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Joined 1 years ago

I'm just a cat walking on a keyboard...

Honestly I'm actually a little happy about this. I feel Mozilla needs to focus on its core job of advancing its browser and web standards so we don't get stuck with Chromium-only world (like when us old timers had to deal with Internet Explorer holding the majority market share).

These side projects like running VPN services and social networks may have the best intentions but have had to pull from their limited resources. I would prefer they get spun off as separate projects instead of pulling resources from the parent company.

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One of the rare times when I feel the Hololive girls did this joke better....

While Crystal Dynamics didn’t specify which content it’s referring to, it’s speculated that it could be the animalistic depiction of Pacific Island natives in Tomb Raider 3, who are implied to be cannibals.

Like the fictional Indiana Jones style villages? Or the real life North Sentinel Island Sentinelese? I'm scratching my head too...

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"Don't be mean; we don't have to be mean, cuz, remember, no matter where you go, there you are."

-Buckaroo Banzai


Not today and hopefully never for general forum purposes. Worse case, you get somebody that necros an old post akin to responding to an old email chain, or replying to an old forum thread. Usually not a big deal but sometimes it also sparks new discussions if that post/thread had some meaningful content.

Edit: Actually I think @FartsWithAnAccent@lemmy.world had the best idea. Would be a great option depending on the forum / poster's need. There are some good reasons when you want to "mark a thread as closed"... like bug reports, project tasks, etc. But I feel the default behavior should be to keep post / threads open.

Too bad with Apple, all browsers are just Safari under the hood with a different skin. One of the biggest reasons I can't switch to IOS.

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Jack of All Trades, Master of None

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Just out of curiosity I ran it to TinEye and it goes as far back as 2011!

Now I feel old.

I loved Starbound and was really excided for its environment and style. I still think it has some of the best world generation, like a 2D version of No Man's Sky. Oh, and the music just feels so right...

I had hoped it would grow beyond what Terraria was at the time, but sad to see that didn't pan out and development has basically died. It feels like there's still a lot of potential in Starbound but it feels unfinished.

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That may have been the intention but I can't find any which have panned out. Mozilla is straddling that weird line of operating both a non-profit and for-profit entity... and as a for-profit incubator for the next big thing, they have a pretty terrible track record.

Hmm. I just checked and have no problems logging into amazon.co.jp from the US. I'm still presented with their international shipping options and currency conversion too... so I think you may have something going on with your browser.

Try the usual things like cleaning the cache or even a different browser.

Why not both?

Gyro support on XInput has been on PC gamers wishlist for awhile.

XInput is a solid standard (especially if you look at the state of gaming in the pre 2000's) but it is in need of an update....

Yeah, this is a pretty sad bait for Internet points. The AI BOTs are getting lazy.

Official company policy being printed and posted on the refrigerator... totally legit. SMH

Nice. Describes all the feelings when you go touch grass 🐦

Oh, thanks for the reminder that this just came out! Been looking forward to the sequel

I can't wait to have TherionArms at my party!

Aside from the boring story I wasn't impressed by the 48fps and optical abberations of water when compared to real life. I don't believe we "figured that shit out" yet.

Cool, thanks for the insight. I haven't looked at the MOD scene on Starbound so I'll check it out.

Any specific mod recommendations?

Bluestacks has always been highly recommended but I previously used NOX Player when I was really into an MMO game a few years back. That might be an alternative to check if you run into issues with Bluestacks.