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Joined 12 months ago

Right? Like... I'd like to see them ACTUALLY boycott tractor supply. In a lot of places, that's sort of the only store around.


I was pretty bummed when I heard that Twitter was going to die. There are some cool moments in history that happened on Twitter. It was a hell of a ride, but the writing was on the wall well before Elon bought it. It was time to go.

But not like this.

It deserved a good death. Not to have it's corpse raped on full display over and over.

A lot of very talented people committed so much time and energy to this. When it launched, it was a novel idea and they really forged some roads in our understanding of how we communicate and receive information.

It was clear at the end that it would never produce the kind of ROI on advertising to make investors happy, and that Nazis had clearly taken over the platform and used it to bastardize journalism further. It was time to go to pasture.

But not like this.

Hopefully its mutilated, humiliated and desiccated corpse will feed the growth of the federated web.

I hope you find peace, sweet prince.

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"Editor wastes ink on this bullshit instead of the news"

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Must be a lot of freedom down there that they're banning so many things.

What the hell is with these shitty judges not doing their jobs? They've been warned. The next step is not to warn them again, it's to file sanctions.

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"CNNs Dana Bash puts microphone in front known liar and is surprised when he lies"

Fucking media. Stop giving attention to these clowns.

I think that if they're letting those cars go out the factory door with the parts for heated rear seats, then I own those too, and I'll do with them what I please.

Ding fuckin dong.

Should have died in the Hague

You've clearly never taken for the ole' poutine scam. Everywhere you buy poutine, they tell you that "this isn't REAL poutine. You've gotta go to __________". It's always somewhere else. This poutine is in another castle. Don't fall for it. It's all so they can tell sell more plane tickets to Montreal.

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Put him. The fuck. In jail.

At this point, the GOP, the DOJ, and the NYAG are complicit in his criminal behavior.

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Fuuuuck... Just rolling out the deep cuts

It's a good thing she told all of the right people that this happened so that we could avoid an obvious coup and threat to the constitution that she swore an oath to protect...

Amirite, guys?!?

Why did the room get so quiet?

I just feel like there isn't enough "we told you so" laying around to unfuck this

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There's a slate of judges who are refusing to do their jobs. There shouldn't be another discussion about it, the lawyers were warned, and this step should be to file sanctions and report them to the bar.

A Colorado judge issued an order disallowing Trump from intimidating witnesses or officers of the court - something that is ALREADY illegal. They're so terrified of putting him in jail for contempt.

Chicken shit judges.

*Edit: there -> they're. Amateur hour over here.

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Scotus has clearly demonstrated that it is no longer a legitimate institution. It's be fine with both sides ignoring them until they can demonstrate that they've cleaned house.

We're not doing laws anymore. Just for the poors

At first, I was mad. Then the slow, sad realization that you're more right than not...

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I don't know that this has ever not been true. It's sort of a soul crushing gig

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I really liked him. Get him to the Greek is one of my favorite movies.

Innocent until proven guilty, so I'm going to hold off on judgement ( not that my judgement matters). There seems to be A LOT working against him here. He's not cancelling tours and losing his agent if people thought this was unfair - sometimes up.

There's a lot of rape apologists in this thread though. As much as he's innocent before proven guilty, so is his accuser. "All it takes is an accusation to ruin a perfectly good career". Y'all should be ashamed. That doesn't happen without MAJOR consequences for a false accusation, as well as consequences for any media outlet that ruins the story without due diligence. It's extremely hard to prove rape cases, meaning that if it's gotten this far, there's enough evidence to put it into print. This is global news, and NOBODY has come out with any compelling story as to why the accuser is lying.

Bottom line, none of us really understand what actually happened, and everyone seems too eager to write off Brand or his accuser. Chill out. More info will come.

I hate working out. I don't get the endorphins from it that other people seem to talk about. Directly, no. I didn't get anything from it.


I look good. People speak to me differently. I have more and better sex. Better for quality makes me not feel like shit all the time. My personal image has changed and I time myself depressed a lot less.

So ultimately, yes. Go to the damn gym.

Well. Kids keep being murdered in schools. We've tried "thoughts and prayers" and "more guns", and that really hasn't solved the problem.

I think folks are just trying to limit access to guns except in specific conditions. You know - trying something different.

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It's more evidence that the platform is being run by investors that don't really know what they're doing. Reddit was a great platform, but instead of spending energy to "fix search" or "build better admin tools" they put their focus into buzzwords and ads. The NFT profile snoos, the crypto approach - is just pandering to the idea of an IPO so that they can all dump their stock and make a buck. Likely used engagement numbers from before the layout changes to pitch advertising without updating them as to how engagement has changed.

