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Joined 3 years ago

Another is that no matter how far I zoom in, it still remains on the smallest font.

I'll be out cycling and it's a PITA to have to dig out my glasses just to read a pissy small street name to know where tf I am!

Also, why would you want company data on your personal device?

Recipe for disaster

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The BBC stupidly recycled the tapes because they didn't give much credence at the time to how important their archive would become.

I was using Reddit Is Fun on mobile and a heavily curated desktop feed and migrated here fully when RiF died.

When I've looked at Reddit on desktop, it feels like a shadow of it's former self in so far as some of the default subs are missing and others just seem filled with the same content reach time I've looked.

While the place won't die overnight, it will become more overrun with bots and karma farmers posting same content over and over.

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There was that recent clip of the guy putting his hand near a sharks mouth and fataly says "just two seconds won't do anything".

Some people are stupid and will invariably be torn apart by wild animals or machinery

The big difference between Reddit and Facebook/twitter is that they were content moderation companies and they failed because they didn't invest enough in it to keep the platform from going toxic.

Reddit has free content generation, free content moderation and they still can't make a fucking profit.

One of them was already jailed back in 2021 and the others were awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-57997117 [apologies for the bbc link so heres an archive link as an alt: https://archive.ph/QIGcn]

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It's the antithesis of all the gung-ho apocalyptic films that has all the alpha males wanking off about they would survive & become a leader.

I watched it when it was broadcast & the conversation at school for weeks after was how no-one of us wanted to survive the blast because of how fucking horrific and what a curse it would be!

Because followers of a cult are more concerned with harming others, even if it happens themselves slightly less.

I'm banking on it being a grift so it will raise a lot of funds for the person who set it up!

The best thing would be if Reddit goes the way of Digg.

Well, it has already. The only reason it hasn't fully imploded & all the users deserted for another site, is because there wasn't an equivalent place to go to.

They were sort of parallel in development but digg blew up and Reddit didn't then Digg took a quick hard turn towards enshitification.

Reddit has done the enshitification but like a parasitic infected spider, it's wandering about and most of the users haven't realised yet that it's an empty shell.

It's slow demise would be better in the long run than a quick collapse like Diggs so it's now putrid culture is not transmitted with an enmass exodus.

They don't ALL need two kidneys!

Exactly. If critical mass is achieved inorganically, it would result with a reverse in uptake & possibly even a revolt against it.

You can lead a horse to water... (but a pencil must be lead)

Old man shouts at clouds hating on democratisation of music production tools and digital distribution, while sitting in his $x00,000 studio, wanting to consume music that uses laborious methods of manufacture and distribution and seeing it has no value if it doesn't.

Reddit admins have already put things in place to counter editing or deleting comments.

I deleted an account from 2011 yet when I searched on Google for "site:reddit.com account name", it listed loads of posts with their previous content (I used the script that changed all the contents before deleting).

All SM sites have been doing this for a while: they'll shadow delete your account but will retain all the data.

I didnt check if its only funded if the target is reached or whether its all cash taken at donation. Its very likely the latter because the grift aint gonna grift itself!

It gave me a chuckle that they slotted that into the article!

IMDB even has a listing for "woman who urinates herself" when the bomb drops.

I always remember the last scenes when the main protagonists daughter tries to wake her "RUTH! RUTH!".

I've got it downloaded but haven't watched it since the 80s as it's part of my childhood trauma so might take a bit of unpacking!


Or tulips from the 17th century

You can click that to clear it but you no longer get the threads or replies, just the initial tweet.

Not been original thought in the guys head.

He stole the idea for Facebook and people think these tech bros are all about innovation!

Unfortunately, that would be terrible.

Just as they have the Hannibal Directive for captured soldiers and civilians, they have a similar directive with their nukes and are psychotic enough to follow through on it.

The +170 nations that voted for a ceasefire need to put together a task force to take control of their nukes & decommission them then run a truth commission with prosecutions & executions of the convicted.

I would tell anecdotes and stories that wandered off into the woods & an old friend said I had 'tangentism'

It may have been more devastating if they relied exclusively on google for backups.

Which is why having any data, despite the number of backups, on a cloud provider shouldn't be seen as off-site.

Only when it is truly outside their ecosphere and cannot be touched by them should it be viewed as such.

If that company didn't have such resilience built into their backup plan, they would be toast with a derisory amount of compensation from Google.

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as long as there is at least one other backup that isn't with this provider.

Which is exactly what I was saying.

Any services used with a cloud provider should be treated as 1 entity, no matter how many geo-locations they claim your data is backed up to because they are a single point from which all those can be deleted.

When I was last involved in a companies backups, we had a fire safe in the basement, we had an off-site location with another fire safe & third copies would go off to another company that provided a backup storage solution so for all backups to be deleted, someone had to go right out of their way to do so. Not just a simple deletion of our account & all backups are wiped.

That company had the foresight to do something similar & it's saved them. [edited - was on the tube when I wrote this and didnt see the autocorrect had put 'comment', not 'company']

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S'all good! I was reading about it yesterday and was surprised that they already had the court cases

I've gone back there from time to time because there's not the specialised subs here yet, or those that are don't have the traffic.

What I've found on the main dubs I used to frequent is that they are full of reactionary comments that have no grasp of history, context or empathy.

The specialised subs, maybe were like this and I was just more tolerant to it, are full of low effort "please look at me doing absolutely fuck all in any way of producing meaningful content" posts.

There's far too many to actually get to the content with effort so the signal to noise ratio is too low to fight off my general contempt of the place.

They are digitising Marion Stokes' collection


Its not being Chicken Licking and freaking out that the sky is falling but we certainly dont need to play our hand this early in the game.

We know Meta is not a good faith actor. We know they will try to subsume or extinguish the fediverse if they cant control it but we dont need to go pissing our knickers and do the work for them.


A guy that cheated throughout his entire career and bullied anyone who dared to even look at him wrong (Christophe Bassons, for example), talking to someone who is now more famous for killing a woman with her car & getting away with it, about fairness.

UK here. A UK flag is only flown from govt buildings unless it's some royal event or football but then it's usually the individual national flag such as England, Scotland, Wales, etc

The union flag & the St George cross (Englands flag) were co-opted by the far right in the 70s so flying one outside of the occasions named above had other people mark you as a bit of a nationalist & to be weary of you.

No, it's all good. We're on the same page about disaster recovery!

Superheated then liquidised and dispersed like chum

There were tools that people made that would find if the people you followed/followed you were on Mastodon and added them so the migration wasn't quite as painful as some here have described.