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You do not need to be, but a LGBTQ+ person will probably have more 'experience' with this discrimination and thus know when it's bad. They can often recognise it earlier and better, exactly because they themselves often are the victims of it, and experience the effects.

If you're not LGBTQ+, you don't really experience homophobia yourself. That said, you should still call it out.

Those are great and work well if you want to convince people who are leaning Biden, but if you want to convince Trump leaners, you might tweak the wordings a little. No need to mention the dangerous parts of anti-women's rights stuff (ie. wanting to forbid abortion, thereby making women's deaths much more likely), because that won't convince them. The language they understand of "climate" is not "good measures", but "I'm getting taxed and now I can't pay my bills". You need to speak in terms of fear. That the person who makes their bills higher, is actually Trump. Don't do so by directly starting with how Trump is bad. Instead, say, interesting you vote for him, question, question more, push, but not too far... and then once you got them hooked, question them by fears. Then don't tell them what the answer is (unless if they ask or seem to want one), but let them think. Let them figure it out. This will have a better effect.

"Biden respects the Constitution, because he let Hunter be trialed. Biden criticised the new rule. This whereas Trump called the Constitutional courts, who were IN HIS favour, into question. With the new rule, Biden could assassinate Trump. Trump could assassinate YOU. And he'd get away with it. Under Trump's judges, the President gets power to affect YOUR life. Do you think any president should be able to infringe on your personal life?"

And to (very religious) Christians and (xenophobes); "As Christians, it is our Duty to be Good Neighbours. Then the Word will spread better. But can we be good neighbours, if we deny people being neighbours in the first place? If we drive out native people from their homeland? If you are a Servant of God, should you then not choose to let Palestinians have their own state, without being colonised by foreigners? Only then will the Palestinian refugees stop protesting with violence, and go back to their homelands. This is not a matter of what I think, but of what a Good Christian should see: injustice done upon us, injustice done upon them, injustice upon us all. Let us thus gather together."

Granted, I'm not familiar with all what happens in the USA, but perhaps those also help.

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Malls killed individual stores. They were bolstered by a heavily car-centric society.

Conservatism at its core is 'just' wanting to keep the status quo. Which itself is imho already pointless, but it's not too bad.

It however, is not reactionary.

These people are reactionary to the mediaeval extent. But we preach to the choir. Try getting those people who themselves believe in those ideas, that they don't work....

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Still is ongoing. And nobody got life imprisonment and all wealth confiscated for this degree of lying, nobody of them got prohibited from calling people who criticised or tackled them "ecofascists"

Thank you, good person

A parliamentary system with fully proportional representation would be best. The US is big though, so I think an electoral threshold of 4% may be needed. That, or require parties to fulfil the below condition before being able to participate in elections.

• They need enough support through party membership from the area's population, as a % of the latter. On counties, this would be about 4%. On a state level, that would be 1%. On a national level, 0.25% would be enough.

You might think, why lower with each level? But the larger the population size is, the smaller the membership can be while remaining representative. This also stimulates smaller parties since now they have a chance to actually grow.

Electoral districts also need to be thrown away -- counties, states, and the entire country, are where the elections get held in. Because of proportional representation, it doesn't matter however you were to divide up areas: 25% of votes on one party means 25% of seats.

Lastly, force the Democratic and Republican Party to break up into separate parties with each no more than 20% of all seats. Or tell the parties that putting through with proportional representation as an agenda point will give them more votes. The Dems can argue, "One man, one vote", the Reps can argue "America NEEDS to keep it Great! Vote the Dems away, get Proportional!". Both should have this as agenda point.

I also think it critical that the supreme court of the US isn't 7 judges. It worked for a country with 2 million people, but you lot are a country of 300+ million now. You need something like 100 members, and make the supreme court appointed by the judges themselves, who are chosen by multiple random ballots themselves.

The US Congress also could be expanded. Make the House go from 435 to 500 members, and the Senate to 250. They need to be updated for a big country.

