1 Post – 156 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This should have been much more well thought out The wording, image, buttons, specific wording for each page.

They really screwed the pooch.

Another 4-6 months minimum before release. But quarterly numbers must be met.

Israeli company legally allowed to produce and sell digital spycraft, only to verified western nations, has clients of dodgy and murderous origin. News at 11.

I wonder if Jamal Khashoggi would still have been brutally hacksawed into individual bits in an embassy if not for Pegasus.

Call me crazy but I have my doubts.

13 more...

Also, Relay Pro was the only allowed 3rd party app, and they just released an update that requires you to pay for API usage, with no way to bypass or exit the pay screen. So that was the last of my last reddit usage. Uninstalled.

12 more...

Facebook was all those things in the beginning.

Reddit was all those things in the beginning.

Twitter was all those things in the beginning.

LinkedIn was all those things in the beginning.

The Internet in general was all those things in the beginning.

I've never used IG/TT but I assume they were all those things in the beginning.

Lemmy will probably be said to be most of those things in the beginning.

With age comes wisdom, which comes once you've seen the pattern happen enough times, which can only come with age.


One of those old people.

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This is interesting. Even skinny Americans? I've never heard this, but I have heard you can tell someone is American because people from elsewhere don't lean on things when standing.

14 more...

Dude, if you're struggling that much, I'll pay for a few months for you so you can try it out. $15 for 3 months, or do you have to pay yearly? I have no experience with medium but I get a ton of good info from medium articles and it's a great resource.

Being right on the Internet > OPSEC and NATSEC secrets

Cats out of the bag. It's not ChatGPT running on OpenAI's server under their control. Tens of thousands of random individuals are making, training, and using their own ML systems and datasets. I see it all the time on HN. The technology is known.

I am as concerned as him, but I'm unsure if I'm against regulation of serious and widespread use of propaganda AI that could affect citizens doing small time things. What are we going to nation states besides more sanctions? Are there any other options?

You work on computers, they work on people. Part of their job is coding on their bosses for more money, while you write a script to automate something. Hard skills vs. soft skills.

If you want, you could develop those people manipulation coding skills and be twice as valuable as them.

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I'm not surprised. Propaganda as a systematic process of human psychological manipulation was essentially born in Russia, and they've been honing in and practicing those skills ever since.

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I chuckle inside and exit the room at the first chance when someone non-jokingly refers to themselves as an alpha male. And that's not because I'm afraid of them--the fact is that I'm the alpha male.


Humans in packed cities could be described in a similar way though, if there's not a social reinforcement in place, by the community elders who are respected and followed, to keep them from it. I live in a medium sized city now because of work, but even still I can relate to the rats [I'm aware of the studies flaws].

Put any one species into a [packed] depressing [space] with way too many strangers and way too [varied amounts of resources per individual], and they will fight and establish a pecking order eventually. This has nothing to do with how the same species would behave in the wild and with enough resources to live comfortably.

I grew up in the country with tens of acres and my nearest neighbor was a mile away. Separated from the small town nearby by a river and surrounded by thick hedgerows going miles around in every direction, with a huge open space (fields) between our house and the hedgerows. I've never been happy in the city. No matter where I am, I feel like I'm in a cage. I'm not agoraphobic but there's a sense of being 'watched' when I leave my house that just isn't there when you live in a remote area. All the people, sights, sounds, smells can be incredibly overwhelming at times.

I am only capable of attaining a true level of peace when I'm in nature.

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I really need to get everything transferred over to CVS.

Maybe it's different where you live but here I would simply need to tell my doctor "hey actually I want to use CVS now. Can you send the prescriptions to CVS at the corner of X and Y Street? Thanks"

Then when you get to CVS you'll need to give them your ID, phone number, signature, etc. and they'll fill your script and that's your new pharmacy. You can also use multiple pharmacies (I use Walgreens for one script and Kroger for the rest). If your doctor is disorganized with their notes and sends it to Rite Aid next time, just call CVS and tell them you want to get them transferred and they will call them and handle it for you.


There is a MASSIVE strike of pharmacy workers across the country now. Mainly CVS and Walgreens but I asked my (local branded) Kroger pharmacy tech yesterday when I picked up a prescription if it's affecting them and she said yeah they're short staffed and she's never seen the pharmacist so busy. So it's likely to be affecting all pharmacies for the next few weeks as they play catch up.

This is only a couple weeks after 75,000 Kaiser employees went on strike which makes me think it's an industry-wide issue and we'll see more issues in the near future. Support your local pharmacy people, if you still have one.


