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Joined 1 months ago

I quit going after their CFO was bitching about quiet quitting keeping him up at night.

QDoba is better anyways, they're just not in nearly as many locations (around me anyways).

7 more...

if I suspect something was spilled, I always let them know that we have accidental damage coverage and things like spills are covered and that makes the truth come out a bit smoother.

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interesting! I've never seen one in a mall in my area, just stand alone (same with Chipotle actually)

Nice! I'll keep an eye out for one!

Well yeah, now 500M will get allocated to go directly to the business only, but another 400M that previously would have gone to the business now gets to go directly to the shareholders instead since it's unallocated! WIN-WIN!

Requiring any closer bookkeeping than that is SOCIALISM!

/s -- kinda, but, I expect that's the reality

hahahahaha, in my case, I've been lucky that the places I've worked we actually have always bought the accidental damage coverage!

I also practically start the conversation with this info so I don't get lied to initially.

FWIW, not all of us subscribe to every community/magazine out there and this is the first time I'm seeing this.

I bought it. it looks like fun.

EDIT: A second thread is right underneath this one, so, now I've seen it twice, haha!

This is a feature I want to love so much whenever I've used it in the past. It's great, it's useful, it's super awesome .... then, I just open 10,000 tabs [ok, that's an exaggeration, but I currently have 42 open and that's not even a lot] and they're scattered all over the place anyways and I can't seem to force myself to keep them grouped properly!

To anyone that can get their brain to actually utilize this feature, congrats that it's finally coming to Firefox!

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Don't craft a well thought out response to someone John Brown would have shot [absolutely necessary for getting through the internet] and don't give two weeks notice to a job that makes you miserable [absolutely necessary for leaving a shitty work situation].

Thanks for the tip! I'll give it a look and see if that fits my flow any better!

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Not cosplaying, post history shows they're just MAGA spreading FUD.

Thats how I've done mine.

pfSense has an updater built in so that's handled my entry for me for a long time and has handled updating duckdns too, even though it's basically only a backup at this point.

If you've got a domain, no real reason to not just handle it yourself and avoid the headaches.

That's basically my 'fix' too, I reboot the work computer at least once a week and close a ton of tabs on the personal computer whenever I notice I've got to scroll through all the tabs and can't find anything.

Same for me, there was a temporary sidetrek to lemmy land, but like 'bin way more and deleted that account.

For myself, I have an 8Pro, so I'm in general not all that interested until at least the 10 and then knowing it would just be a one-upsmanship of AI bullshit really made me not pay attention to its release at all :-\