1 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Futility is resistant

I've never cleaned my fridge ice maker in 8 years, how much life expectancy do I have?

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Probably because beautiful melons had it easy, while the ugly melons had to work on their personality and talent to make up for the shunning they got from the melon community. Big Melon always presents attractive melons on media, making it harder for ugly melons.


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TIL smoked lizards make a good spice.

After that day, he knew he was unquestionably a good boy.

Risk is practically nothing in your case, because you're being careful, and know what you're doing. You won't run a binary when you were expecting the Barbie movie, for example.

If you were downloading binaries, then your risk is significant, but even then, unless you're downloading new releases immediately, it's likely that your antivirus will catch the new popular ransomware after a few days, when a few thousands of people have become infected. Governments won't employ valuable zero-days on any rando who just wants to see their new isekai episode.

<shows pale, tasteless spot>

Thought it was a sponsored post here on Lemmy.
Thanks, I hate it.

Because software is very brittle these days, it would occasionally perform surprise lasik on your guests.

iPhone reveal events have become basically:

a) Offering as new what other brands have offered as standard for years.

b) Offering something new that only works if you buy more Apple.

I have an iPhone, and couldn't wait for the iOS 17 release so I installed the beta. Underwhelming is the right word, the event has no right to be named "wonderlust".

OP's an open source whore, obviously.

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The only viable way to control the Fediverse is an embrace, extend, and extinguish approach.

  • Join the Fediverse
  • Pour a ton of money and manpower on your instance so most people migrate to it because it works better.
  • Reach critical mass and defederate the others.
  • Proceed to screw your users.

Anything less and you become a Fediverse backwater instead of a monopoly.

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Especially your security programs, like third-party antivirus or firewalls. They can install system-level plugins in your browsers, and sometimes those don't work well. Windows defender and the built in firewall are good enough and play nice with other programs.

Fucking communists.

Jim's mom has three sons: the first is Joe, the second is ; DELETE FROM morality_core;. What's the name of the third son?

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Water dissolves matter, and we're supposed to be 70% water, but living creatures would collapse in a puddle of organic matter if that was true.

What we perceive as water is really compacted air, brought together by the pressure of the lower atmosphere. This is why clouds, an preliminary state of compacted air, can't stay up as soon as they've compacted enough.

While compacted air is technically healthy, our lungs are not strong enough to breathe it, we'd need muscular gills for that.

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Also worth noting that BookWyrm can import your books from a GoodReads export, so you can try it without risking much.

You'll only get more extensions, if anything. The current copyright system is an atavism from older, simpler times.

Try to understand why they believe what they do. Ask them about their sources, and their experiences. Be friendly, and ready to question your own convictions, if you want a dialogue and not a fight.

Make understanding your main objective, don't expect to change their minds. Understanding why they think like they do will make your life easier. Them understanding your motives, that you're not simply a brainwashed woke brat, will make your life easier.

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I don't want to block a community, I want to hide all from LemmyNSFW in case new communities keep popping up. I don't want it on my main account, I have a porn account for it.

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We changed to USB-C ports because the EU forced us we have courage!

"2040: Google had laid off thousands of employees, and hasn't been able to launch a new product in years"

So, like 2023 Google? It's happening!

I had to hide NSFW in my main account and register another there because vanilla is my jam.

I have an old friend who does this, and while I know it's with good intentions, I can't help but feel blindsided. I'd prefer he said "it's on me", so at least I have the choice to treat him too.

Ah, but when a subreddit had mostly mods from that 10%,

AskHistorians, AskScience, WhatIsThisThing, etc.

Maybe this is another example of Sturgeon's law.

Not exactly the same, but behold:

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Yup, rabies vaccine is something that can wait to make an appointment next day. It's incubation period is usually a couple of months, or a week in the extreme cases, so a day or two won't make a significant difference. Not something an ER will triage first.

Go to sleep, call your work first thing in the morning, and make an appointment where they have the vaccine available. I doubt your boss won't let you take a day to get a rabies vaccine, but if he does, tell him you will bite him if you start showing symptoms at work, ha ha.

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Rats reproduce as if there was no tomorrow. Remy might be dead in two years, but his sons will run the place and a dozen other branches given the chance.

I think they're allowing new accounts a week of age, compared to a year in the past iterations. It all about boosting those engagement numbers.

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Spez: See? People can't stay away from my house!

People: <throwing eggs and toilet paper at the house>

Spez: B-but there's no bad publicity, right? Give me money, I totally know what I'm doing, just like Elon.

He's pointing out the requests are too old to be in response to the APIcalypse, not that they're not admin requests.

Our current government is guilty of letting 300,000 (officially, 800,000 unofficially) people die because it minimized COVID and refused to implement any significant measures besides improvised hospital beds because its policy is saving money (to recklessly waste elsewhere).

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Why would Apple go through the effort to offer you new features if it can just deny standard features to older/cheaper models so you pony up for a new phone?

The most innovative thing Apple is no longer the iPad/iPhone, by a long shot. Maybe their VR set, but it's too early to tell.

Worse, they gatekeep your data and only sell your attention to advertisers. That way no one has all the data but them.

He's a celebrity of a very very very small niche!

Does that make a difference? Apple doesn't allow alternative browser engines, so all iOS browsers are actually Safari in different clothes.

I don't actually know if a home shortcut will still launch Safari, or the browser that made the shortcut.

Do they taste like fried rice, but without the calories or expensive spices?

Also, their community is very elitist. You won't get access unless someone invites you, or you connect to their IRC, give them your GitHub and grovel for a week in their channel.

Tell them to browse "All" and enlighten them.

Pro tip: you can use Google's Verbatim mode to get exactly what you want.

Ah, shit. Best of luck to OP then.