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Joined 7 months ago

100%. I've been saying it over and over. It's election season on the internet, division aplenty.

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I could be way overanalyzing this

You're not overanalyzing it. You're Wayyyyy overanalyzing it to a detrimental degree.

Even if you did take them back, and the pharmacy made a log of it, it would just be in their internal pharmacy 'drugs to destroy' log and wouldn't be sent to the state or anywhere else to update your records.

All they see is that you were prescribed a very small amount of a low dose pain medication once after a surgery and you picked it up. Something thousands of people do every single day.

It's not that important. You're not going to be red-flagged because your doctor/surgeon wrote a prescription and you picked it up.

You only get flagged as a drug seeker for drug-seeking behavior. That does not include picking up a small prescription for a few pain meds a doctor wrote for you after minor surgery. If it did, anyone who's ever had a root canal or tooth pulled would be flagged and the system would be useless.

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My hope is that the FBI asked them to shut this down on NSA's behalf, so threat actors feel more comfortable as they aren't being watched, studied, and analyzed by every OSINT collective in existence.

My fear is that they know what happened the previous 2 elections and this year will be the worst yet, and they don't want their users knowing how badly they got duped and feeling bad/dumb enough to leave the platform. Also advertising $$.

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Mass centralization. Old school forums like phpBB and SMF and vBulletin and new-school forums like self-hosted discourse are also centralized, but by one small user calling the shots, and it's very clear immediately which forums are well-run. If a forum isn't well-run with a good community, a 'competitor' will quickly pop up that is, and people will go to it. Sure, you have to have some tech skills but there are easy guides for all of it. Discourse is a simple docker image and it's the best for features and engagement IMO.

Sure you have to sorry about DDoS attacks and staying patched, but you can use OVH or another host with a large infrastructure that had DDoS resistant servers. Or, god forbid, cloudflare.

Mmm Hollywood Accounting... Misappropriate my residuals harder daddy!! 💦💦💦

You understood it? Are you Irish? I'm Murkin and I thought it meant running one out from his pocket or something.

Peel a banana in his pocket: Tight-fisted, cheap. Often the phrase is “peel an orange in his pocket.” The idea is that someone is so cheap, he will peel a piece of fruit inside his pocket so no one will see it and ask for a bite. - Don’t Be a Muggins: Learn Some Irish Slang

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Oh God No Did I Shart

Person 1: Are Bob and Janice coming over? Person 2: They can’t make it.


Person 1: Are Alice and Janice coming over? Person 2: She can’t make it.


Person 1: Are Alice and Janice coming over? Person 2: Alice can’t make it.

This is far less difficult than you're trying to force it to be.

Also if you don't exercise and get good cardio in daily, anxiety and sleep will be issues by default. It's crazy how sedentary some of us are. If I don't exercise for a week, I get massive anxiety, am unreasonably tired during the day but can't sleep well, and the next few days my pores are dripping sweat, until I get back on cardio track and go back to not sweating much.

Cardio is as evolutionarily necessary and inbuilt for humans as pooping and sleeping, and -- funny thing if you've experienced a panic attack before, you just feel like you have to run. It's insane how much gunk is cleaned out of your largest bodily organ when you run. From pouring stinky sweat for a couple days to barely sweating. And the sleep, energy and mood quality difference is also insane.

There are obviously other factors that can cause these issues, but if you don't exercise and eat right, and you're experiencing depression, anxiety, lack of energy, and sleep problems... Well, what's the saying, "if you stink, try a shower before bleach injections."

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I can't tell if that's a deepfake'd cross-eyed David Letterman high on cocaine or the jpeg compression is so bad it's given everyone mutant fingers.

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It has nothing to do with money spent. One is active hatefully divisive propaganda infesting the minds of the country on a total scale. We have multiple US Senators and Congresspeople saying the eclipse and earthquakes are a sign from God ffs. Have you been on reddit in the last few months? If not, I urge you to take a peek. Even in small hobbyist subreddits now every other post is pure hate or FUD, and every other comment is someone taunting people to fight them with divisive and very obvious left/right comments, much worse than the typical "lol seems like a typical lib/cuckservative." It comes in waves, which I assume is reddit finding and banning them, making them rotate accounts and continue the karma generating process so they can post and comment in karma limit subs (the idiotic questions.)

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Tom Ford's Tejus lizard-embossed leather jacket from the Tom Ford SS2023 menswear collection, based on the collar, zippers, and cuffs (see detailed pictures below). It's not lizard or crocodile skin as some people might have suspected — most exotic skins are banned in California — but is, in fact, just embossed calf leather. Still, it doesn't come cheap: it retails for a cool $8,990 (or just over ten shares of Nvidia stock).

Things like that come with a larger community. However, there are certainly message boards where exo-ornithologists gather where you could likely get a better answer than reddit, and if it's not actually enough of an interest to look for, then does the answer to your question actually matter? Knowledge is great, knowledge is power, but fleeting questions on a subject you won't think about for another decade is just mental masturbation.

AIM/MSN/Yahoo chatrooms. GeoCities. Neopets. Limewire, KaZaa, listening to Art Bell on the radio next to you while you search for the latest alien news and read ancient texts. Webrings. Message boards. NSA hadn't partnered with Microsoft for the first version of PRISM.

It was more decentralized, but even in the centralized parts there weren't yet entire industries dedicated to stealing every last bit of dopamine from you to sell to the highest bidder.

