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Joined 1 years ago

Bus is, though

The problem with communication we have is the people who received the information are too dumb to understand said information

Elon Musk is afraid of Putin's revenge. Crucial infrastructure like Starlink should be handled by the government, not a corp. Otherwise the corp will prioritize shareholders and profit rather than human's life

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This summary sucks, it omitted where the racial harassment came from. It was all the non-Black workers, even managers who used the N-word frequently in daily conversation, wrote graffiti and threaten black workers' life using the word "Hang N...". Don't read this summary, read the article.

If the man did not distribute the pictures, how did the government find out? Did a cloud service rat him out? Or spyware?

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If that man harnesses the power of LLM like Chat GPT, he can continue talking with his wife

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Finally, the company announced that it’s discontinuing Unity Plus subscriptions starting today to “simplify the number of plans we offer.” It says existing members on that tier will receive “an offer to upgrade to Unity Pro, for one year, at the current Unity Plus price” via email in mid-October.

Well sssshhhiitt

Review bombing and mass refunding too. Hit them where it hurts

Israel: arrest

Palestine: kidnap


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It's all because he's a dick. No amount of quirky, charisma can cover it up if deep down, he's an evil asshole.

You can't tell people to not browse all. How will small communities reach new users if new users don't browse all?

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Except it's by Korean researchers

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AI will make the life better for the shareholders

As long the API is free, and anyone can whip up instance suited to their need, it's only a matter of time and effort until a good mod tool is created

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The last generation will be here soon

More enshitification

Reddit lost a bunch of third party apps and those apps' userbase

It's far from over

the big bus station and my house are divided by a highway

Why does this have to be a thing? In my country they have bridges for pedestrians over the road, or underground passageway.

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Those murderers obviously have 0 empathy for any humans beside themselves so the next best thing to convince them is to say how bad it would go for them

Anonymous methods aren't safe anymore. OP father already revealed to the old boss that he tried to contact police. If anything happens now, it all points to them. They need witness protection program if they want to be safe

I don't think they lost their shit because of your opinions but rather the way you said it

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More manpower for the protests

AI can solve captcha easily, captcha only causes inconvenience for authentic users, it does nothing to prevent bots

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Can students sue those conservatives?

Because game store doesn't exist in my country and international shipping costs much as the game itself

What if I want a hot girl to cause me pain and suffering?

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So you mean to say we must kill Hamas at all cost, even if we have to bomb the children?

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It's great if they include it in the bill, it gets rid of the tipping culture. If they still ask you for tips then tell them to GTFO

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We can then spend the other 3 days of the week working a second job for +75% pay, hurray!

Open-minded people learn and change their opinion when presented with facts and discussions

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It needs to be addressed. Or people are gonna keep voting for pro-car politicians

I still do sometimes. Wish they release a build so I don't have to download all the dependencies and learn how to use a new program to build the damn thing

How about giving people a form for them to fill what kind of ads they want to see instead of spying on them to personalize ad

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0 reading comprehension skill

It's often the lawyer and the corp who care about suing than the programmers

I still can't figure out how to use the showerhead while sitting. I always stand up. I guess the bidet fits people who likes to sit

So if a person runs and appears out of nowhere in front of a moving car and it results in them being hit, the driver's life should be ruined? It's called accident for a reason, nobody wanted it.

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Reddit started the same way and guess what happens once the mass started joining it