
1 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

He did not die in captivity, that happened back in the 80s for anyone like me who got confused by the headline


it felt like the industry jerking itself off

I mean, that's pretty much ALL awards shows

Literally never heard of Trello in my life until today...when my boss sent me a link to join their board...

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This case promises to be extraordinarily complex

Does it? It seems pretty clear to me that the state of Texas does not have any authority over a children's hospital over 1000 miles outside of its jurisdiction. What exactly is complex about this?

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My favorite part was when the 49s set a record for the longest FG in a Super Bowl, and then less than an hour later the Chiefs broke that record

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Pay a data broker for Dr. Phil's home address, travel to said location, wait until the witching hour (~2am-4am), whip out a knife, stabby stabby, go home. Because he deserves it

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Some of the earliest Roman historians (like way, way back in the early Republic, before they even did any conquering) used to bemoan the laziness and 'softness' of the current generation compared to the past. Thinking the previous generations were better is a human tradition older than any other aspect of civilization

Andy Weir (author of The Martian and others) once wrote a short story called The Egg that was kinda similar in premise (though obviously not as a meme). You can read it here It's maybe a 5 minute read, very good

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Uh, that's not really the point? If you're making a product that aims to promote safety and save lives, then you shouldn't be able to cancel it at the will of the company. It would be like waking up in the middle of a surgery and the doctor telling you "Hey, looks like your anesthesia subscription expired, so unless you've got an extra $20 in your pocket right now, then we're just going in raw." If you absolutely NEED the extra money as part of your business model or whatever, then just charge them AFTER the service is used. Don't just fucking turn the airbag off with no warning because they're behind on a payment

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Personally, I prefer turn-based because I have literally all the time I want to make decisions. I mostly play strategy games regardless (and against an AI at that), but something like XCOM is a lot less stressful than Age of Empires because I don't constantly feel like I'm falling behind if I take an extra few seconds to check something

I'd say at least half of all modern nations, but yeah the US is one of the better examples

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I ask myself this question every day. I'm starting to think that once enough people just independently start burning, it'll eventually spread to the rest of the population like wildfire (pun absolutely intended)

Pinch and zoom. Aka touch your screen with 2 fingers kinda close together, maybe an inch apart, then slowly spread your asshole and insert the fingers

They are in the middle of summer down there, so that doesn't help... but you're not wrong in that those numbers are way, WAY too high

Oh there's more, just drawn by...different artists

Watch Snowpiercer

Ahti is GOATed

Only for people who don't look exactly like them

Like another comment said, your best source is going to be their own websites. But from an outsider's perspective, their motive seems to be taking the good ideas from the Abrahamic religions (love your neighbor, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, etc) and replacing some of their worse tendencies (close-minded devotion to YOUR interpretation of God and anything less will send you to Hell) with their polar opposites: "Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world" (Tenet V from The Satanic Temple's website)

You know there's more than one version of the Bible, right?

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I don't remember most of his (alleged) crimes, but he basically started a commune in the Vermont wilderness, populated it with young adults just over the age of consent, and gave them as many drugs as Hollywood money can buy. One girl ended up going to the hospital (and probably a lot of therapy) from an acid overdose; she didn't die, but she did trip balls for about 4 days without any sleep

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Well, I wouldn't be respecting your rights as a woman if I didn't steal your phrase and take all the credit for myself, a man. I'm sure you understand

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Is yours not?

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I KNOW the question in the title is meant to be so obvious that it's basically a rhetorical question designed to generate more clicks... but Jesus fucking Christ, YES WAGE THEFT IS A CRIME

Wait until he hears about the shipping container wall at UC Berkley

I find you to be an(rule)noying at times

Outstanding reference

Good bot (does this work here?)

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I've come to repost you again

Cruelty Squad

Yes, because having a social media account is EXACTLY the same as having a child 🙄 For the record, your example is still hypocritical, it's just not nearly as life-changing

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Wait what

Oh easy, just have less white next time

When you do all 9 for 9 weekends in a row, then you get to claim you accomplished something

It's fantastic

Cruelty Squad

The hero we want AND deserve

That is true.....but it's not nearly as fun to do it safely

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