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Joined 1 years ago

Who said that? No one said that refusing to vote is doing more damage than storming the Capitol.

You quoted it. Weird starting point to gaslight people.

I like that you asked. While I don't hold a strong opinion on it, I think you could argue that it is about consent.

I will argue more strongly than I feel because I think it helps to understand the point. (Assuming the person wearing makeup is a woman)

If you don't know the woman, why do you care if she wears makeup and how she looks without? It seems like there isn't a legitimate reason for it without it being a toxic reason, like "look! she isn't prettier than me!" Vibe. Which is toxic for both people. Now it was a man who made the app. Now there is the hating of women for wearing makeup reasons but let's ignore those. (Case: Unknown feelings of the woman)

If you know the woman and you don't know how she looks without makeup, then that is clearly a decision made by the woman. Why do you have the right to expose her in a way that she doesn't want to be. I mean some women don't care if you see their tummies and others would rather die. Should you have the right to expose a woman's tummy? (Case: Implied decision to not show herself like that)

If you know the woman and you want to argue that you have a justified interest in how she looks without makeup because she is a potential Partner (if she is a partner, you probably know already anyway). You could easily argue that you have the same legitimate reason to see her naked but obviously you wouldn't think that it is a legitimate reason.

In other words, you shouldn't care and it is kinda toxic to care; you don't have consent to see them like it otherwise you would; you have no right to know.

Hey, I can tell you want it does. While I don't know if they try to download something too (while it really doesn't look like it), they are trying to steal your browser cookies.

I haven't removed the obfuscation yet as I am literally in bed but I can tell the general idea of the code.

Onload is a html attribute. Html attribute tell your browser more about what the browser should be doing. So basically onload is an instruction to your browser. By posting those comments, they try to run something called cross site scripting. Basically they want to run their code in your browser without them being the website owner. So now we know the intend of the post, let's look into the details.

Onload is an attribute that tells the browser to do something once it is fully loaded.

Fetch is a function that allows your browser to request additional information from the server. Endless scrolling would be done with that.

String.fromcharcode is just there to hide a little bit. Think of it as a fancy way to say a word. they are saying a website to connect to there.

Then document.cookie are your cookies for that website.

The next thing is probably your username or something.

So what does that mean? They try to make your browser execute their code when the website is onloaded. The code sends your cookies and your username(?) To a server. They probably save the username and cookie and try to steal the account later.

You seeing the code is good evidence that your browser hasn't execute the code as the browser didn't understand it as code to be executed but code to display. So you are probably safe and don't need to worry

Edit: ups sorry for not answering the question. I don't know which client they are targeting. They might or might not be targeting wefwef. But they target you, the user, too. And it is probably for Webbrowser users, so chances are wefwef or other web clients.

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I will start to call chrome/iums limited web browser from now on

I know an easy fix. Just don't do ai.

So just to make sure, I am not American and I am wondering if I get this right. If prompt by the choice between Biden who (at least from your pov) supports genocide and trump who said clearly that he would let Russia take Ukraine, and has been completely silent on the matter which aligns with his exclusive focus on america, and had Israeli minister of national security express support for him as he expects trump to give them for freedom to fight Hamas, you want someone who supports Palestine to vote for trump? Just wondering.

Edit: trump stated that Israel would have to "finish the problem" in Gaza. So trump is now vocally supporting the events described by you as a genocide.

Well there is a difference between disliking something and believing it is actively harmful. If you believe it is actively harmful for humans and society, it makes sense that you want to appeal to the society as a whole. Then you need to reason for why you feel the way you do. And there we go.

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Sorry mate, you drunk the Koolaid. I hope you will see the much sadder reality of who he is and what he does, because you will learn to spot some well crafted propaganda.

Are you working as a it support at international world wide net tech support?

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The difference between "ai" and "true ai" is as vague as it gets. Are you a true intelligent agent? Or just a "intelligent agent"? Like seriously how are you different to a machine with inputs and outputs and a bunch of seemingly "random" things happening in-between

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I had the issue that I got Andrew Tate shit recommended. I said don't recommend that, and block the uploader. Youtube still suggested me that video. Exactly that video.

Honestly, my experience was the opposite. When I had issues with windows, which I had a lot. Reinstalling was often the last and only solution. On Linux, when I had an issue, it was a little learning experience and running 1 command. I guess reinstalling is easier... So maybe not the opposite.

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Honestly I am mostly bothered by the "reddit atheist" stereotype. Most of the atheist even on Reddit, that I have met, even in Reddit, were as annoying or pleasant as everyone else. But it feels like if you oppose religious nonsense as it gets pushed in your face online, "everyone" thinks you are some radical who hates all e.g. christians, while in reality you might intentionally buy some handmade crafts for the local church to support some charity and support your elderly local community by rewarding their social efforts.

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The CEO told the head editor to support a specific political party in Germany. He talks about east Germans like they are lesser. And so much more...

In short, if your news is axel Springer, your news are trash

There isn't a legal precedent. Unless I misunderstood, this is a settlement and settlements aren't! Legal precedent. Which is why big e.g. pharma likes them, because then they don't have the legal precedent for the next case.

I think it is a bit unfair to give you shit for your question.

it is normal to confuse authoritarian system with restrictions of freedom. Because generally that is how it works. But not in this case...

Because it is the paradox of tolerance all over again. Technically it is authoritarian to ban slavery but it would be more authoritarian to allow it as people would own people... So on the scale of how authoritarian an action is, banning slavery is as anti-authoritarian as it gets and allowing slavery is as authoritarian as it gets. (Of course, a world without slavery and without any rules would be less authoritarian but... I think we know better than trying that with slavery)

I hope this helps in actually understanding the reason instead of being told what it is.