It was an amazing time. RIP 1985-2010

Maybe stop writing Linux kernel patches?

I manage a large network and ads are blocked at the edge of the network.

You must MITM all traffic and do some magic with stripping/injecting JavaScript then? Because every time I've tried with pihole, its just threads and threads of people saying its not possible with DNS blocking because the ads are served from the video servers.

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With skin that thin, I'm going to assume your username is not in reference to your time spend in the military.


Hot take: if you have so little free time that the best you can do is phone time, maybe you need to work on priorities or time management.

I get it. I also have shit time management and spend too much free time on my phone, when I could be replacing an hour spent on my phone with an hour at a nearby coffee shop reading a book, or participating in an hour social club once per week.

Business use? I don't know of anyone else that would pay. Your average user just uses zip (er, Compress File) and calls it a day.

For me it's the high-horse holier than thou attitude most of them seem to carry in online conversations. I know a fee vegans and they are mostly fine in person after the first few months of radicalization, but I imagine they just suppress it in person to maintain the acquaintanceship and then bitch in their vegan echo chambers about how "my co-worker who knows I'm vegan had the audacity to order a hamburger and eat it in front of me knowing I'm vegan, does he know he's destroying the world with that Burger... AITA?"

If you're looking for scientific answers, good luck they, Inrhjnjbmost people stop worrying about micromanaging people after a few years of academia.

I noticed my main VPN and backup VPN failing to connect the other day, but that was 3-4 days ago. Haven't tried since, because I switched to Pop!_OS in that time.

At the time I thought it was just my ISP being my ISP.

E: Both with Wireguard and OpenVPN, across multiple servers.

Interesting thumbnail strategy on this ad. It's hard to see it as just a seat. My mind keeps trying to make it into a human palm, so I'm seeing a tiny Polly Pocket tablet and stylus.

  • found the egocentric, ethnocentric American!


The year 2024 is notable for the large number of elections, with 8 of the world's 10 most populous nations (Bangladesh, Brazil, India, United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, Russia, Mexico) voting; countries that are home to nearly half of the world's people will hold elections in 2024. Around 2 billion voters - approximately a quarter of the world's population - are expected to be heading to the polls this year.

Stay blissful my friend.

But yes, American social media platforms are targeted during American elections, so you aren't ignorant about one thing.

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If you've known something for 11 years, would you say you've known it for 2 decades?

Check, mate.

At that point its out of your hands. Once the users have fully decided only one browser is all they're going to use, because most websites only develop for that browser (gee sound familiar?) then whoever owns that browser owns the web. That's the point people are trying to get you to understand and you aren't getting.

its not like we wont notice a shift like that. It would be very easy to adapt

This has has happened before. It took over a decade to get people to start using other browsers. Your little company can't wave a magic wand and make the entire internet ecosystem shift, even though you were part of the cause.

Firefox market share is going up. But because small vendors not testing on it, it's preventing its adoption. So you're letting Google own the web.

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Please do update after you've used it as your daily driver for a month! Would love love love to hear about it.

Also if OP posts an update and someone happens to see this comment, will you reply here or tag me? TIA!

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Yeah but this is Texas. One of the largest consumers of porn by state. Pornhub is the 6th most visited site in the US, just one spot behind Amazon. I'm sure at least some Texas politicians have decades old accounts accounts with all their favorites videos and probably paid access to creators, etc. Sure they won't be giving up their account username and telling everyone why they're doing it, but this gives them an excuse to call out the bullshit overreach and taking of frozen peaches. They can lie and say their constituents are the ones calling and demanding action. Actually a pretty smart move by Pornhub.

New features get released into the developer preview. It's basically beta test windows. It's what the tech sites watch to see what new features/etc have been added/removed/changed. Usually they end up making it into the release builds, but sometimes they end up not doing it, or the change doesn't apply to certain regions.

My dog absolutely hates certain noises. Anything excessively high pitched especially.

Have you tried turning the sound off, or is it you being on the computer in general rather than playing Minecraft?

Do you play any other games? If not, it may be the higher load than normal causing the fans to spin, and maybe that's messing with his ears.

The only other thing I can think of, besides the dog simply seeking attention, are your actions while you play Minecraft. Whether you make noises or yell, fidget, gasp, move in your chair a lot (squeeky wheels?) etc.

The python knexes at midnight.

I think we should be taking them in as asylum seekers, but it's not as bad as the headline makes it sound.

Regardless of his recent misgivings, you should check out this video by someone who actually paid a coyote to take him across the border (idiot thought because he was American that it was fine and legal, lol) and got caught by US border patrol and ended up staying in a holding center for 3 days.

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By number of users, Lemmy is the worst forum for mobbing I've ever come across. You'd get similar mobbing on Reddit but there were 500x the number of users.

I assume it's because a mass of people came here for a staunchly idealistic reason simply because it was the alternative to reddit.

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I can't even tell if this is satire.

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Just right now? As of December I was still having controlled meds sent electronically. Did that change since or is it still state by state?

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Thank you.

To anyone else, you're welcome.

Making boatloads of money


Making far less money along with loss of freedom for decades, or fleeing and sanctions while having your every shart logged...

what am I not getting here... you nor OP are on world, what's it matter?

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Please tell me you work in tech. I want my daily lmfaoizzle.

They're malicious actors, but reddit is just as bad right now. It'll die down to more organic hate after the elections.