It also makes it harder to manipulate politicians, since there are far more needed to bribe.

I have a whole writeup, if anyone is interested. I think that both Dems and Reps and anyone else can find themselves in it.

Russia in general also.

Can't exactly blame the Lithuanians for distrusting Russians, tbh. They have been not exactly kind to the country in the recent past, with their russification and whatnot.

Thing is that those billionnaires do exactly that, just the wrong way. No one needs to be a billionnaire or multimillionnaire.

That is a virtue. Sure, it's good to speak up, but it'd be worse to speak without considering your words.

I think the confusion stems from the fact that you can't simply register on an app. On both mobile and desktop however, the following works.

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So true

Only if sped up, and I can pause, go back, or forth. I can't speed up to instantly go to today though, obviously.

But like, 100,000 years per second? Sure.

Afaik both of them. It's very good that they do this, more governments should follow, and more people should rally together to do this.

In my country on the other hand, the people are solidly pro-Palestine, but the government is way too Israel-oriented.

My own view is that ideally, both countries should be recognised and Israel should retreat from all West Bank and Gazan territories, as well as the Golan heights.

TIL we have it. That is very useful, thank you!

I remember all of them and honestly, actually no. Of the modern games, only in Odyssey was the acting a bit bad in that people would always do the same repetitive arm movements (lift arm, raise, even when angry, or sad, or it was exaggerated).

You probably misremember the missions being repetitive. I dare you to play AC1, that one was real repetitive compared to literally everything after.

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Huh, interesting. Voyager's one of the Lemmy apps? Is it for iOS too?

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  1. While I might or might not be one, no need to assume that someone is a dude.

  2. I have played every single game and still have access to them. I cannot say that of many people.

  3. If you wish to argue in good faith, never straight up assume someone is directly lying. Be an example for the internet and show good faith!

  4. That said, that you think later games don't have their own mythology, may be signs that you never played those games, because they also draw forth on those in-game mythologies. 'Course, I cannot say so, but if you haven't, I suggest you to do so; and if you reject, then you have no right to complain, honestly. Complain once you've played through it.

In short: nuff.

Outsider but I'd say TMI is simple:

when you can reasonably narrow it down to a handful, say a group smaller than say, 25 people. At least, EU laws state that in such circumstances, you shouldn't share. This is because then any random person could be able to go off addresses or such, and find them.

For example, with naming sites, putting up the most common names - fine. Really rare names? Nope.

But then also, what if you have one thing that's common, and another that's also common, and together, you can narrow it down to a small group?

Then I'd also say: don't tell the common thing you wanted to share.

Furthermore: there should be consent. The right to be forgotten or at least stay anonymous should be important.


i) do not share specific information that could narrow them down to a group smaller than 25 people,

ii) if sharing common information, combined with earlier known common-ish information, will narrow them down, don't share.

iii) if the person themselves (and verifies such) shares identifying info within a specific group, information should stay within that group, and only be shared upon agreement with the person.

The only exception imo would be for suspects fleeing a life-threatening/socio-economically extremely ruining crime scene they created. Think stab murders, million-fraudsters, and people harassing minorities. But even then: no name-leaking, address leaking, or photos. Only appearance and behavioral characteristics - only things that will help arrest them, while also giving them a chance to better their life later after. Only when this fails to find the suspect, should that information also be shared, against the person's consent.

These rules should apply to everyone, regardless of whether they are celebrities or not.

Difference is that my saying is based on a historically vested principle, simple as: one man, one vote. Instead of: your vote doesn't count, only the oligarch's does.

Rest in peace, Apollo...

That's also my perspective, speaking as someone who also remembers the early days of the Net.

The 'funny' thing is that Trump never had won. He gained fewer votes than Hillary in 2016...

Similarly, Bush imo is an illegitimate president, as he didn't gain more votes than Al Gore.

