
2 Post – 61 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

You don't need an ethernet adapter to use your phone as a cabled hotspot for a computer. Just a regular usb cabe works just fine, I've done it before when our home internet was down.

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I don't, but I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with doing so. Me and my dad don't get along great, so we try to keep it short and civil when I visit, to keep the peace. I know that i would have to be in a really bad spot to move back in and deal with his bad temper regularly again.

I had no idea! So you use the phone in tether mode and get it hooked up on a router ethernet port and it works like that? Did you have to change any settings on your router to make it work?

To me waiting mode is caused by not trusting myself to not loose track of time if I start doing something else. So I count back the time it will take me to be ready and in the right location and put a bunch of reminders/alarms.

For example, I need to be at the dentist at 4pm. I check Google maps on the time estimate for me to get there (I even put in the arrive time to account for traffic), then I add the time for me to be ready to leave, to park my car, to be there early, adding a bit of a buffer on every step. Then depending on what I want to do before the dentist I put in alarms. If I can stop any time I put an alarm for the time I need to get ready. If I need a bit of a buffer to finish something I put one half an hour early and one at the time to get ready.

Adding some extra times to the estimate is good because we are notoriously bad at estimating times. You get better the more you do it

The idea itself is fine, but in practice it wouldn't work. The kind of people you are trying to screen out in the process would just study do give the responses of a passing assessment, probably with the help of heavily paid mental health professionals.

Psicology is hard to test and prove, most of the things you are looking to test would not be visible in bloodwork or brainscans.

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The most chaotic good thing to do would be to use the known security issues to hack into your boss' computer in the most scarry looking but harmless way. That would possibly scare them into upgrading.

With that said, you should create a paper trail on how you warned your boss, and either wash your hands of the issue or kick it up the chain, depending on how much you care.

EDIT: since it seems some people didn't get it, I meant the first option as a joke. My actual advice is the second paragraph

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From my limited knowledge of the matter:

  • Elon Musk wants Neuralink (his product/company) to become an actual product that people can buy someday
  • Testing has been done on monkeys and Elon wants human trials approved ASAP (might have already?)
  • Researchers from Neuralink have since come out against human testing apparently due to the horrible inhumane conditions that the monkey trials had on their test subjects.

Everyone feel free to correct me on anything or elaborate. I just thought that a not so good answer is better than none.

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Probably due to the absence of lead that the previous generation got due to leaded gas emissions.

Percy Jackson is written as having ADHD, because the writer's son had it. I liked it, but maybe the "it's actually a super power" thing might rub some people the wrong way.

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I can't wink. Other people make it seem so easy, the best I can do is a scrunched up face with a sliver of one eye open enough to see

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One compromise I use is to give them food instead of money. I usually carry with me one of those mashed fruit packets (usually marketed for kids to take to school) in case I get hungry and if I come across someone asking for money I just give them that. Or ask them if they want something from the nearby convenience store/cafe/vending machine. That removes the argument of "they'll just use it for drugs" that I hear and honestly believe is true to some people. Addiction is hard. Everyone has to eat, it's always useful to get them food (especially if it's non perishable)

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You're almost there. It has to do with the angle of the sun and the water drops relating to the view point. Rainbows only show when the sun is behind you, and if you imagine a cone going out from the viewpoint outwards you get the possible paths of the rainbow (different radius different wavelength and therefore color)

A similar concept happens in certain reflective surfaces (metal pots and pans, car hoods and much more). You always see the tiny scratches in circles, but if you alter the angle in any way you keep seeing different scratch circles. This is because the circle you see in any given angle is the exactly the scratches that are turned just perfectly to reflect the light in the perfect way. It does not mean that the scratches you see at any given moment are the only ones. It means there are plenty, and only a few more visible at a time.

To me, playing around with the second concept (much easier to manipulate yourself and see) made me understand rainbows much better.