You think that is an argument? That is not an argument. It is mocking people. You should know the concept of mocking, considering your name.

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Jk rolling made some really strange decisions. Some of it really makes you wonder if maybe she was being a little too honest or just too unaware to see the implications.

If it would work, which it seems like it doesn't. Yes, it is intended to be automatical.

I just did and some of the stuff is wild. Not gonna quote or reference anything for my account safety, don't ask.

Did they have hackers on their computer?

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Well, I would love if that concept could be retired and forgotten sooner than later. But as things are right now, e.g. CRT is required to get there and CRT requires the concept of race :/

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But I like my libs... Often enough produced with a pretty communistic and anti-authoritarian mindset... (And too often, lack of support for the workers... Ups) But I like them.

Qualia is, if I am not mistaken, totally subjective. My argument is that how could you tell that a computer doesn't have qualia and prove to me that you have qualia. While I wouldn't limit it to qualia. What can you detect in other people that an ai couldn't replicate? Because as long as they are able to replicate all these qualities, you can't tell if an ai is "true" or not, as it might have those qualities or might just replicate them.

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While I understand and agree with you, the obvious counterargument is how many people get serviced and the generated value of them being served. I mean people won't argue that a car is better than a bus because the car produces less carbon. What I think is the better way to highlight the ridiculousness of those icons, a newspaper website produces more carbon (if energy source is producing carbon) than a server that just return the certification icon. So newspaper website is worse? That is how this certification works... Low information density gets rewarded. Which is contra productive if the goal is an energy efficient web.

To be fair, the service in the screenshot, tries to estimate the average carbon over the year and collects data to improve estimated that counter some of my critic, but it doesn't fix the ignorance to the kind of data provided and rewards low data density to some degree

I believe so and that would render you (or anyone) unable to tell the difference between ai and "true" ai

They probably read 2 words that they don't like.

I like the idealism in communism and I have been thinking about how to implement communism without very authoritarian structures, and the anarchist way seems to be the only way, but I don't see how it would be able to sustain our current lifestyle and amount of people. Exploitation of dependencies without authoritarian structures seems unavoidable to me and avoiding dependencies would probably require that people provide themselves with the resources ; which requires more labor and resources. As of right now, I don't see a flawless system. (that includes capitalism)

So personally I think, saying that the other people have a bad systemic insight in the context of any general ideology is ungranted.

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Requesting your data (GDPR) and using shreddit with the GDPR setting because deletes all your posts and comments. Then you can delete your account and both your account and posts are gone

Interesting... I think I quit windows shortly after skipping 8 to go 10. So I might haven't given windows 10 a fair chance

Seems like they don't have anydesk installed. :/

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Have you looked into the CVE? Apparently it is a non issue. You could use it to dos a service that have an experimental feature enabled, which is disabled by default, on a non stable Version. I understand the dev. CVE should be for serious issues. And they alerted their users over an email list

It can be used for dos, as it is crashing workers, but they will be restarted anyway.

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Fair perspective. It is a scam happing in the crypto sphere but that doesn't necessarily make her a cryptosis. I mean, it comes down to what makes a cryptosis a cryptosis, acting in the crypto sphere or believing in crypto or holding crypto?

These cases should get an extra punishment. A petty extra. you destroyed public property out of petty feelings, petty extra, especially if there was alternative easier and less damaging way to satisfy the petty feelings.

So, you think the argument of "they can't be a doctor as they are a swimmer" is a good argument? Obviously you can be 2 things.

But even then: The problem is that it is ignorant to Google's business model. Google is not simply hosting ads in their products as a form of revenue. Google makes 11% of it's revenue by tracking and hosting ads on other Plattforms. The person calling google an ad company, obviously makes the point that google has a major interest in ads and tracking. 11% of your total revenue is a lot of money to have motivation for having a major interest in ads and tracking. (Btw. This is ignoring the ad revenue that they make on their own properties like YouTube. Which also benefits from the tracking of users on other site. In other words, google has even more of an interest in it then just 11%, in fact 80% of it's revenue is ads and tracking. But I want to focus on the "what is different from a magazine" part)

In other words, you can be both. Magazines can be an ad company too. And highlighting Google's interest in ads because 80% of their revenue is from ads and 11% from providing ads to other sites, is hardly wrong if talking about Google's relationship with ads.

I agree and I am fully supportive of an open source computer from top to bottom. This shouldn't be here.

One of us! One of us!

I would never say that iphone users are clueless by default about tech. Many are, just like android users and some act like apple has the most amazing tech, but I wouldn't say that iphone users are generally clueless.

I think there are good and bad reasons to have an iphone.

E.g. it is a reality that there is currently some correlations between race and e.g. poverty. Even we don't consider those correlations when enacting laws, we create unjust laws that impact some races more than others, which would feedback into those correlations.

Extremely stupid example for. CT (critical theory in general), if your government would enact a law that would state that the government would build you your dream house for 5 millions. Even if it is more expensive than 5 million. Then "everyone" can get their dream house on paper, but in reality only the rich can get it and they get additional wealth that the general public would have to cover. Impoverishing the poor more and enrich the wealthiest more. So an unjust law.

I don't know what Lemmy uses tbh. I don't even know if the code would work when run. Like i don't know e.g. if they grab the username(?) correctly. I just understand their intentions but yeah their execution might be horrible.

The article misses the important factor of war.

Germany has coal in their ground, quite a lot. In case of a war, Germany doesn't need to get coal from anywhere but from themselves.

Nuclear material is much more complicated to get.

Which makes maintaining coal infrastructure more reasonable from a military perspective.

Also nuclear reactors are great military targets....

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