale on the luck too. What is a normal amount of luck. Is +100 luck 200% your normal luck? If so that might kind of suck. If it's normally ranked out of 10, +100 is worldbreaking shit

Not the same one, he just used that username

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Except tumors don't have the potential to grow into sentient animals, so those are pretty different things too. Also, where are you getting this definition from? I study biology for a living and I don't know anyone who doesn't consider the term "human being" to include the whole life cycle of the organism.

Frankly, I think a lot of the issue lies with where you decide the value of a life comes from.

Species? Speciesism is kinda fucking the world right now as we make tons of species go extinct to make room for humans above all things.

The sum of a being's autonomy or it's life experiences? Kinda ableist/ leads to saying children have less intrinsic value than the elderly (which is not exactly a common viewpoint)

It's potential for life? That would mean we should value fetuses above all other life

Sky Daddy said so? ...doesn't really need any criticism as it's so inherently problematic

My personal feelings are almost entirely mixed and agnostic on this subject, so I'm trying to keep them out of this discussion, but my point here is I don't think you are seeing double enough to realize how easily a different perspective changes the whole argument into a "righteous" one.

The people you are arguing with ABSOLUTELY have hypocritical stances, but we should focus on attacking those, not straw man arguments that don't take into account that they have ENTIRELY alternate world views, that are frankly, not simply as dismissable as saying "well, WE define it differently"

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Because as I read this, you are setting up the argument to be:

Pro choice believes in protecting individual autonomy, as opposed to Pro life, which believes in telling people what to do, because of insert any number of reasons here

This is pretty true of a lot of the pro life apologists and political campaigners, but I feel is a pretty ineffectual argument against the people who truely believe this as an ideology.

The people that truely believe in pro life genuinely don't see a difference in values about protecting individual autonomy- they believe that's what they are doing by banning both murder and abortion (something that they don't differentiate between)

Plenty of these would agree with you that this execution was in fact a murder.

Frankly it annoyed me. Some things should be sacred

Somehow I doubt oysters have anything interesting to say

Imagine being able to talk to oysters only to find out that oysters can't talk back

On the contrary, being snarky isn't a waste of time at all

I don't really have a counter argument that I would like to make, because it's not and never was my goal to convince you that your opinion was wrong I only intended to critique the way it was made.

However, I am curious where you would personally draw the line on a human infant becoming sentient. This not intended as a trap or an argument- as a conflicted person, your certainty is interesting.

Maybe the question should be why the service was only just worth it at 75% down then

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