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Since there is no publishing barriers you end up with a lot of bad content that wasn't filtered out from the platform in any way. That's no necessarily bad, it's just harder to find good writing, but it gives novice writers a way to just get out there and get feedback. When you find good stories it's just a way to get more from characters and worlds you want more of. I specially like slice of life types of stories where you get to peek into the "boring" parts in between the cannon story lines. There's also generally a lot of smutty content that you can filter out if you don't want to see it.

Nerdstalgic, CinemaStix, CGY, Corridor Crew, captainmidnight are some of my favorites. Some of these focus on TV series too, up to you if you're into that

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But what does it all mean? How does it work? How does paying affect the stream? It baffles me how this kind of thing is entertainment for some people. I must be missing something about it

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The Gods Must Be Crazy. I think it shows the absurdity of our modern civilization in a lighthearted way.

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I'm not perfect at it, but what helps me is that I genuinely love to learn and I like to take the opportunity to learn from people when I meet them. I just need to find an entry point (job, hobby, something the person is knowledgeable about) and then I start asking questions, and applying the limited knowledge I might already have on the subject.

With short interactions with people that are working (supermarket, bank, restaurant, phone assistance) I usually go for empathy, and overall just being nice. When one comes to me I go for a joke to brighten their day a bit.

One thing I do to combat this is I make a list of stuff I'd like to buy at a discount in early summer and keep up with the prices every two weeks or so until black Friday. This helps me know if a discount is real or not. I even made a power automate script to check the prices for me

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Not specifically bike riding, but exercise in general is proven to improve ADHD simptoms. How to ADHD has a good video on it

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I feel the same, but one big thing I miss from reddit are the more niche hobby communities. Back when I spent time on reddit I'd interact more with those kinds of communities because they were smaller and I actually had some good information to give to other people with the same interest. In lemmy getting those kinds of communities is practically impossible, there is not enough people here to make more niche stuff more than a few individuals, and thats not enough to keep a community alive.

I don't know if this counts, but when hold my kindle and phone together and I click the unlock button on my phone the kindle turns on too. Doesn't happen the other way around, I have no clue how it happens

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I know it's weird, but the view of the graveyard my grandparents are buried in. It's in a mountain village, and they put the graveyard right at the edge looking out at the other nearby mountains. It looks very green and untouched, just a few old style stone houses and sheep scattered about. Also the crisp cool air in your lungs and the sun in your face makes it such an experience.

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For the Sims 20th anniversary we got a free hot tub in the Sims 4 base game. It was ugly, and before the aniversary the hot tub as a selling point for a paid pack, so the people who spent money to get hot tubs got kinda mad.

  • Never just wait in the kitchen. When something is boiling/cooking/idle use that time to clean.

    I'm going to preface this one by saying I have a messy kitchen most of the time. We just take plates there and leave them on the counter. feeding ourselves is hard enough without having to cleanup right after. Then there is some cooking task that requires a but of idle time, I use that time to clean while I wait. This has two advantages: it makes waiting easier (before I did this I regularly undercooked food), and it makes me not leave the kitchen while the stove is on. That is a big no no for me.

  • Modify instant meals

    When feeding myself is hard, I like to modify instant/freezer meals. I always have shelf stable meals ready and a few plans to easily add to them. I find that most of them are a bit lacking in the protein department, so I have some easy ways to add some meat to them (canned sausages, tunna, cheese, peas).

  • Having a smartwatch with a voice assistant is a godsend

    I bought a used galaxy watch 4 and I love it. I set timers and reminders on it all the time, the only time it's not on my wrist is when it's charging. I set timers for the oven, for the washing machine, and in general for something I need to get back to after some time. I set more descriptive reminders to a bunch of things. It finds my phone when I loose it, and it also helped me track my heart rate once I started medication

The type of fruit I was talking about does not get stale at all. It's completely sealed until it's opened to eat. I eat them all the time myself, why can't they? I let them choose what they want when I offer to buy something for them. IMO if that's the way I'm confortable giving it's better than nothing at all, and someone that's confortable giving them money can if they want. Not to mention that I very rarely carry cash anymore

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I bought a refurbished galaxy watch 4 and I love it. I use it mostly for reminders and timers and it works really well for me. I put it in the charger while I shower and that basically the only time I'm not wearing it. I understand it's a pretty unusual use case, I don't really care about the fitness aspect of it, I just want a voice assistant on my wrist.