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That's surprising. I own a bicycle too, as does practically everyone here. Never got it stolen.

A tip is to not have an expensive looking bicycle, but one that looks shoddy. Locking can also happen in multiple ways, and at different places. You might need to bind it to a street light for example, through the wheel and the frame.

A foldable bicycle is also an option.

They did not remove parkour and social stealth lol. I don't know what drugs you are on, but in Valhalla you absolutely do have stealth, for example distrust areas.

Parkour is also available in cities. And stories sucking? Lol. Valhalla literally draws from actual historical mythology, as does Odyssey. Modern story is also more than just "OMG??? Symbols??" nowadays, having more depth, and also continues like the older games, eg. a character being replaced by another, or killed, just as the Ezio games have.

Also, the buildings are actually bigger than in the older games. In the older games you could walk around one in like 8 seconds, in the new one you might need 30 seconds.

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There's also HER, or Hinge, or Bumble (latter's not necessarily queer focused though, using queer here as a shortterm for lgbtq+. But it's friendly).

Yeah, you're right. I find it strange that people here literally would prefer to save a cat over a human. Would they really let their friend burn over a cat? A stranger who likely has done nothing except work and be generally kind to others? I think that they who let the stranger burn, then have worse morality.

The question is bad because it features an animal the person is assumed to have a band with, and a stranger. I think a better example would be:

Who would you save in these scenarios:

  1. a bad (eg aggressive) cat, or your worst enemy,
  2. a cat, or a stranger,
  3. your cat, or your best friend

That strike authorisation is very interesting, I don't even know if we have that here. Great idea!

How the hell is it gross though to use toilet paper when your hand would be even dirtier with poo if you use it plainly?? That's a recipe for illness....

You could check out Wire, Session, and Threema etc.

Signal and Simplex are also pretty good.

As someone who has áctually played since the start, I actually like the newer games more. The old ones had missions that were not just challenging but straight up impossible even if you were a good player. They also had terrible and few accessibility features.

Exactly, it's awesome.

Only downside is that it doesn't have different icons, which Memmy and Mlem do. But eh.

Neither because I don't have a cat, and a stranger first, because they are human too. Saving both is the goal, but first I'd save the stranger, then the cat, and depending on how bad they are, the worst enemy. If that enemy did only a bit of bullying, save. If that enemy is likely to not do anything good back, and has caused suffering, no saving.

Specify the country. Here (NL) judges must have gone through law school.

I don't think I ever saw someone wear clogs there. Bicycling on an omafiets/opafiets is the way to do it.

Not all of that money goes to the developer, but also to the seller places and other places. You'd also still have to pay income tax.

Ideally, there'd just be a 100% income and wealth tax after having say, 1/10,000,000th of the world's total GDP. Without any loopholes.

With a world GDP of approx. $ 102 trillion, or 102 billion if you use the long scale, that is about $ 10.2 million you would have at max.

I think it fair up until then, exploited after that. With that money, you can practically buy anything to your heart's content anyways.

How about more brackets?

-- Practical scenario --

Suppose you had a wealth of 10 billion. The lowest bracket is a 3 billionth of the world's income, so say 34k. That's taxed 0%.

The lower middle is from there til 1.6 billionth of that income, around 64k. Taxed 35%.

Upper middle, around 1.6 billionth til 1 billionth (around 100k), taxed 65%.

Upper, around 1 billionth til 1 millionth (10 million) of world's GDP, has about 99%.

Highest has 1 millionth and beyond. Let's assume the world's GDP is 100 trillion for ease of calculation.

So, you have 10 billion. 10 bil - 10 mil. 9.99 bil, all removed, used for public works.

10 mil - 100k, 9.9 mil. Taxing 99% of that 9.9 mil gets 99k.

And so on, until you have a smaller but respectable amount to play with.

Wait, what? Since when? Where do I read about this? Did the European Parliament vote on this, or-?

Not wanting to learn a language of the country you live in, is kinda asocial tbh