4 Post – 86 Comments
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imo it's kinda like bash's bloatness. Sure, I'd use a less bloated shell but I need bash as a bash interpreter regardless, so using a smaller shell would actually be more bloat. In a similar way you already have systemd, so you don't really gain any more bloat by having this alias for systemd-run or how it's called.

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run0 is just an alias for a part of systemd, so installing doas too would be useless bloat. Another thing to note is that doas is just smaller sudo, you still wouldn't use 99 % of its features.

edit: also from my totally surface level understanding both sudo and doas "elevate your privileges" which is supposedly unnecessary attack surface. run0 does it in a better way which I do not understand.

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I feel like both "people who install windows on the steam deck" and "people asking for advice for migrating to linux on reddit" are just vocal minorities which you encounter on the internet but don't really influence the Statcounter's results in a meaningful way. Generally (from my view) it's the kids who got a steamdeck for xmass and the coders who use ubuntu for work influencing the numbers.

The original problem was to automagically prompt the user for password, if he tried to run some systemd executable without the wheel privileges. At some point they decided to reuse the code for [a command that allows you to run stuff as root] replacement because sudo is too bloated and vulnerable.

Yeah I mean at that point it's redundant because you might as well type su -c "some command here". On the other hand having such alias does no harm if you're already using systemd.

Garuda advertises a different scheduler so I would think that would make difference. It's also one of the things people recommend to improve gaming performance on Linux. Unfortunately as others have pointed out without 1% lows, there is nothing of value in this video. Saying that with respect to Nick. He should step up his game in this area. Average fps just doesn't tell anything, especially on Linux which is even less consistent than Windows

Tuxedo is part of Schenker, so if they invested heavily into ads they would probably first advertise their Windows counterparts as that market is much bigger. Linux laptops are a niche within a niche so targeted ads make more sense imo.

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Sorry for breaking your dream but as far as I know, Linux phones are not usable because of crappy drivers for peripherals. Performance is not generally the most glaring issue. Though at least this SoC won't have trouble going to sleep compared to the pinephone.

Thank you very much! This is probably the best answer.

For anyone from the future reading this: From my understanding almost every SBC does not really work with "Linus Torvalds' Linux" which is why one often sees HW manufacturers also providing their own Linux image with the computer. This is fine for development but honestly not something I would want for self hosting stuff. There are few exceptions like the Raspberry Pi but that one is not that much open source. So imo the best option is to look at where Ubuntu provides "official" images for few RISC-V boards. (The Visionfive 2 is what lead me there.)

Lol I've just came on this sub to ask about this. Sunshine has a tutorial in their docs on how to do this on X11 but I'm using sway so I'm kinda fricced. If I start sunshine from ssh, it correctly uses the headless wayland display but it doesn't have rights to access the encoder for some reason.

You can achieve similar (it's gonna be slow though) results with wayvnc. You need export 3 variables in order to set it up according to their FAQ:

Edit: noticed your crosspost with answers:, thanks for creating this post.

Edit 2: WayVNC can be more usable if you use mosh instead of SSH. It makes VNC less laggy. The downside is that you have to start sway in normal SSH and then start wayvnc in the mosh session, which is kinda inconvenient.

They are just showing you that you don't need to spend $2000 on Autocad and other listed software, because Zorin has all these open source tools bundled in it.

Though tbh replacing Autocad or office365 with FOSS alternatives are bold claims because these alternatives just aren't viable in a commercial environment.

They are similar but one is mainly a source based distro which can also install binary packages while void is the other way around. Each has its advantages and downsides.

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A comment on the open format part:

I got insanely pissed off by recent news (even though I usually laugh at bad news) that the Czech Government cannot have an interconnected eGovernment system between different organizations because each part is made by a different supplier. Jeez just make a fucking github repo, it's not that hard. I just don't get how they can be this stupid, especially considering part of the Government is the Pirate party, The supposed IT guys. These "suppliers" aren't supplying airplane parts, it's merely software.

rant over. I tried to keep the f-bomb count to one, but I'm telling you, it was f- insanely hard. Writing this comment and remembering that atrocity reignited my rage.

edit: explicitly added "eGovernment" system

In reality it's gonna be something like:

M$ charges 5M €. Libreoffice might be 1M € so they will give 1M € to OSS and waste the remaining 3M € on some overly expensive one-time crap like car infrastructure. Later they will realize that they had understaffed their IT department and will need extra 5M € paid by more state debt.

Ideally you would want something that sets up ZRAM, which is a way to compress your RAM. From what I've heard it can make your potato PC pretty swift but I haven't set it up myself yet. I know Garuda linux does that by default. They also offer XFCE desktop which should be fairly lightweight.

