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Joined 1 years ago

I mean OP is trying to paint Linux as the more user friendly system and I think we can all agree that's BS.

Linux has many advantages. User Friendliness is not one of them

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Unironically, "you were my brother, Anakin. I loved you" though I suppose it is more of just a line rather than a whole scene. Ewan was too good for those films.

This has big "the calculator isn't working" energy.

No sir, the calculator is working fine. The problem is somewhere between the chair and the keyboard.

How do you believe women (and men, and NBs) who willingly go into this line of work should be treated?

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We're all victims of economic coercion. Very few would willingly work service or clerical jobs if they didn't need to.

If that's your rubrik, then whatever your opinion of Johns is, it should consistently be applied to anyone who ever buys any product or uses any service.

We all work because we need to get paid to survive. Knowing that, how do you believe those who choose for that work to be sex work should be treated?

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Wondered how far I'd have to scroll to find this.


Never said they were equally exploitative, just that we all suffer from some level of economic coercion.

What you are doing is what's called strawmanning. It's where you reframe an argument you are unable to counter to a slightly different one that you are able to counter.

I'd say it's beneath you, but it honestly doesn't seem to be.

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It's a toss up between cowboy and samurai.

For Samurai it would depend on when. Samurai became defacto nobility, but they began in the 8th century as just mercenaries hired by local nobles to protect their estates.

But a cowboy is a life in the open air on a ranch. Hard work for sure, but hard work doesn't bother me.

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Guy who refuses to answer the first question asked continues to deflect because he knows there's no logical position he can take that isn't 'I don't like sex workers'.

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You deflected first by invoking economic coercion. Unless it's your firm belief that there are zero people who would knowingly choose to fuck for money over taking a menial job.

Get better talking points than these sad little ad hominems, they aren't helping you.

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Wow wow wow wow


Indeed I did. I'll own up to that mistake.

The rest is projection, I'm afraid. Your should probably spend some time in reflection, but you're not going to.

Get whatever jibe is left in you out of your system and be on your way.

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