
7 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Only if we fix the servers and reduce the bugs.

See, this is why we need more diverse representation in the media now. Manchildren always whine about "diversity ruining everything" when it's really a truer reflection of America's evolving demographics.

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As long as we don't allow capitalist corporate greed to ruin the Fediverse like it has ruined (and will continue to ruin) practically everything.

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Not all people identify with the two-gender labels. For instance, I'm genderqueer, and I'd feel very dysphoric if someone told me "ma'am."

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Elon's acquisition of Twitter serves as an insightful case study of how a corporate CEO can turn what used to be a diverse, tolerant, and bountiful community of netizens with no home for hate speech and misinformation into a sad capitalist bloodbath.

Please take note, Huffman. And please take note, the internet in general.

In my experience, the people ranting about "free speech" the loudest are the most flagrant violators of the "my right to move my arms ends at your nose" maxim.

Me neither. It's alright to learn superstitions and traditional folk beliefs, but what you shouldn't do is allow them to get in the way of safety and productivity. E.g. taking herbal supplements with adverse side effects.

I, too, used to have a phase where I went around telling people I was "agnostic", but looking back, the only real reason I kept saying that was to show an apologist face towards my conservative Christian family. Really I was just atheist, but it took me quite a while for me to be able to confidently say that.

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Didn't one of the larger gif sites announce their discontinuation?

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The right to quit, if things get corporate and greedy and the people, the people who actually form the community only get screwed over. Whether it's a job, a club, or a social media platform.

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And disallowing... everything good.

"Landed gentry", remember?

I recommend "folks" or "fellas".

Also new users please be aware that there's this bug that causes commenting to sometimes fail completely and get stuck on loading.

"It's pretty much over?" Hey, I don't mean to sound like I'm putting you down, but this kind of defeatist rhetoric isn't exactly helpful. After all, it reflects the kind of attitudes that allowed oppressive systems to persist for centuries. I'm as anti-fascist as you, but I'm worried that adopting a tribalist mentality will only nurture fascism and shield the privileged from accountability. Giving in to cynicism and analysis paralysis will do little to resolve the ever-worsening environmental catastrophe, and cedes the moral high ground to those prizing individual gain over the greater good.

Instead of wasting energy on Schadenfreude, I believe it's more productive for us to come together as a species, set aside our differences, and reorganize our social and economic structures for the common benefit. Although it might sound demanding, anyone can help, and we can go a long way just by working together. Small daily choices will aggregate into powerful movements, but only if enough of us opt for sustainability over excess, demand accountability from corporations and governments, and upend the industrial capitalist machine that created this crisis.

The progress may seem glacial, intermittent, or stagnant. But this should not be rationale to give up! Besides, let's celebrate the positives, and look towards how far we've come - more people than ever, especially those most directly impacted by climate change, such as Gen Alpha and/or the Global South - are recognizing the danger we're headed for, and momentum for a just transition is building. Bottom line: the battle isn't hopeless, but if we make it hopeless, it will. Stay strong, warrior.

Could we please do this for Trump next?

Which is actually a welcome change IMO since it discourages karma-based elitism and allows for more open discussion, which is especially of value to Reddit refugees.

Friendly reminder that we're not going "back to brunch"; no one said we had to copy Reddit 1:1. Reddit had a lot of problems, so why not make it so that Lemmy solves or avoids those same problems? Why make it the same when we can make it better?

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I think much of the world, including the United States, is overly car-dependent and could really benefit from more openness towards sustainable forms of transportation, and urban development designed without automobiles at the forefront of the mind.

Not just fewer kids. But fewer conservatives too.

Gosh, I love it here.

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That's awesome!

The elitist attitudes surrounding Apple products is so unbelievable. "OMG, I have an iPhone!" Yeah, you have an iPhone, so what? You're the best? You can FaceTime your friends, despite you and your friends probably having, like, 7 other apps to do so? And no UI customizability or jailbreaking?

I'm just unable to understand the Apple/iOS hype. It makes my eyes roll. I'm content with my Samsung and Android, thanks.

Maybe it's time to rethink everything, and stop acting like we can just go back to brunch.

You know, it's so funny (though obviously not in an enjoyable way per se) how those folks are so selective and picky about freedom. Like freedom is OK when it's the freedom to enter a supermarket without a mask, but it's not OK when it's the freedom to express your gender. And as in this example, when it comes to corporate masters...

Don't you just love capitalism? And don't you just loooooove capitalists? It's honestly frightening how reminiscent it is to the way the fascists took power in 1930s Germany.

And by the way, I'm noticing a parallel with how much they not only embrace conservative evangelical Christendom, but also act like it's the epitome of freedom and liberty - the American Dream, if you will. If you attend one of the US's most notorious fundie schools, you're not allowed to stay up late, mingle with the opposite gender too much, attend dances, or be pretty much anything other than cishet (and implicitly, cishet white male). The irony of how said school is named "LIBERTY" University never seems to die on me.

I was pretty surprised too when I saw Colorado. Aren't they and their governor among the least progressive Democrats? And aren't they lax about their gun laws? Remember Colorado Springs?

Speaking of which, that city has a reputation as the "buckle in the Bible Belt" and is home to many evangelical seminaries. I'm glad Denver and Boulder are more open-armed, though the state as a whole could see more diversity.

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I appreciate the alternative opinion and am glad you offered it.

Another user mentioned "communities following communities" which I think could serve as a viable middle ground.

Looking at you, Trump.

Also another problem would be that some languages are more character-efficient than others. E.g. Chinese vs English vs Navajo.

I still think we should try our best!

Let's see how many % it grows in July when shit really hits the fan.

The easiest and most effective solution would be to just get Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter/X to crack down harder on misinformation.

Optimally, there should even be a sort of "social reputation ranking" system in place to disincentivize online misinformation and hate speech by tying it to real-life ramifications. We sort of already have something like that for job applications, and I'm proud of that, but if we could extend the enforcement and implementation of this kind of thing to, say, transportation, real estate, or banking, that would certainly be a commendable step in the right direction. Ranted about the mask and vaccine mandates in 2020? Good luck buying that car.

Too bad an increasing and worrisome number of these platforms are being owned by right-wing shrinks. Heil Spez and Heil Musk.

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And people still say she's "politically neutral"? BS.

There's a remarkable level of racism in the level of concern for Ukraine vs. somewhere with less white and European people like Yemen.

Identify as a woman.

I remember the pork thing, and also reading that infographic about how it's hypocritical to refrain from eating dogs and cats because those animals are smart, but to eat pigs and octopuses anyway despite their similar levels of intelligence. Things like these are what eventually set me on the path of embracing veganism.

Garbage in, garbage out.

Think these "fractured" distributed communities are the new normal we need to embrace moving forward. It seems like we've been conditioned to think in terms of corporations and monopolies for too long, and maybe, just maybe, a more "splintered" approach could work better.

Why does everything need to fit in one uniform or under one roof? Humanity is diverse, and we have diverse experiences.

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Even so, there's still an undeniable fear factor I might need to get over. But it'll need acknowledgement.

Fucking carbrains.