What benefit would it provide though? It's a microkernel so you could just add non-free drivers in the userspace. Things like Playstation would choose BSD instead.

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Because you're a stupid consoomer. You can build a 4 liter ITX desktop that's cheaper, faster, more reliable and easier to repair than these stupid "desktop replacements". Plus for the price difference you can buy a "thin and lite" laptop so that you won't have to carry this monster around when you just need to reply to emails on the go.

edit: just to clarify I'm not saying you in particular are a stupid consoomer, just the person in the given example. People tend to get angry fast on the internet.

This isn't threatening in a way that Canonical would hack my computer with it. It's threatening the Linux ecosystem. They created a distro agnostic package manager which is solely controlled by them. In other words they want everyone to use Snap and then vendor lock in everyone into it. "embrace, extend, extinguish"

I honestly wouldn't care if snap was both Canonical proprietary and Ubuntu proprietary but this M$ like strategy sucks.

Not true. For example Libreboot currently supports 2 ARM laptops. The way I understand it is that Libreboot uses U-boot as an extra bootloader, kinda like you would run GRUB after UEFI. U-boot can also just work on it's own and Coreboot ARM devices are rather the exception.

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I could see Pine64 doing once the chip becomes cheaper

in other words: OP either needs to get a thunderbolt dock or straight up have 2 computers. The latter should not even consume that much more power if the PC gets shut down in the evening and woken up using wakeonlan in the morning.

If you need MS office compatibility, don't use Libreoffice. If you just want to use the software for your own documents, Libreoffice is (imo) better* once you get used to it. If you need Basic Excel macros, Libreoffice won't work unfortunately.

(*) the thing I hate about excel is that everything works "like magic" which is fine as long as it works. When something doesn't work, you are screwed because you cannot explicitly tell Excel what to do. It wants to do its own magic instead of obeying your will.

Thanks, I missed the example. Tbh I think advertising "checking your email" sounds kinda stupid, people interested in this tool will probably use email clients and other software which is specifically designed for auto-email stuff.

It exists because FSF. (watch Linus's opinion on FSF) Unfortunately the FSF is full of obsessive people, who want politics to be an if-else problem. But that's not how politics work, you always have to compromise somewhere. You cannot have hardware that uses open-source firmware, has schematics available, doesn't use slave labor, is usable, is secure etc. You always have to choose between different evils.

But that's not what the FSF does. They decided to draw a thick line through this blurry mess, so that these obsessive coders can have a digital high/low solution to this analog problem.

hm how do I continue...? It's hard to explain because it does really make sense but I will try. So if some software runs on your computer and you can modify it from the OS, it has to be Open Source otherwise it's not FSF big wholesum chungus certified. But if it runs on your PC and you cannot modify it from the OS, it can be closed source and still get the Chungus certification. What you end up with is that FSF recommends some old crap wifi cards running proprietary firmware because you cannot modify the firmware without external flashing. But it rules out new wifi cards that load the firmware during boot because the linux kernel cannot have proprietary software in it reeee. Obviously the latter situation is better for freedom because it's at least easier to replace with Free firmware but they don't care about that.

In other words Linux Libre exists only because of some stupid bureaucratic rule that actually harms Free Software instead of helping it.

Wait I haven't told you about microcode updates! Microcode is proprietary software controlling your x86-64 CPU. Linux Libre does not include updates to this firmware even though the microcode is proprietary regardless. So with Linux Libre your CPU is controlled by code that is proprietary, broken and vulnerable to stuff like Spectre or Meltdown. This part is so stupid that it's almost funny. (but it's actually sad)

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PlayOnLinux takes care of it for you. Office 2013 supposedly works very well, Office 2016 can be sometimes buggy. For the 2016 version you need to get the 32 bit iso.

I see. I honestly don't know how to do the multi monitor thing. The lazy part of me would avoid it if possible. A simple alternative could be something like a real RDP session on one monitor and a virtual monitor on the other. Obviously the issue would be that you would have 2 sessions opened at the same time instead of a single desktop. Another simple hack would be to expand the spice client over both of your monitors and set the VM's resolution equal to the size of your 2 monitors combined.

But yeah I highly recommend Quickemu. It basically looks just like Windows on full screen if familiarity is your main issue. It also has alternative spice viewers in settings if you dislike the stock one.

Alright thanks.

From what I've read you need an intel core i-* to run VMware so I wouldn't meet their CPU requirements, yet alone the OpenGL 4.5 GPU requirements. For some reason they don't support AMD GPUs and Intel GPUs aren't even mentioned, which is pretty funny.

Nobody is stopping you from discussing it. So far your only contribution to the discussion was bitching about others bitching.

