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I hope she's remembered for not retiring when she should have (she shouldn't have run for this last term, and honestly probably the term before that) and derailing judicial appointments. She should be remembered as a failure and a cautionary tale. I hope she inspires other old politicians to think about whether their legacies will be tarnished as well.

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That came up on Alex Jones recently. So, uh, sorry, your sister is likely listening to InfoWars or something adjacent. My condolences.

Good. The other justices don't deserve any respect.

Pence deserves every bit of this that he gets. He propped up the bile and hatred when it supported him gaining power. Now that he faces the ire and wrath of those same people I can only feel schadenfreude.

This is just a play to get his rubes to give him more money. Doesn't matter what he says or shows, lots of morons will go e him cash that he'll funnel right into his lawyers pockets. Like so many other things, this is a play for cash and time. Keep giving red meat to the base and they'll keep lining his pockets

Trump is no Mandela. And something tells me Trump's supporters would feel very different about voting for someone like Mandela...

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Why do you say that? I know she accomplished a lot, but I'm tired of retroactively heaping praise on people when we can often learn from their failings. We can acknowledge what she did while still using her failings to hopefully learn a lesson.

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It sounds like you haven't seen any healthy ethnically non-monogamous relationships. That's a shame. As a part of one, I've seen several others as well. It can work, if it's done for the right reasons and if all partners respect each other.

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This sure seems like a step towards a personhood bill. Which is exactly what Republicans want

What is a pension? /s

But also, no. No one should be forced to endure this world just to keep pensions going.

The ones holding up the process aren't really siding with Democrats, they're just against theit own party's nominees for various reasons. It's an important distinction.

It may not be your intention, but this comment feels like it's blaming Democrats for not going along when Republicans have the majority and keep failing to put someone up that they can all agree on. Several Republicans have been pushing the narrative that Democrats are to blame for their own party's disfunction.

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I wouldn't be so sure about humanity surviving. It all depends on how many tipping points we hit and how bad warming actually gets. There's no way we stop at 3°. Existence for any humans will be incredibly fraught.

As I mentioned on another comment, there is no mechanism for the court to enforce that. The DOJ is under the President. Who will arrest the President? The SC may think this empowers them more, but it really does not.

Oh, you mean the people who quoted Hitler? - https://apnews.com/article/moms-for-liberty-adolf-hitler-newsletter-quote-bcce698e901b9e782970030ccd710512

Yeah, they're real model citizens.

You are placing a lot of unwarranted faith in remaining healthy into retirement and your savings being enough for whatever situation we face them.

My dad decided to save up and wait until retirement to do some travel he wanted to do. A couple years later he has a major health issue and is unable to travel like he wanted to.

I don't begrudge anyone enjoying themselves with the time they have while they are young and healthy.

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When will Republicans have their own Night of the Long Knives?

There are certainly more than that ready to go to war. But they're also smart enough not to out themselves for some petty stuff like this or the Trump trial. They'll stay hidden until the time is right to try something serious. Don't underestimate how many right-wing Americans are out there ready for violence.

Sure, but DeSantis won a statewide election, unaffected by gerrymandering. So even though FL's congress has more extreme people because of that, they're not the only ones who enacted this law. They didn't have to elect a fascist as a state, but they did.

Saying that, I do feel bad for the Floridians who didn't vote for him and get fucked over because of this. But anyone who voted for DeSantis deserves whatever they get from his cruel actions.

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With he amount of consent involved in kink, I imagine MAGA supporters would be pretty shitty doms and subs. They don't seem to understand or care about consent.

But the fun thing is that all solar currently has a carbon cost associated with it. So as we're trying to work our way out of this we're also continuing to increase the carbon load. It's a vicious cycle.

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Ah, right, certainly the next President will also behave the same way...

This feels terribly naive. It would be one thing if we could cement into the Constitution that the President does not have immunity, but Congress can barely pass a funding bill, let alone an amendment. But failing to use the power granted to try and set the country on a better path just ensures that a dictator will rise who does not care about keeping the status quo. And Trump will have a rubber-stamp SC that will say any act he seems to be official is.

Yes, you should. And train with them. Find nearby like-minded people you can train with. You don't need many, but you really need to know how to use them.

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While I understand the sentiment, it honestly seems misplaced. We should be able to have completely honest conversations about the dead, even if it is conversations about the terrible things they did. A lot of dead people deserve people speaking ill about them.