Plugging GoodRx here. If you don't have drug insurance or your drug isn't covered,, they're a massively helpful cost-saving company. You just type in the drug name and dose and the pharmacist enters it like regular insurance. They save me a couple hundred each month.

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Hasn't Ashton Kutcher essentially stopped acting and dedicated his life to fighting child predation?

Edit: I guess it's Moore and Kutcher.

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If you have proper full disk encryption and know the caveats, it really doesn't matter what you name your files. If you're the anal-retentive spy handler type, you are probably very organized, and you name files with exactly what's in them.

He was a spy handler who handled secret and top secret documents and worked in intelligence for a number of years. I'm sure he knew how to encrypt his hard drive.

He may have even used a VPN, or tor for the searches which has (had?) a very curious ongoing network-wide DDoS attack (very useful if you had access to the entire inflow and outflow of the Internet via undersea cables and ISP access and wanted to do timing attacks) for at least a year in 2022-2023. The tor project themselves tell you that if your adversary is a nation-state, you need to use more protection than just browsing from your normal laptop on your home network.

I imagine he at minimum used private browsing to search Google and reddit for this stuff, but they logged the search and the DoD was later able to easily get the customer details of the IP from his ISP at the time the searches took place, and also all other searches during a time.

But it's also just as likely he thought he'd be in the clear, knows how incompetent the beurocracy seems since he was inside of it, but something he did tipped them off and he was scrutinized (maybe his VISA application for China and plans to travel there yearly).

This seems like a weird way to set someone up... Setups are much more rare than the movies would have you believe.

I'm mostly concerned with the lack of details about whether he did or did not successfully give China those details... He was arrested at the San Francisco airport coming back from China... asset info, meeting places, etc, of even just a few known spies can potentially give the adversary a pattern to look for to find other unknown assets. I forget exactly when, where, or who, but there was some massive spy bust (either Russians in US or US in Russia, iirc) that happened because of some pattern they found between the registered addresses of the spies... Something about them all living in the same apartment building, or the numbers in the building or something. If anyone remembers the story please link it here.

Only because it's paradigm shifting and worldview shattering.

"Only baby teeth grow back, and if you lose your adult teeth you're fucked, enjoy your dentures."

Don't worry though, you probably have a few decades to realign your worldview. 9/10 of clinical trials fail.

Step 1. Peeling skin

Step 2. Orange Gatorade

Step 3. Small flower

Step 4. ?????????

Step 5. Profit!

Urim has been Israeli since the country came into existence.

There's so much propaganda from both sides that I don't know what to believe about who, but Israel has only been a country since 1948 - that's after the invention of the Jeep, microwave ovens, Frisbees, jet aircraft, etc.

I'm not aware of the agreement made with Palestine for the land, but I've seen enough videos of Israelis near the border, both citizens and uniformed men, throwing Palestinians out of their houses so Israelis could live there. Not to mention the violent acts.

24 more...

Quick someone post that 3rd party YouTube interface for Android. Preferably on F-Roids. I need it.

This is the Internet so let's settle this quickly and efficiently.

The best 3rd party YouTube interface is called Kuhmbus.

10 more...

In turn it compromises ssh authentication allows remote code execution via system(); if the connecting SSH certificate contains the backdoor key. No user account required. Nothing logged anywhere you'd expect. Full root code execution.

There is also a killswitch hard-coded into it, so it doesn't affect machines of whatever state actor developed it.

It's pretty clear this is a state actor, targeting a dependency of one of the most widely used system control software on Linux systems. There are likely tens or hundreds of other actors doing the exact same thing. This one was detected purely by chance, as it wasn't even in the code for ssh.

If people ever wonder how cyber warfare could potentially cause a massive blackout and communications system interruption - this is how.

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The ultimate shitpost, I guess.

It is undoubtedly a group of synapses with one about to get a big juicy golden dopamine hit. I feel like that was a spez request to marketing and design departments as a subtle way to laugh at how obviously overboard they can go and people will stay addicted.

I'm curious how the r/conspiracy sub is reacting, or not reacting.

I'm not sure where you live, but our XYZ (USPS, Amazon, UPS) drivers almost never knock or ring the bell. FedEx is the only one that does, and they don't come very often. Maybe all the drivers know our house and don't want to hear the dogs. Honestly it's appreciated, I don't care to answer the door without prior notice, doubly so if no one is actually there when I do.

USPS drivers just want to get done for the day and go home, but Amazon (definitely) and UPS (I think) get docked for taking over X time per delivery. If someone comes to the door to talk to you and ask you something, that could really mess with your times.