If we limit the discussion to the selfhosted realm, I agree with these people bitching. Nextcloud is too bloated and slow, while not providing many benefits over individual services. You would at least expect it feature ease of use over having individual apps but nope because when you install an update, there is high chance of breakage. End to end encryption has been losing people files for years. Which is imo a big deal in "private cloud".

I guess my point is that the "bitching" is our discussion and you and people who upvoted your comment are free to join it and perhaps provide some examples of your Nextcloud setup and why you think it's good. I'm sure most of us will be nice and won't tell you to keep your comments to yourself.

The issue started when Mr. Root Mean Square came up with the term "Free Software". It should have been called "freedom respecting software" and we would not have to deal with people confusing free software with Free Software.

Because the vast majority of people don’t know how to google

My mother is like that. Every now and then she asks me whether I'm skilled with Excel and how to do x thing in Excel. x is usually some pretty basic thing that I don't know how to do but I'm sure it is googlable. I wonder whether this is the norm for people who use a computer for work daily but aren't "tech guys".

Well that's why I'm asking here. You can "map some_function" but there is no "pan" function. Mapping to scroll (down) does not enable panning by dragging while holding down the button but just in moving the page one step down.

So it seems to me that it either requires multiple lines in the config or it isn't supported at all. I wanted to ask here first before bothering the devs on github.

LearnLinuxTV is a pretty good YT channel for noobs

I recommend getting familiar with the following software:

  • Quickemu (and quickgui) - super easy way to setup a Windows (or Linux or Mac) virtual machine
  • Distrobox - easily run a different linux distro within your current linux distro. It's useful for running ubuntu containers because of "PPAs" which are unofficial repositories which allow you to install some obscure software with a single command.
  • Timeshift - someone else already mentioned it. I actually don't know whether it would be a problem on an atomic distro like Kionite but I had Kubuntu break after a major update. Timeshift would have been useful at that time.

Returning it is what OP should do. He paid for a working card, he should not be dealing with firmware flashing. Though I'd try using GPU-Z on a Windows machine to be sure first. Technically you can only be 100 % sure after reading the laser print from the GPU die but that might make returning harder so I wouldn't bother.

Let me know if you get any progress

Ok that's good then. Thanks for the reply!

I've tried it and it went horribly. By default it doesn't stream your desktop, just some apps so I tried to change the config file according to their docs but made a mistake, now it's brokie. I deleted the config file and the entire /etc/wolf directory but it's still fricced. (I am on Mint and used podman-docker instead of real docker)

Before I broke it, I could open up a black screen which should in theory be a sign that it's still installing stuff in the container but I was too inpatient to find out.

I suppose the bottom line is that it's still in alpha. I might try it again with the help of their discord or something when I get time for it but idk when that will happen lol.

Sway is probably meh because it's a manual tiler. I use sway-autotiling in laptop mode and don't bother with switching the layout in tablet mode.

But generally the question should be "How does a stacking window manager even work with touch?" The answer is "like shit". Instead of having your windows automatically placed on the screen, you have to drag them around with your stylus.

I used to use KDE Bismuth (tiler for Plasma) and it was the best experience on a touchscreen I could imagine. I mainly used 2 tiling layouts. The usual Master+Stack for regular use and when watching lectures I used a layout which is almost stacking but makes the windows slightly smaller than full screen, so you can grab the window on the bottom easily. I had a keybind which reduced the opacity of a window making it see-through. That way I could have my lecture over almost the full screen while still being able to write over almost the entire screen.

Plasma also has the option to do something when you drag from a specific screen edge. I used that to launch the app launcher, to select workspaces and lock the screen.

I'm a virtualization noob but I think this has nothing to do with it because QEMU uses the KVM hypervisor, while Qubes uses Xen.

What OP is asking is trivial to setup on linux though. Just setup autologin on your login manager which is probably a single checkbox.

Your issue is different because you want biometric login. LUKS encryption only supports passwords, keyfiles and hardware keys (they are kinda goofy though). So you have to use the login manager which supports biometrics. But if you want full disk encryption, you first need to decrypt the hard drive. This can be done by storing the decryption key in the TPM part of your processor. That obviously means that someone with electron microscope could steal your data if they stole your computer. But if you don't care about that, it's a solution. On MacOS and and Windows it works nicely but on linux not so much. Ubuntu has TMP based encryption but it's currently experimental.

Alternative solution is to use Yubikey Bio (hardware key with fingerprint scanner) with LUKS but hardware keys are kinda goofy to setup.

Another is to not use Full disk encryption. You can just encrypt your home folder. Downside are that your cannot use hibernation and less robustness. For example once I accidentally typed my root password to the root shell and it therefore got written to /root/.bash_history which was not encrypted. (it's probably best to symlink it to /dev/null)

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