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Joined 10 months ago

How are these people able to function in society with literally zero brain matter?

Another thing to blame Thatcher for

The price makes a little more sense if you factor in it also includes YouTube music, which puts it more on par with a premium Spotify subscription, with the benefit of no ads on YouTube. Which is basically how I got YouTube premium, I was already paying a monthly fee for Google Play music as it was at the time, and the upgrade to add YouTube premium was only £2 extra a month.

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Do have to wonder (well not really it's going to be horrendous) what these people's response to a transman using a woman's toilet would be.

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I mean I doubt he would have been safe even if he didn't go back. Maybe a little bit, but how long before he gets polonium tea, or nerve agented?

Probably basically commercial displays but I wonder if it's possible to buy TVs aimed for guest rooms in hotels?

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Yes for a while now, also has tab support.

They need more content to keep their animation team busy.

I mean ethernet has a range of 100 meters in one run (including with POE), which is probably going to be longer than the WiFi range assuming the WiFi access point is at the switch and it's a relatively straight run. If you need more range a small 4 port POE switch is hardly likely to break the bank if you have a property big enough to need over 100 meters of ethernet in one run.

Don't think it got sold off but Apache got it, it's since been discontinued again after not much work.

Over here (UK) it's pretty common for doors to be multi point locking, so you shut the door and lift the handle which engages a series of extra bolts between the door and frame, most commonly one at the handle then one at the top and bottom of the frame. The early PVC doors that introduced multi point locking did have an issue (poor construction) where people could kick out the middle panel leaving the frame in place, newer ones have improved it, and there are more expensive doors which are made of different materials, but will almost always feature multi point locking.

Yeah that's part of my worry, my gas boiler is 10+years old so needs replacing at some point soon, Id be up for going to a heat pump, but I don't really have the space for it out side. Guess I might just go for a top of the line gas boiler before they stop selling them (I mean I assume they will gradually phase them out so no new installs, only replacements of existing ones, then nope) to cover the next decade and hope for some smaller units.