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Yeah, this is about the hackiest hack you can hack. If OP says it works then great, I guess, but profiles are exactly this just built-in and tested.

"I'd rather be Russian than democrat"

It's scary just how many people were saying that.

Curious if their proxy host was cloudflare or DDoS-Guard (Russian) or even a lesser known service.

7 more...

What (or who?) could create a corporate culture where racists would feel empowered to say anything they want without fear of repercussion?

Hmmm, maybe someone that built his fortune on Apartheid money?

Could it be....? 🤔

Yup, I have been using KeePassXC locally since (one of) the first big LastPass breaches. I thought "password manager company... they know encryption" and then kept some of the most important things stored in my vault including notes of Bitcoin seedphrases etc. Thought "even if they get hacked, they wouldn't let anyone exfil the huge amount of data from the USER VAULT SERVER.... thought "my passphrase is like 25-30 chars long, nobody will crack that"...

5 years after my last login and I find out the breach happened, user vaults were exfil'd, the encryption was absolute shit, and the notes weren't even encrypted.

I don't trust cloud companies to keep promises or know what they're doing today. and anything self-hosted isnt Internet accessable unless it's on dedicated hardware subnetted off and wouldn't matter if it got hacked.

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I think it's quite obvious they were using the royal 'you', as in America (almost every American assumes everyone else is also American in the internet unless otherwise stated).

And they're right, American soldiers did unspeakable things in Afghanistan and Iraq, but that doesn't mean all Americans are responsible for the decisions those soldiers made.

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Twitter also has a broken unsubscribe link in their floods of email updates. I tried so many ways to click that link, I just had to block them. I know that breaks laws and think they can be charged a big amount every day that it's not fixed. Maybe someone can look into that.

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Year of the Linux Desktop! 1999-2035!

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It's very sad. They are locked into informational echo chambers that only repeat the words of state media and anyone repeating anything else gets arrested or a 'visit'. The only ones who know how to bypass this are mostly younger tech savvy Russians with VPNs etc who care enough.

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It won't, but that's not the point. Gov. Spencer Cox is campaigning. Ever notice how politicians get real busy and start hitting hard with stuff like this when election season is near?

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It depends on a mixture of features... With the beard, the face, attire, etc. If you have kind eyes, you can have almost any beard and not look crazy. Here are some examples.









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Very slight off vocal inflections that you subconsciously know aren't him because you've seen the real him act in so many movies.

Plus, you knew it was a fake when you clicked it. If you hadn't then chances are it would seem like a regular ad you're trying to skip.

Yup. That $50 option is going to be 75% business/political co, and 25% real users.

The thing about medium is that it's a trusted domain + mailing list + blog + search engine in one. All you have to do is sign up and start writing, for free.

Sure you can have your own domain, and spin up a cheap VPS which has WordPress or other blogging software, customize and setup the share buttons and theme and other plugins, pay MailChimp or another trusted relay to actually inbox your emails, use Google Analytics or some open source complex privacy-focused analytics, and then set up your advertisements or some scheme to contact you for article product placement if you actually want to make money from it. If you're really good and knowledgeable in your field. That's a lot of time invested and very expensive relatively (compared to free).

I think a lot of people just want to share their knowledge, getting paid pennies for page views comes second to that.

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I think it's partly his 'strong man' persona, but also that he was one of the only candidates hitting on all the things they needed to hear. We need to do more for our rural communities. Help the farmers! Help the coal miners! Keep oil production flowing! He touched on the lifeblood on these rural towns, which is something other conservative politicians weren't doing as much. That let his message spread wider organically, from people who were quite literally willing to devote their life to him. He 'stuck to his guns' (on the issues they cared about anyway) which is what let them ignore the other things he said and did. There was also one of the largest state-sponsored propaganda campaigns in Internet history backing his election. In many or most small towns it became an Us vs. Them (Trump being the Us) and if you know how small towns work then you know it's "When in Rome..." creating a massive echo chamber across conservative America. When the mob is rallying for something, you stay quiet or face the consequences. Many didn't stay quiet and became outspoken, which furthered the division.

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Exactly this. There's a massive difference between providing a product and laying it all out plainly in the terms of service, and providing a product to remotely hack phones through said service with no prior agreement by the user to be hacked.

What's the most efficient design for an energy generation device that fits in an area smaller than 1 cubic mile, uses materials found on Earth or nearby planets/passing comets, and if it outputs particle, waves, or any combination thereof that destroy the atmosphere or DNA/life, contains the destroyers?

But if we're dealing with a demon or a genie or aliens, we won't like the answer. Fuckin' tricksters.