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Don't forget the Netherlands ban

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Poor 12th billion mother-to-be. She'll push and push but the baby just won't come out 😔

"Northern Europe" but Belgium/France/Germany. Welp, I guess the Nordics don't exist.

To be fair though, there are also about to be some severe floods in Lapland quite soon, albeit for a completely different reason: exceptionally warm spring weather melts the snow faster than usual causing rivers to flood.

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Welp, there goes my job :(

She holds the title International Master, so I guess OP thought that's the same as World Champion? But she's currently ranked 6365th of active players.

60% of the US population is like 200 million. 1% of the global population is 80 million. Your maths is way off.

I'd assume something closer to 6% of the US are in the top 1%.

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The issue with these statistics is that they look at the average, which is heavily boosted by the exceptionally expensive weddings of the higher upper-class. The median is significantly lower.


Also I'm not American, maybe people there just spend a lot more on weddings in general than what I'm used to.

Still doesn't add up. 37% of the US population is 120 million. 1% of the global population is still 80 million.

Are you comparing US household income to global individual income? If that's the case I can see your percentages working, but that comparison doesn't make much sense so I'm still lost.

I don't quite agree with this. It seems like you're focusing on the worst types in each scenario.

Competitive debates aren't (in my opinion) debates at all. They're rhetorical competitions where you need to know how to talk convincingly/manipulatively, but don't necessarily need to know anything about debating.

Political debates come in all shapes and forms, but of course the ones that will be focused on and remembered are there worst examples that seem the most silly.

You're kind of right about internet debates. Especially the "scoring system" can be very biased depending on the community, but if you ignore the scores there can still be valid points to be found in some debates. Of course, being the internet, there will also be overwhelming amounts of spam/trolls that can be hard to ignore.

Conversation is a broader term that includes debates. Debates are conversations, but not all conversations are debates. The issue with the word debate is that it sometimes gets misused (like competitive debate) which makes its meaning a bit unclear. Although all of this is just my opinion, so take it with a huge scoop of salt.

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Read the undertext by OP, they completely made up all the data to make a joke about age verification in some US states to access porn.

I would like to make one correction. Berlin didn't fall because the Western forces captured it, but it was in fact the Red Army that got there first. This of course doesn't change the fact that the Soviets never would have managed it by themselves, but this is the reason why claiming "the Soviets defeated the Nazis" is technically true.

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It's Estonia, Finland's little sister

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I have no clue how you define "middle-class" but not even the fanciest weddings I've been to have spent even close to $250 per person. That kind of expenditure sounds quite a lot more like upper-class to me. Assuming you invite 100 people to the wedding, an average Joe will not have 25k to spend on one party.

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I also feel the need to remind people that while most combatants are male, not even close to all males are combatants. If only women and children (probably almost all civilian) made up 60% of all deaths, then the remaining 40% includes all male civilian deaths, which very well could be higher than combatant deaths.

That's... precisely why the original quote said "democracy is the worst form of government". It has fundamental flaws. But it's still the better than everything else.

It was 47 million nok, or 4.4 million usd. Not rubles.

In what sense is Haavisto right-wing? Also, compared to most global leaders, Stubb is not very far right. Luckily all the far right lunatics fell out in the first round.

But yeah, I agree Haavisto would have been the better choice, although both of them are very competent for the role.

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They were on the winning side, so they did win the whole war. But as I said, they didn't do it alone nor would they ever have been able to win without all the help they received from everyone else fighting the Nazis at the same time. I don't think current events should be a reason to see history differently. The Soviets were a powerful war machine during WWII and their contribution played a huge role in the outcome of that war.

Russia didn't catch any? 40 were slaughtered in Norway after they returned so they couldn't go back to russia.

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I'm also confused by this 473 ml pint, is that some American thing? I always thought pints were 568 ml... as in pint of beer.

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Call the exorcist

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Also in all other languages where I know how to say the date it's some form of 5th (day of) June. While it is possible to have it the other way around it's really only found in old writings (June's 5th day).

A pot of gold appears at the end of the rainbow in the trapdoor

Is this an evolution of the famous KURKKUMOPO!?

Yup, if someone works "harder" they're either being exploited or they live in a less advanced society where technology doesn't help the working class as much.

Why would you go to work if you're feeling ill??

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