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I'd run but no one will vote for someone with no criminal record and refuses to lie.

Kinda sad this is what it comes down to that they can't be reasoned with like humans. I'd be looking for a new place to work.

Wow I didn't even know this.ty

Boys grow up powerless so when they become men and they get a taste of power they might just abuse it if they experienced nothing but power being abused against them.

I don't abuse women but I've had a lot of women abuse me. One of my earliest experiences with a woman in high school was sexual assault and coercion. I didn't even have the language for it at the time because you were taught men do that to women not the other way around, and also later that it makes you gay if you're a male victim of abuse. If someone who experienced just a bit worse than me and also didn't have anyone in their life they could trust then yea power will be your only friend and everyone else is an enemy or tool.

That's karma

Epic name

Kind of on her if she acts on it cuz that's low

As long as you don't use the word eugenics explicitly apparently you can sell anyone on anything.

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Their name checks out though.

That's literally how it always goes is if you don't like x persons politics you are a bad person.

You misspelled "dog eating its own poop"

Nah cuz in practice a bunch of dudes will flood it with dick pics saying but I'm a woman too I identify as one.

No my argument is some people all they have in them is "fight against a foe". It means if you don't present yourself as a foe they'll walk right past you, it's like a trex. It'll only chase something that moves, so because they are always in fighting even with no opponent they will make one within themselves because those are the only people looking for a fight.

Like they have 0 interaction with people who aren't interested in a fight. Take note that some random accused me of being far righter hoping I would take their bait. It's pathetic at best. It's truly an example of the snake eating its own tail.

it comes across as semantics at best cuz they want people to stfu. Like some people you will not convince them that someone born with a penis and testicles is a woman. Like you can reduce it to only some with xx chromasome but people are gonna go into like the xxy or whatever like the disorders.


Time to start an app for xx chromasome havers only

I just call you a bigot if you deny me my identity and treating me properly as if I was that identity. I am a cis woman. You will treat me like one because I will not be misgendered or treated with misogynistic bullshit.

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They bar people who are missing limbs from sports. You can't get on the football team or basketball team if you missing an arm, the reasons why should be obvious.

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Mainly cuz no one cares this is all internet shit flinging. No one talking about anything will do anything besides smell their own fart.

Also people are more concerned with making sure they have enough to eat and can pay rent for the month.

It's your privilege to spend all your free time reading about politics, make sure to check it.

Alright find me a one armed or legged nba player. I think semantics arguments are absolute filth but lets play this out for posterity.

You're talking about gender expression as opposed to biology.

As a cis man the only point of wanting inclusion is to either A demonstrate how gender identity being subjective is an easy way to exploit systems, or B to be one of few men smart enough to have access to a bunch of women in a female safe space. One of these is informative, the other is predatory.

I'm not a right winger. I just see an ouroboros when I see it, it's the snake eating itself.

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The men. I'm a woman.

You a guy?

Wait til people find out this is how politics works.

Something something tickle my pickle while I giggle.

Time to identify as a cis lesbian and not as a trans woman.

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I remember back in high school I had a teacher in an all male classroom because it was a stem field but for kids like an introductory course. A girl showed up in the 2nd year and he sort of joked about how it changes the dynamic cuz now all the guys will need to flex for her so the point of the class was sort of ruined. I remember that class was actually fucking amazing because you would make friends with guys regardless of your social circle or wealth background. Like I talked to multiple demographics and we all treated each other equally and we were all there to learn the trade. It was an amazing experience that I've never found anywhere else, especially not any circle where there were women. Hell even guys who were in that class there were a few if you met them outside the class it was just different. I made some close friends there where we kept spending time together outside the class that I otherwise would not have met but others when they got back to "the rest of the world" that hierarchy set back in and they couldn't bring themselves to talk to you on that level anymore. Women invading male safe spaces under the guise of glass ceilings or whatever was extremely toxic for men, it's as if men started barging into women's bathrooms honestly saying it's a glass ceiling to their right to stare at women in their own private moments. Stupid example but it's all I could come up with.

The point is I would love to find another environment like that and even I wish I looked for more like that as a kid and to have appreciated it for what it was more at the time. Men need to learn to see each other as brothers and not as opposition, that's the only way we get out of this mess is to unionize properly. I think we had it once but we lost it because of this fucking propaganda painting men as inherently predators.

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You know what this means though? It means that no one ever needed to push back against it at all just not engage in it themselves. Cuz they just eat each other in a vacuum. Without some enemy to band together against like the boogeyman of boogeymen whitey, their inner chaos is all they're left with with no enemy to project it on, so they eat each other and everything just crashes and falls apart. No one needed to do anything, not even complain, just look at it in amusement and take another sip of their coffee and go about their day thanking god that's not you.

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