
1 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Israel has its own military industry that is very advanced and substantial, shaped by their forever war, so I'm sure they can get by without US support for far longer than Ukraine currently can.

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A new age of anti-intellectualism awaits us.

Putin's special military operation to expand NATO is going well.

Won't somebody please think of the CEO!? Spare a thought for the investment portfolio!

I fear that the UK might try to join this list not just out of authoritarianism, but out of a fear of technology they do not understand. Worse yet, the Conservative party once threw around the idea of banning encryption in its entirety and acted like WhatsApp is only used by criminals.

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B-but state healthcare is literally commie-socialist-woke-liberalism!!11!1

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I'm sure they're already planning a traditional riot as I type this comment.

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The darn hippies should be happy they have a job! Money is for rich people!

And then the losers were allowed to write history for the winners, hence a lot of historical myths have endured for so long, such as Clean Rommel, Asiatic Hordes and the apolitical Wehrmact.

'Traitor' is a much more fitting term.

We regularly review our pay to ensure we offer competitive wages and benefits.

Translation: We pay as little as we can get away with.

Even when Quora isn't being ruined with AI, it's flooded with Neo-Nazis that are self-proclaimed historians.

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Lockdown has made me realise that people don't crave freedom, they instead crave a lack of responsibility to a sociopathic level. They are unwilling to consider a greater good nor anything else beyond the immediate effect on themselves.

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Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice

Better known as the Anti-Fun Police.

Losing time rather than money would be a stronger punishment for that kind of person, so lock him up for a while where he cannot enjoy any luxuries.

Behold the teachings of Supply-Side Jesus.

I'm not sure they'll be able to contain a determined uprising given how the Russian police force is in crisis due to pay so low that one is better off working as a taxi driver. And I imagine that many unpaid soldiers won't be feeling terribly loyal if things really go to shit.

It's hard to pick just one:

  • Deus Ex. It's timelessly topical despite being released in 2000. It predicted the War on Terror and a massive pandemic to name a couple.

  • Spiritfarer, for maximum onion chopping. Saying goodbye to Gwen really messed me up since I became very attached to her, and I can't finish the last stretch of the game because it's too emotionally taxing.

  • Undertale and wholesome fan-games like Act to Flirt.

  • Half-Life 2, circa 2004 when it was a leap ahead of everything else. I was unsettled by the teaser screenshots due to how real it all seemed to be during its heyday. (I did re-capture part of that feeling with M Mod and its great yet faithful modernisation effects. Plus there's some blursed mods you can combine with it such as replacing Alyx with Krystal, voiced by the original actress.)

  • Duke Nukem 3D: Alien Armageddon. It blew me away how much custom content and passion has been invested, so good that it almost felt like I was playing Duke Nukem for the first time all over again.

  • There's many more worth mentioning such as Unreal, Morrowind, Oblivion, Company of Heroes 1 and the forgotten gem that is Ground Control.

Man, I was born just at the right time to experience a stunning variety of titles and enjoy the mods that improve them.

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The 'no victims' defence is right out of the Sovereign Citizen playbook and is often used in a futile attempt to get out of driving related charges and violations. I've seen videos of such world salad bombardments when the cops pull them over; it usually ends in a smashed window and handcuffs.

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They carry so much hate inside that it rises up and makes them ugly on the outside. Just look at all of those Neo-Nazis who would never meet the criteria for being Aryan.

to create a fortified apocalypse bunker state,

It exists and it's called Switzerland.

I think he looked at /r/subredditsimulator and decided it was something to be taken seriously.

At most, I just hope it's a coup that removes the current government and then completely withdraws to the pre-2014 borders. However, I suspect that whoever replaces Putin and makes peace won't exactly be an overly nice person. It's going to take some ruthlessness to overcome Russia's security forces and agencies unless they too are on board with the coup.

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I think people are now leaking the documents for the sake of it.

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Out of your seven motorcycles, which one is used for which purpose?

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A true chad.

I'm sure a bunch of obese and untrained LARPers will overcome a professional army with no trouble at all.

The F-16 deployments will make the Russians crap themselves even more than the Stormshadows ever did. Just the missiles alone have panicked Russian air defences into friendly fire.

I'm sure many Republicans are rejoicing since a fair few of them love drag shows.

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The line on the graph must go up, even if it's for one second! Glory to the CEO! Praise the shareholders! My life for the corporation! Now give me that minute-by-minute profit projection!

It's easy to dehumanise the victims when the scammers are thousands of miles away and communicating only by text.

If it happened in any other country, it would have been called a coup or insurrection by the media, for sure.

Non-negotiable freedom and democracy intensifies

I'm sure Musk will weep for anyone who dies in these experimentations. He's totally not a sociopath, you know?

Is this America's way of saying 'We're not using the fear of a vague and unspecified 'escalation' to hold back on ATACAMS any more?'

Hamas is commanded by stable geniuses.

Reject modernity, revert to Swedish brick car.

They helped plenty of Nazis escape to Argentina, as well.

Yet they cry about tolerance, the very thing they will destroy, if they are permitted to fester and grow. Total tolerance is not freedom, but in fact a total submission toward the intolerant.

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Lock up people with major mental health issues, as well!