If they had any intention of running the platform long term, they would balance the experience that Redditors are used to with a sober approach to advertising. They would create meaningful community features and charge for them as a community add on (such as a community event calendar that ISN'T Facebook, community marketplaces, association management, etc.) With the audience and reach that they have, the long term profitability of the platform was almost assured. They would have adopted federation in order to aggregate even more content. They would have rolled their own AI instance into their search and community recommendations instead of freaking out about it. Instead, we got NFT avatars that literally nobody asked for, because crypto bros.

Fwiw, the site has shit the bed. There isn't nearly as many active users as people seem to think. There's... A LOT of very obvious bots. New communities that being floated now are clearly gaming the algorithm. It's very obviously different than what it was.

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It sounds like you're diminishing or don't understand the level of polarity that this has created. My family are now Nazis. Not like a little bit. Not like an exaggeration. Like... "Restore power to the master race and eradicate everyone else"

These are not the people I grew up with. How do I break bread with these people? How do I share a table with enemies of democracy and the Constitution? How many screaming matches and fist fights (yes) do I get into calling them on their bullshit before I'm supposed to give up? How do I avoid taking about politics when they turn literally everything into a challenge or litmus test?

This is anecdotal, so take this all with a grain of salt, but there aren't many people that I've talked to that don't have a similar story. I just don't think you're giving enough credence to the damage that trump and the fascists are doing to the fabric of America.

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I like your rationale here. It's a good reason and it makes sense. Thanks for that

I don't like the part that it's taken the justice system 30 years to start dealing with this clown. If it were anyone else....

I wonder if there is such a thing as an asshole asylum

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I don't disagree with you, but at some point, most of these folks are grown ass adults with full cognitive capacity and the same access to information as the rest of us.

It's a commitment and dedication to wilfull ignorance that is a conscious decision. They make the choice to ignore new information and ignore their own values and hypocrisy. They are 100% responsible for their own actions and treating them as victims invalidates their responsibilities and denies them personal accountability.

I don't know that I'd call them subhuman, but they are hurting, killing, and oppressing people in active worship to the God of ignorance. These are bad people, and they don't deserve your defense.

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I think from context we can assume in favor of. I don't think anyone is accusing Reddit of masterminding the Gaza conflict. I haven't been to /r/conspiracy in a while through.

I'd tack on "traitor to your country", and "enemy to democracy and the Constitution"

Just like the last writers strike produced an endless unmitigated firehose of reality TV and bastardized all the good TV channels, this move is going to double down on that model

AI isn't going to be able to do what actors can do. Not for some time yet. The content will probably start off okay, but we've already seen issues with AI used for "creative" purposes. It sucks. The quality of content on streaming platforms is already hurting. This is going to make it even shittier.

Something will get figured out, because now there are gonna be a lot of people sitting around at home with no bread and no games.

This is spectacularly misinformed.



You haven't really shown us anything. You've taken a contrarian position so that you can either a) push a false narrative, or b) make yourself feel like you have some sort of special, secret knowledge so you can feel superior about one thing in an otherwise shitty life. shows a border that is moving in the direction that most reporting days it is. It is fairly easy to confirm/deny by external agencies, as it represents something physical and tangible. Either Russia is getting whooped on, or the map is lying. With satellite images, videos on location, and gps data, nobody has called it out yet. You're welcome to give it a go, and if you can disprove it, I'm all ears

Until then, facts is facts, son.

In Canada, they have an idea called "right to peace". It means that you can't stand outside of an abortion clinic and scream at people because your right to free speech doesn't exceed that person's right to peace.

I don't know if that's 100% how it works so someone can sort me out, but I kind of liked that idea

Advanced manipulative furniture

This is why we don't do Thanksgiving with the fam anymore

You might be interested in The Obama admin kicked of the Government Open Data Initiative to provide transparency in government. Agencies have been given a means to publish their data, which US taxes pay for. You'd be surprised what's in there. It's not an algorithm, but you could certainly build one from that if you wanted to.

A second Second amendment, if you will. They won't even tack it on to the end, just use 2 twice.

You're really not getting it, are you? With the assault in Ukraine, the US MIL got the opportunity to clear out some old stock and potentially divert world war 3 into a stalemate. It was great for a bit. The gaza conflict gives the US a greater opportunity to really play to its strengths and pursue a thread of great historic national interest... Bombing brown people.

There's potentially oil there that needs freedom, and nobody expects more freedom for oil than the US

/S ...I think? I'm having a bit of an Idiocracy moment right now.

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One of the tenants at work here is that these people don't believe that the Constitution applies to people who are here illegally, so there's no conflict in her head about this

I feel like that might also violate some regulations

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