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As someone with a background in linguistics, my jimmies are indeed rustled.

As a teacher, I'm not going to write a student up for disagreeing with me. I'm sure that there are some who do (and it would be warranted if the kid started name calling, yelling, refusing to let it go if the teacher said they wanted to look into it more after class to double-check etc), but in the years I've been working in schools, I have yet to see it happen. Here's an example of what I mean:

A few weeks ago, I was talking with the class about how I study Spanish on Duolingo to help do a job of teaching my kids. One of my students spoke up and said that Duolingo sucks and won't help you learn language. He actually said it sucks, not exaggerating there. I chose to ignore the wording and just talked about how it wouldn't be good to use it in isolation, but I also study with a flash card app for vocab, read in Spanish, listen to podcasts in Spanish, and talk with native speakers in Spanish all the time. He still disagreed with me and said so, I told him it is my specific area of professional expertise to know how language learning works, he still disagreed but we moved on.

When a student disagrees with me and I'm not sure I'm right, I try to look it up then and there or consult with a colleague if it's possible to. If not I make a note (like literally write out a note then and there, I keep sticky notes around at all times) to check on it, and I'm pretty good about getting back to them. Being able to admit you were wrong is extremely important as a teacher, and it can actually help your kids grow as people because you're modeling how you want them to behave as an adult--owning up and admitting it when you make mistakes. Seeing authority figures do it is powerful!


Once a week or so is the average. I'm at about the same amount of time in a relationship as you and we're about once a week. Personally I feel like sex is nice but it takes time and effort and I'm not always in the mood to spend time pleasing someone else (and I'm not going to initiate unless I'm willing to do that). I could see myself having sex a little bit more often if I had a better work-life balance where I felt less pressed for time. This gets me thinking that I should check in with my partner about this topic though!

Remote workers are overall more productive, report a better work-life balance, and suffer less from occupational burnout. It also saves companies money because they don't have to spend as much on office space.


My time is the most precious commodity I have. Unfortunately I'm in a career where I can't work remotely, but if I was I would refuse to go back to the office. Life is too precious to waste it sitting in traffic if you don't have to.

I don't mind paying for YouTube premium because I think YouTube is a valuable service and recognize it's expensive to host videos.

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I don't expect shit from anyone. That said, when I'm at one I'm still going to ask if there are options, because why wouldn't I?

Here's my advice as someone that quit drinking about 6 years ago due to my inability to drink responsibly.

Do you want to quit? If you feel like you can't handle playing a game in moderation, maybe it's time to think about quitting it entirely. If you feel like playing other genres of games will eventually draw you back into playing more addictive games like WoW, then you could think about quitting that too, it's up to you. If certain music makes you think about playing WoW and you can't control yourself if you listen to it , make a sacrifice and don't listen to it. I avoided bars for years and still don't really love being around when people are drinking. The sacrifices I make are well worth it though and I'm much much happier as a result.

Have a long, honest conversation with yourself about what you want from life and how video games fit into it. That's what I did with alcohol and realized I didn't want to waste my life on stupid shit any more and decided to quit.

My last Ford was a Focus with the dual clutch transmission, it was a complete fucking lemon (to the point where they were successfully sued over it and have done multiple recalls to fix it). I can excuse an automaker for the occasional shit car if their overall lineup is good and they're honest with customers, but they knew the transmission was majorly flawed and continued to manufacturer vehicles that used it anyway. I've had it refuse to shift while I was driving on the highway before, which left me redlining at maybe 45 MPH. Dangerous and it could have gotten someone killed. I will never buy another Ford.


Not discrediting the fact that guys can be dumbasses sometimes and go in with guns blazing, but perhaps sometimes it's just people being ignorant and not a gender thing? My wife has killed multiple plants of mine (some of which I really cared about) and my dad's partner has done the same. I don't hold it against my wife because she's just not very knowledgeable about gardening and it's my hobby, and she was doing me a favor just caring for my garden in my absence.

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AI-generated articles, books, coloring books for example, are all a thing now. Behind the Bastards did a podcast episode on the latter two.

Go vegan. It's better for the planet too.

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Anybody can learn to grow plants. It just takes practice and learning. There's a gazillion YouTube videos on gardening and I'm sure there's tons on how to grow weed specifically.


Beehaw has a gardening sub. Contribute and spread the word!

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I have very little faith in businesses to do the right thing for the right reasons. Publicly traded companies in the US literally can't do that legally if they think it will hurt their bottom line.

That's just deaths, not overall casualties, for people who haven't looked at the article.

Partway through the article:

Smith was convicted in the 1988 murder of Elizabeth Sennett. Sennett’s husband, a pastor, allegedly paid Smith and another man $1,000 each to kill her.

A jury voted 11-1 to sentence Smith to life in prison, but the judge overseeing the case overrode that decision and sentenced him to death. That practice, called judicial override, has since been eliminated in all 50 US states.

Some of Sennett’s relatives attended the execution and told reporters they had forgiven Smith.

“Nothing that happened here today is going to bring Mom back,” sais Mike Sennett, Elizabeth Sennett’s son. “It’s a bittersweet day, we’re not going to be jumping around, hooping and hollering, hooraying and all that, that’s not us. We’re glad this day is over.”

