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The US wont give back land to the native peoples it genocided and you think you're gonna make the US give up land it paid for?

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Remember the actor strikes this year? One of the demands was to keep AI from copying the likeness of the actors and using that to replace them.

And these mother fuckers have the nerve to be worried I'm copying shit.

It's always so sad watching companies complain about not making enough money while execs are paid ludicrous amounts of money.

With how close they've been working with AMD I wouldn't doubt if they know what is in the works and are waiting for that tech to mature.

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You can think of it as trying to be cheesy.

"What brings a fine thing like you around here"

Go to hug her, stop, scurry into the kitchen and grab hotpads or oven mitts. "There. You're just so fucking hot"

"Wow you're married! Must be some really attractive guy to marry a hottie like you"

I do this with my wife. She rolls her eyes and calls me ridiculous.

I'd argue most of us are older but not too old to remember what the internet was as well.

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The people shutting it down don't care about the genocide but the money from military industrial complex.

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It's not corruption, it's working as intended. The citizens united case ruled that paying off legislators is equivalent to voting. We literally live in a textbook oligarchy, this is how it works and it's working by design that way.

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Nobody has a problem with Red Hat keeping the lights on and people paid. IBM just wants to increase profit margins because capitalism is a flawed system about abusing whatever you can for personal gain.

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The fascists saying the fascist shit out loud

"Where we dropping, boys"

Epstein player- "I don't drop, that's what the noose is for"

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At consumer prices. There's no way Apple doesn't pay wholesale rates for memory.

So just enough to cover what it payed the CEO last year? ($192 million)

I don't like calling it overhiring as if it was accidental or something. They didn't hire thousands of people over covid thinking covid would never end, they just knew they could pick up people to fill the role for now and kick them to the curb as soon as they weren't needed.

It wasn't an oopsie, it was by design.

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For many people the challenge of breaking it is the fun. Just like lots of very wealthy people who don't have to steal will steal for the fun of it.

Kinda but no. Click the > thing on a channel

Ah yes, Capitalism.

Where's that fucking apes strong together meme

I don't use TikTok and I don't think anyone really should but if we're going to ban TikTok for data collection then there are a lot of platforms that need to be banned. We know the 2016 election was fucked with through Facebook and not a damn thing has been done

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Of all the circlejerks this one is really silly though. You can complain about so many fucking things about Windows but Windows 11 is really damn easy to install and setup and I'm pretty sure you can do it in 30 mins.

The OP's whining about Linux playing all the games feels like bait to me. Linux just doesn't run every game that Windows does and it's not about how graphically intense it is.

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Reminds me of Technology Connections but with Linux and I love it.

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But management makes all the decisions and having everyone physically accessible to their need for control makes them feel better.

They'll also knock on your door instead of just bashing it in. Such nice people.

It's gotten to the point with Windows 11 killing so many thin clients for businesses with TPM that you can typically find used ones for nearly as much as a Pi. Unless you need the size and efficiency I just struggle to find reason to buy another Pi if I need to selfhost something.

Pis are really cool but they really have become more corporate focused and it shows.

That and they want as many Steam decks to be working as possible. They don't make their money on Steam Deck's as much as they make money on people buying games for them.

People having to get used to people is common. If they can get used to their uncle talking about how the earth is flat I'm sure they they can get used to people on Lemmy.

I don't recommend lemmy because I don't have conversations about social media sites with people.

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The main issue I have with FDR's second bill of rights is that it does nothing to fix late stage capitalism. Generational wealth will continue to accrue and those without it will be punished by no fault of their own. Sure it will make poverty less common and less impactful but people will only have bargaining power in employment via unions while not enshrining unions with more protections.

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1k like the Macbook air or 1k with actually good memory and storage specs?

But this doesn't stop anyone from spying on them. Data collection, aggregation, sale, and exploitation is entirely legal so if the Chinese government wants your data they can buy it wholesale for less than maintaining TikTok from Google, Microsoft, Apple, Meta, Discord, and Amazon.

All you're doing is taking a bunch of blubbering buffoon's at their word that this is for your protection.

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Don't listen to this guy he uses the wrong 3D printer.

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If you're like me and can remember using netscape before that you should schedule a colonoscopy.

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The competition for Steam is GoG as it is effectively the only platform to offer you something Steam doesn't.

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That's why I like to stick the butt up against me and reach around working the trigger till it blasts.

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That's capitalism for you. They're not interested in making things better, they're interested in making more profit.

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One of the drawbacks of rooting is that it might keep you from using certain apps like banking apps because they see this as a security risk.

I fucking hate how banks have taken security to be as intrusive but never secure. Fucking plane text card numbers and no 2fa or confirmation of purchases and limited ability to stop usage besides ordering a new card is fucking lazy at this point.

This reads like someone explaining how to cook a pizza with a propane torch. I love it.

The wealthy don't earn a wage to accrue wealth, they make money off having wealth. It's why whenever you ask a finance bro how to become wealthy and it's a three step program of have money, don't spend money, make money off having money.

Racists benefit from worker's rights too.

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Lol we dropping boys all over

A bigger cut for developers would be nice if mostly any gaming studio actually did profit sharing. I'm not going to be riled up and motivated for some capitalists to get a fat fucking bonus while using a shittier platform. But billionaire Sweeny is all for claiming it's all for the little guy while not giving a shit if his own employees stack up 60hr work weeks.