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Joined 4 months ago

Most of hacking is done by mass effort with maybe a couple percent of people that aren't doing basic things to protect themselves being affected. That couple of percent is enough to keep the hackers flush. (So please, follow basic cybersecurity steps, people.)

The plain truth of the matter, though, is that if a hacker or group of hackers is targeting someone individually for reasons, that person is in real trouble.

This has been a PSA for everyone chasing fame and clout.

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It's McCarthyism all over again. God forbid someone thinks Israel is fucking up and actually says so. This kind of shit was repugnant then and it will be repugnant in the history books.

Enjoy being on the wrong side, you intellectually stunted children.

I've seen this over and over in corporate environments.

Suit A has a terrible idea but enough fawning bootlickers to get the process moving.

Worker A, an employee, knows this is a terrible idea but doesn't say anything because they wanna keep their job.

Contractor B, obv a contractor, is there to make money and hopefully turn their stint into something more, so they speak up. And get canned.

What is it about Suits that they can't listen to literally anyone but their own echo chambers? Oh yeah, they're angling to jump into a bigger echo chamber. The 1%.

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We've investigated ourselves and found proof that we're awesome!

I have to work SO HARD to see this the right way haha

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I love how media is slowly moving away from "RTO is bullshit" to "It has some benefits but they're taking it too far". Next week it will be "What were we thinking? RTO is here to stay!"

As so many people have said, there's plenty of jobs where this isn't necessary at all. The conversation needs to stay focused on the flawed conceptions of corporate suits in an echo-chamber.

Yeah, everyone should take a real good look at him. When the guillotines come out you wouldn't wanna grab the wrong guy.

AI said kill this guy right here

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My sister and I were wee little ones who one week brought home scads of stuff given to us by our school from the American Cancer society. We went running up to our dad screaming "We don't want you to die daddy!" with all that childish exuberance, and he quit cold turkey the next day.

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"Well, BYE!"

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A couple of years ago I had a conversation with a Haitian native on this very topic. While I deleted my reddit account and no longer have access to that conversation, the gist was...

Americans don't seem to understand that every time they swoop in to 'save' Haiti, what they are really doing is enforcing the same colonial ideals that landed Haiti in the mess to start with.

There's no politician in play down there that isn't on the take. His opinion was just to leave it alone and let the gangs sort it out. Either they'll pull together a government or the last gang standing will.

His statement had a lot more anger and quite a few expletives.. They're just sick of all of us, y'all.

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History and tradition. You mean like precedent? That thing you've been railroading for years?

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Good article. I think they hit on the real driving thought process behind the offer, and that's to divide any potential shorters on the opportunity to run the stock low.

For my part, good try Steve, but I'll pass on this 'opportunity'. The fediverse is my home now and I'll put in my efforts here.

Driving slow in the left hand lane

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What kills me about this is that my mom has been having home care for years now. At the beginning the workers were making $20/hr. Now they're making close to minimum.

I know FULL WELL how much this care costs. The fact that their pay has gone DOWN is the problem, and it's just more enshittification.

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I've tried to convince people that if we can have a No Nut November, we ought to be able to put together a No-Sales September or something. These mentally defective executives would absolutely go back to taking care of the customer if this were a practice.

I was just gonna say don't let shareholders form a board. Sometimes companies need money for investment, but there's literally nothing that states they have to give investors any kind of control. Can you imagine letting some nub who inherited dad's money at 22 to come in and tell you that he doesn't give a fuck about your company, he just wants another 1% profit? Why would you let any of these toxic fucks near your brainchild?

I swear this comment was a trolling attempt or one of the bloodsucking stockholder asshats that think linear growth is a bad thing.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 enters the chat

Er well in this article where they spoke with the pilot, he had this to say, "Jokat said the pilot came to the back of the plane once the plane landed.

"I asked him 'what happened?' and he said to me 'I lost my instrumentation briefly and then it just came back all of a sudden'."


So yeah, it is in fact looking like it may be something with the plane.

I dunno, maybe stop going public and just sell a decent game?

I believe they call that out in the article.. the parentheses look like a late addition though?

On Halloween 2006, just 16 months after they founded the company, Huffman and Ohanian sold Reddit to Condé Nast in a deal worth $10 million and agreed to stay on as leaders for at least three years. (Condé Nast, which is owned by Advance Magazine Publishers, is the publisher of WIRED). Condé viewed Reddit as a place to experiment and where the magazine company could build out new ideas online.

But by 2009, according to users, Reddit’s website was as bare-bones as before the sale. Ohanian and another person familiar with the corporate politics say the site’s growth was stymied by Condé Nast’s uncertain desires for the property and Ohanian’s self-­acknowledged mismanagement. Reddit was awash in half-baked pursuits—including a short-lived iPhone app, iReddit—and a path to sustainable revenue wasn’t yet evident. After the cofounders’ three-year contracts expired on Halloween 2009, Huffman and Ohanian left for new pursuits.

Slowe and the handful of other staffers left behind at Reddit—now contending with the fallout from a global recession—stumbled through experiments with selling ads and subscriptions. Neither Condé execs nor users were pleased. But they managed to keep the website alive. Anyone could now open a subreddit, and by January 2011, Reddit had 57,000 of them. That year the company began operating as a subsidiary of Condé Nast’s parent, Advance, which let it function more like a startup. (Advance still owns a roughly 30 percent stake.) Amid the changes, Ohanian came back via a seat on Reddit’s board.

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Heheh you act like russia hasn't been poking them in the eye for decades. Plus, they prob had this attack in the works long before Hamas attacked.

Oh no.... they'd have to sell >.>

Don't think that exists anymore.

That's so sad to me. From my POV being non-binary isn't aggressive. It's just that there are more important things to worry about than gender.

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This is absolutely right. The worst case scenario in these situations is a settlement with no admission of fault.

Takes pride in it, like most MAGAs

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I tell all of my liberal friends that it doesn't matter whether they approve of the practice or not. Own guns or don't, idc, but you better take some classes in how to use them.

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Are we reading the same link?

A person in violation of the prohibitions will be assessed a first-time penalty of $250,000 and $500,000 for each subsequent violation.

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If people don't just say no to this garbage, it will continue. Honestly I think I'm gonna go to an Audi dealership this weekend and crank the salesguys up before walking out on principle.

Tennessee governance at its finest.

Yes, it's the plane being accelerated in a downward direction by something. Most of the time that's turbulence, but it appears there is more investigation ongoing here as the dip was much more severe than usual.


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I'm sure he got a bonus instead. The "C" in C-Suite stands for Certifiable. Literally divorced from reality. Needless to say they don't earn their pay at all but all the wannabees on the board keep throwing money at them because they want their shot to be a do-nothing, too.

You mean like every cop going to a mental health call? This is a world you helped build.

lmao just bought one of these last week! Glad the fix is already out.

And no, I didn't buy it for its looks xD It's actually a decent router that does additional things I needed.

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Looking more forward to the soon to be seen nova. Been a banner year for stargazing ^_^

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"If you have nothing to hide, what are you afraid of?"

They banned Delicas too, god knows why. In the old days you could just take someone around back and give em a shiner and they'd straighten themselves out. Something's rotten in RI.

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