It's unlikely that there is consensus on where the line that separates them is, but to me influencers are showing their overall lifestyle (day in the life, vlogging, sharing their meals, routines, that kind of thing) and content creators are primarily generating something else that is not necessarily dependent on their lifestyle. I see it as educational content, creative content (arts, DIY, movie commentary, etc) news... I know content creators often expand into what I described as "influencer content", but that is often not their primary way of getting followers or focus of their attention, so I still think they are content creators.

It did not, it's just that sarcasm/irony is common on the internet, and tone is hard to convey just from written text. I was not offended at all, but thanks for being a nice person on the internet and apologizing anyways!

IIRC, the Sims sometimes check their phones in the Sims 4. Sometimes even while walking somewhere.

I need some more info on this. So you have uncooked rice and put it with with water in the microwave to cook it?

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Not sure if you're joking, but blinking is fine. It's blinking one at a time that's the problem

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I work full remote, so I can't give you options for in office specific stuff. For myself I always have a notebook and post it notes to replace short term memory. Also, silent fidget toys help me sit though meetings.

Working from home itself helps me work because I can control the environment around me to have less distractions. Also I can get up and sit weird and fidget in my seat without fear of getting called out or judged for it.

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Thank you for your kind words of understanding. I think gatekeeping acts of kindness will result in less people doing them. Even if the person I gave the fruit to doesn't like it or can't eat it for some reason it's still kindness from a stranger and being treated respectfully for a change. It's still better than the people who just ignore them and walk away.

I don't think "A watched pot never boils" was ever meant to be taken literally. The way I see it its more in the sense that if you just stand there looking at it the time it takes to boil will feel like forever.

I agree with the basic maintenance thing being a chore, but I understand where OP is coming from. So if one person out of the pair decides with previous warning that they want to plant a bunch of stuff then it's their responsability to take care of them.

In my situation for example, I live with my partner in an apartment, and the vases are his to maintain and take care of. We've talked about where we would live next and my parter wants a yard and I don't. So I've forewarned him that if we have a yard in a future house it belongs to him, and any decisions to move to a house with a yard come with that agreement. This is all very different situation to living in a house with a yard already, or not having the choice when moving for some reason.

I'm not much for siting sideways, more for putting my knees up and my feet on the seat, whitch I can luckily get away with without it showing on camera

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I agree, hence the disclaimer. Although there's one ADHD lesson from that book that I liked: ADHD people struggle with the way the modern world work and school are structured, but if put in the right environment we thrive.

We can't fight mithology monsters like Percy does, but I think if we find the right environment to live and work in our ADHD will me more an advantage than an hindrance. Easier said than done, of course, I'm lucky enough to find a work that I love.

The way I've explained it before is that it's like the autocomplete on your phone. Your phone doesn't know what you're going to write, but it can predict that after word A, it is likelly word B will appear, so it suggests it. LLMs are just the same as that, but much more powerful and trained on the writing of thousands of people. The LLM predicts that after prompt X the most likelly set of characters to follow it is set Y. No comprehension required, just prediction based on previous data.

In my parents' house similar to what you said, knifes and forks adjacent and spoons to one side (I don't remember the exact order). When I moved in with my now husband he said it made more sense to him to have spoons in the middle and I didn't care that much about it, so we have it like that. I have to say though, I do see an advantage to having the fork, spoon, knife order: when grabbing several pairs (fork and knife) it's easy to just take each with one with different hands and count them out. And it's easier once you have knives on the right hand and forks on the left to set a big table with one on each side of the plate.

Depending on the reason I'm feeling crappy, watch a comedy movie/series/video, listen to upbeat music, or play video games.