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What irritates me about this is the blatant double standard, I dare not say hypocrisy because the double standards are the point. Thomas himself benefited from affirmative action and was supportive of it when it benefited him, and likewise too Trump handed out unaccountable, unauditable and broadly forgiven PPP loans in a significantly large "alteration" of the economy. So the conservative justices are essentially saying that when things benefit them and/or their side they are supportive of it from a judicial standpoint but when it does not benefit them and/or benefits what they would likely view as the opposing side then they are against it.

But that's not how the law or its interpretation is supposed to be. Laws are not meant to favor one group over another and even in the rare instance where that is inevitable it isn't supposed to be subjective or arbitrary. It is supposed to be grounded in legal principle and precedent, two things that are consistently being ignored or discarded by this conservative majority just like their legislative and executive cohorts.

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