But the Bible is very inconsistent on its messages, which is exactly why it can be used in ways you don't agree with. Christianity in particular has often been used by those in power to keep their power and subjugate others. It's certainly not the only religion that has done it, but it is one of the most prominent.

You believe what you want to, but when Christofascists are able to use the same book to push their regressive, violent policies, then maybe you should take a look at why that is.

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Some parents are just bigots. Some are brainwashed by religion. Some are just afraid and/or angry about anything they don't understand. If a kid isn't telling their parents, there is probably a VERY good reason. Kids get beaten. Kids get kicked out of their homes. Kids get sent to conversion camps. Parents can be just as terrible as anyone else.

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It doesn't have to be. Non-monogamy is a thing...

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You're vastly overestimating the US military's ability to deal with an insurgency. Did we quickly "win" in Iraq? Did we quickly "win" in Afghanistan? There may be some quick quelling of fighting, but we've proven to be terrible at managing insurgencies.

And there's the matter of just how many guns are present in the US. We have more guns than people. Over 400 million guns and growing. There are times where a lone gunman in Afghanistan was able to occupy an outpost for hours just by taking a few shots, moving position, taking a couple more shots, and then leaving.

Any civil war will be long, messy, and involve a LOT of different factions.

There are a lot of parents that are not supportive of their children. Especially if they fall on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. This puts kids at risk. This will harm children.

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Helping generate less carbon at some point in the future does not help with the fact that we are racking up the carbon bill now. What these companies are doing is entirely unnecessary, gimmicky, and will lead to even worse climate change outcomes. Between AI, crypto, and the O&G companies we just keep pressing the gas even harder on serious, irreversible climate change.

I hope this AI push fails spectacularly at some point, but the damage is already being done.

It always strikes me as interesting that if the Bible truly was divinely inspired that there really should only be one translation and one interpretation. It should be incredibly clear and concise to everyone.

It's because they listen to Alex Jones. Everything they said is an InfoWars talking point.

Have you taken the time to look into why there's such an obesity problem? It sure seems like the singer hasn't, otherwise he wouldn't be denigrating poor people for being obese.

EBT doesn't pay much and the cheaper foods are chock full of terrible ingredients that tend to lead to obesity. It's not easy to afford good fruit, vegetables, grains, etc when you've got a small amount of money that has to stretch a lot.

If it weren't for the myth of the welfare queen we might be in a better place to provide for people in need. And there will ALWAYS be people in need in a capitalist society. It's how it works.

Honestly, a bit of empathy and understanding would go a long ways for people so upset about people on welfare.

Up voting for linking to Dead Domain. It's a good video with a lot of time taken to go over the various issues. Certainly doesn't cover absolutely everything, but does a good job showing why TST ends up being more marketing than actual good.

A less problematic Satanist org fighting the good fight would be nice

Comix Zone. It was a beat-em-up on the Sega Genesis with a gorgeous, comic book art style. It wasn't the greatest game, but it had character and it stood out against some of the other fighting games at the time. I'd really love a remake or sequel at some point. Doing it in the style of the Spider-verse movies would be rad.

Lots of people seem happy to vote against their own self interests. They fail to imagine a future where they may want to use the same mechanism to help themselves. Honestly, I've just accepted that a large portion of people are incredibly stupid, easily manipulated, and lack any sort of understanding of how their actions may impact their own future.

Hopefully they dont win this special election. Good luck to those voting No!

It doesn't seem like religion has made you very happy. Or very nice. I get that your username includes angry, and you seem to take that very seriously.

It also seems like you're not very different from the people you claim are co-opting religion. You are cherry-picking the parts of Christianity that work well for you, while ignoring or downplaying the rest.

I know you're not going to change your mind, but this approach certainly isn't doing much to try and convert anyone.

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Sure, it's all about choices. You've made your own. Hopefully you're able to enjoy your retirement. But if those choices don't work out, hopefully you're not bitter and blaming others.

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It doesn't seem like you've read much about insurgencies and rebel groups. It doesn't actually take much firepower to inject enough chaos into the system that you cause issues with traditional militaries. One person with a rifle could keep a FOB alert and wasting resources for a couple of hours in Afghanistan. IEDs placed by individuals or small groups caused absolute terror in Iraq.

These types of things are unlikely to "win" a war. But if you make it costly enough, the other side will decide it's not worth fighting. The point is not to engage in head-on combat, that's suicide.

Or hell, look to the tactics of some of the rebels in the Revolutionary War or the Civil War.

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Yup, nothing against monogamous people

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