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Or even average looking.

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The big luxury watch brands will service their watches for many decades; a Rolex will last a lifetime, if not longer.

So, common tittle-tattle is now technology news?

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Yes, and it also prides itself on journalistic values, unlike a lot of the Murdoch empire, for example.

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And before that it was a bit mining company, with a side line of gaming graphics hardware.

You are probably right, but the more they keeping pushing me to use Edge, the more I don’t want to use it. My experience of it is mostly negative, as a hindrance that gets in my way with its constant nagging, and having to disable it.

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What are these “important traditional therapies” that you are want to protect?

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As a programmer, I have made a career from being one step ahead, thanks to Google. I don’t bother with formal training courses anymore, when a quick skim of Google gives me what I need much quicker. Text books? I have not bought one in decades.

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It is just returning the favour. These tech billionaires hoover up so much of our data, it only seems fair that we publicise their publically available data too.

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There are different types of average, median being one of them. What you are thinking of as the average, is probably the mean. Median, mean and mode are all types of average.

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From 32 billion kilometres away, to be misaligned by only two degrees is impressive.

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Or gods?

Older and fatter for a start.

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There has been quite a few poisonings of Putin’s critics here in the UK, with good evidence of Russian state involvement. Poison leaves a distinctive trace. Pushing someone out of a window appears to be more in favour now, as there is less forensic evidence, depending on how much force is required for the involuntary defenestration.

That does not sound right. They should be promoting you to enter the number on the device where you initiated the authentication, not on your phone; at least that is how it works for me when I connect my company laptop to VPN - I have to use MS Authenticator on my phone, which shows a number (protected by two biometrics), which I then have to enter on my laptop.

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Should this read “52 million air bag inflators”?

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I phoned a customer helpline yesterday and it was answered immediately, by a soothing, male voice, which talked me through various options. The speech recognition of my responses was accurate, its side of the conversation was natural if a bit stilted, and it was able to answer all my questions. Scarily impressive.

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I assume that the jet pictured in the original post has nothing to do with the plane that crashed?

“this better one damn good game rule” - what are you trying to say?

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I am not sure. This was mostly a case of human error in not properly securing urls/storage accounts. The lack of centralised control of SAS tokens that the article highlights was a contributing factor, but not the root cause, which was human error.

If I leave my front door unlocked and someone walks in and robs my house, who is to blame? Me, for not locking the door? Or the house builder, for not providing a sensor so I can remotely check whether the door is locked?

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Is this because you find it hard to believe that anyone could do such a thing? This is the attitude that meant it took so long for Letby to be caught, as the senior hospital managers ignored warnings from doctors, seemingly on the assumption that she must be innocent, because the alternative was too awful to contemplate. But some people really are capable of such awful acts. Fortunately they are relatively rare.

Interesting. Do you have a source for that, please?

So when Hevesy handed back the shapeless, amorous lumps of solid gold, just how disappointed were they? “Mate, where’s me Nobel prize?”

Well, if you are not circumcised then you have a hole in your foreskin (when it is not retracted), and you also have the hole in the glans. So, multiple holes.

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Not just grandpa. How much of what we remember of 9/11 is accurate? How can we be sure? Is anyone fact checking our memories?

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16 is not underage in the UK, where this is alleged to have happened.

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The more local cheese makers the better, as long as it does not call itself Parmigiano-Reggiano.

This story is about the UK not the US. Pitbulls have been banned in the UK since 1991. There are not many pitbulls in the UK. Although the American XL Bully is closely related to the pitbull, it is not currently banned, but that may soon change.

Voyager used to be a web app, but has now gone native too.

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I fully support them being illegal, why would you think that would be bizarre to me?

I merely pointed out, in the case of the 16 year old schoolgirl, she was not legally underage, no matter how shocking and disturbing we may find Brand’s behaviour, which I do. I don’t think she has made any claims of rape or assault against Brand, but others have. I don’t know what laws, if any, apply to his treatment of her, but I don’t think underage sex is one of them.

If we think something is already illegal when it isn’t, then it reduces the incentive to change the law - why make something illegal when you already think it is? Possibly the UK needs new legislation to vary the age of consent depending on the participants, as in other states.

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I have always been called a developer in my career, but yeah, I am a programmer/code monkey. Developer sounds posher, but we all know what we really do. I like programming, writing code, and I could do without all the bureaucracy that goes with it, some of which I really hate.

No COVID for me. I work from home and don’t socialise much. Also have not had a cold or flu since 2019. Fully vaccinated.

Broken vertebrae? Sounds like a lifetime of back pain.

The excellent “I, Claudius” BBC TV series was repeated recently (I think it was on BBC4). One of my all time favourites. I had forgotten how funny the Caligula episode is, and the demise of Messalina is truly bone-chilling.

It is dark energy, and not dark matter, that is believed to be causing the accelerating expansion of the universe. Dark matter has the opposite effect - gravitational attraction.

Celery. Chop it up finely and add to sauces and stews; great in bolognaise for added umami flavour.

Also carrots, cooked and blended into sauces and gravy, adds sweetness. And don’t forget carrot cake, which surprisingly does not taste of carrots, but they give it a real moistness.

Sadly, I think you overestimate the general interest there would be in such an announcement. Also, it is not as though we will be getting images of little green aliens, any evidence will be far more circumstantial, tentative and over many years. It will be hard to sustain any public excitement for that long.

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There is also a private health care sector, with its own hospitals. A lot of consultants work in both the public (NHS) and private sectors, e.g., one day a week they will have a private clinic at a private hospital. The private sector is funded by insurance, and this is often a perk offered by employers. Waiting lists are generally shorter in the private sector, but, in my experience, the expertise and level of care is no better than the NHS.

“If a person is resurrected” then they are Jesus, or proof that there is an after-life, and miracles do happen. On the other hand, people are resuscitated all the time by modern medicine.