2 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Game Developer, GM, Author, Programmer, Youtuber, Noob Artist, Graphic Designer, Total Weeb, Orbital Bombardment Enthusiast

With a loss of people like that, The Escapist is dead too.

The pro gamer move would be to pick up the Zero Punctuation rights at auction.

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Mosquitoes. Definitely those fuckers.

For anyone who is unaware, Firefox developer edition on mobile, otherwise known as Firefox nightly, never lost the ability to arbitrarily install extensions. You just need to make your own collection on the Firefox website, and link it in the settings on your phone.

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That sounds all kinds of highly illegal and I cannot wait for the delicious lawsuit

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Anybody got a TL:DR?

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The Delorean is on the sheet, so it's available, and I'm taking it.

I'll take the castle too, since being landed gentry is one of the best ways to survive back then.

Have you seen the porn instances? We are already there, my friend

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A toggle in the signup process, checked by default, which says "subscribe me to default communities" wouldn't be too bad a compromise.

This suggestion is intended to streamline things for the average user. People who do not care about ideology, ethos, what's problematic or not, and just want to sign up and see stuff and immediately get involved in basic discussion.

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Don't forget planned to murder every Democrat, Republican who didn't do what they wanted, and the Vice President.


As The Crazy Game Master, I'm not the one dying.

Everybody else? Roll for Initiative.

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This sounds like an excellently exploitable thing that capitalism will quickly make mandatory.

Fuck you! Welcome to Lemmy, we're fun here



This kind of growth is absolutely insane.

That's your opinion and you're welcome to it, but nothing will kill adoption rates harder than doing the whole early Mastodon thing of "you should change how you behave here"

1 more... with Show NSFW clicked twice to only show them.

For research and scientific purposes, of course.

Quit trying to fit Lemmy into a Reddit box

About fuckin time, Joe!

Good idea!

This is acceptable. My point is to have a streamlined new user experience. How we get there precisely isn't quite that important to me.

Presented is not the same as actually used by users. You are not the average user, nor am I.

Middle schoolers don't deserve this

Thanks for your reasonable reply and question! As for what I love about UI, it's simple;

I don't have to remember what to enter, just the pathway to get there.

With command line, you have to remember commands, arguments, syntax, and gods forbid you enter something wrong. It won't work.

But with a (decently designed) UI, you merely have to remember the path you took to get to wherever you want to go, what buttons to press, what mouse movements to execute.

As someone with a limited attention span and energy to do things, this is a lifesaver.

As for Visual Studio, that's a development preference. Code is too different for me to be comfortable in it, and relies on command line too much.


Why would I lay one on you if you can't lay

Please note it's not a default community VIEW I propose. Just an initial set of subscriptions. Everything else should still be visible.

I've been having trouble understanding how the docker-compose thing works, and the whole... impermanence of docker containers. Got any tutorials you'd recommend? Note I'm on Windows.

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Yes, I'd be hosting it through Docker Desktop on my Windows server.

Most programs I'd want to host, including Lemmy, pretty much only seem to work through docker-compose.

I recommend Chromium Ungoogled if you can't let go of the Chromium ecosystem for some reason. It's an open source fork of Chromium and puts pretty much all the power in the users' hands, so much so that to get certain features to even work you have to configure it. It is also fully compatible with the Chrome app store, if you want it to be.

Should've thought of that one myself, nice

I'd be able to bury Bezos in nickels, on his back preferably

Ah, yep, left the debug on. An understandable oversight, if I had a nickel for how many times I've forgotten that...

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Unfortunately as is the reality of UX, opt in functions are rarely used.

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What really hurts so much about this is that Reddit is effectively a modern Alexandrian Library, and it's burning. There's so much content there that's vitally important and it could all go up in smoke. Anybody know any full archival projects?

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I can't see the idea of the coms where more people gather having larger sway as a bad thing, I'm sorry. However, taking into account opinions like yours is why I suggested a simple server news, server discussion, and general catchall com collection as the starter default.

I'll switch to Linux when Visual Studio Community (NOT Code) works on it and I never have to touch the command line ever again.

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