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I have half replaced Reddit with the Fediverse and half replaced it with this exciting new discovery I made of this thing called called IRL™.

I hate shaving and I think it's a waste of time. I think facial hair can also act to make your appearance more visually interesting if you prefer to keep your hair cut really short like I do.

I never tip with takeout. The only way to stop the cancer of tipping from spreading is to refuse to buy in to it. Pay your damn employees a living wage and then they don't need tips!

That "I" am pretty much just the construct of electrons flying around my brain.

If you get into mindfulness meditation a little bit, the concept of self in general shifts in really weird ways. Like I know that I am an individual entity in the world, but the sense of an individual actor or driver within my consciousness has faded somewhat. When you recognize that the thoughts or feelings that manifest in consciousness are about as much under your control as whether the wind is blowing or what the people across the room are talking about, it gives you a new perspective on life.

Something I've learned as a vegan is that it's pretty socially acceptable to kick vegans (and I guess vegetarians?) even among leftists. To the point where it's almost a meme in some vegan social media circles I used to frequent.

There also isn't any guarantee that a quality game will actually sell well, especially if the dev takes a risk and creates something new instead of releasing the 14th installment in a well-established series. It sucks but this is what it looks like when you have gigantic businesses steering video game development.

Just use another AI to edit the first AI's articles!

Stasis was in the first game, yes. You were required to use it several times to be able to pass through a few malfunctioning doors. You get it for free early in the game and don't have to upgrade it at all to open the doors, preventing the game from soft locking itself.

Kind of a troll/satire that some people took seriously, definitely required reading for internet tomfoolery history IMO.


From what I can tell, a lot of jobs are already like that. It's almost like society isn't designed to make people happy 😑

I'm in my 30s and one of the big things I've noticed recently is that hangovers are way worse than they were in my 20s. I think I've noticed it especially because I quit drinking for about 4 years or so and when I came back to it I noticed it seemed much worse than my early 20s. These days I'll have like 3 or 4 beers and start feeling hung over before I even go to bed. On the plus side it has really helped me moderate my drinking, cuz I sure don't feel like feeling like shit before I'm even done drinking and for most of the next day!

Most of the other stuff I hear ("Your metabolism slows way down!!!" "Your body starts falling apart!!!") seems to me to be mostly because people stop exercising and eat like shit. You do slow down but taking care of your body can really reduce the losses. I'm a cyclist and ride with guys in their 60s who are probably fitter than a lot of 20 and 30 year olds that I work with.

Now I'm wondering if there are documented cases of other primates being infected by rabies...

Yeah, you could easily make this more straightforward by putting parentheses around 8÷2. It's like saying literature sucks because Finnegans Wake is incomprehensible.

I think it's a very personal choice but NA beer just makes me miss normal beer. I'd rather drink seltzer most of the time and have real beer when I feel like drinking. Plus I'm pretty careful about watching my weight and I avoid empty calories where I can.

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Y'all Y'uns Fuckers

I agree with you. Imagine a country starts rounding up and murdering some ethnic/religious minority. Doctors shouldn't be like "ahh we must help the government kill them in the most humane way possible!" If anything that's enabling it.

I honestly don't get why so many people are so reckless and impatient on the roads.

Driving provides you anonymity and a getaway vehicle. It also anonymzes other people on the road, which I think kinda gives people like, main character syndrome?

For any new parents out there, current recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics is basically don't give children under 2 years old any solo digital media time. Meaning no tablet babysitter when you're cooking, driving etc.


but being vegan on a day to day basis means checking what is in every little thing you eat or drink, I mean literally checking labels and searching ingredients

That's true in the sense that you have to do it when you encounter something new, but once you become familiar with products, you just know what is safe and what isn't after a while. I wouldn't say going to the grocery store is much more difficult for me than an omnivorous person because I've been vegan/vegetarian for about a decade now and I've just got a mental list of many products I know are appropriate for me to eat. Yes I do still have to check labels when I'm getting something new (and have to stay aware of when recipes get updated) but it's not as arduous as people make it out to be, IMO.

And that's just buying processed food. If you're cooking from scratch it's pretty easy to know what's going into your food and select plant-based protein sources like tofu, beans, seitan etc.

In addition to your diet/lifestyle, I'd say you can be a force for good in the world in terms of animal welfare by just trying to consume less, have a smaller carbon footprint, and do what you can to support wildlife. Something I'm passionate about myself is converting my lawn to prairie in order to foster local wildlife. You could also volunteer your time/money towards supporting habitat restoration projects or something like that.

I'm a politics junkie and have seen many posts like this on Reddit. If anything I'd say up to now the fediverse has been farther left leaning in my experience.

Mow down fascism and kill your lawn!

It's certainly possible they'll have to reassess their strategy in the face of new applications rising so much, but I think up to this point they've just felt that community quality is more important than growth. I just recently joined this server and I didn't find the application to be that onerous. I just spent perhaps 15 minutes or so thinking about why I would want to be a part of a community like this and crafting a response that showed that I do care.