Ted Jackson

@Ted Jackson@aussie.zone
1 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Former Melbourne boy living in sunny SE Queensland. Father of twice exceptional children, passionate disability advocate, and unrepentant lefty geek.


#Movies #Music #ChiFi #Audio #Flashlights #RetroGaming #CavalierKingCharlesSpaniel

Spread the rumour it's schoolgirl urine, change the name to Pi-Tsingtao and export to Japan. Problem solved.

They'll need to lift their game on software updates for that to happen. Many of their handsets ship with an outdated version of Android, and they rarely see more than one major update.

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The other holy trinity: the father, the son, and Adolf Hitler

Welcome to the Pay Per View information economy. Amazon, and others, have been pulling this shit for years.

"It's an older meme sir, but it checks out."

If you often post links to music then Songwhip is invaluable. Give it a song and it generates a page with links to many common streaming services.

Here's an example.

And in breaking news,

checks notes

A company owned by a notorious Nazi is apparently full of Nazis.

Because they're OpenAssholes™

Don't use sarcasm, it confuses me.

Enemy gliders!

If you're old enough to remember this, don't forget to take your ibuprofen. 😉


I collect flashlights and am registered as a flasher...

Why not pay hospitality workers a halfway decent wage, and leave tipping for exemplary service? That's how it works in the rest of the developed world.

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No doubt, but custom ROMs aren't on your average buyers radar.

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And just like that, you've invented laserdisc.

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I believe he's implying he was asleep during geography.

I believe this is how they name volcanoes in Iceland. Eyjafjallajökull my ass.

If the project has a community forum or chat, be active and help answer questions. That takes a lot of pressure off the dev team. I did that for 4-5 years on the Handbrake project before family commitments ate up my free time.

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Pocket knives, and Swiss army knives in particular. I've loved them since I was given my first one as a child, which was the impetus for me to stop biting my nails.

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Leg disabled?

Many of the ebooks available on Project Gutenberg are a little rough. I recommend Standard eBooks instead.

I'm guessing some sort of collaboration with Snoop Dogg? 🤷‍♂️

Well steal my onions and call me Jacques!

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Of course not. I doubt I could even find the armpits on an F16.

Grabbed a Pepsi Max from the vending machine at the local library.


Wow, thanks for the new rabbit hole! I love how Matt Groening also incorporated elements of the video clip into Futurama's title sequence.

My eldest daughter is Pokémon obsessed and spent the rest of the day sketching it as one.

I know the feeling. I've got about 6-8 flashlights around the house at the moment and can't really justify buying more. My SO thinks I'm barmy.

Incidence of thrombosis was much higher in people who contracted COVID, mind you.


I've been trying to organise a date night with my wife but finding a sitter for six kids is tricky.

I believe LG has a couple and I saw Philips quite a few years ago.

This is your only realistic option, IMHO.


Swimming lessons for the kids in the morning, then eye examinations for four of them. Home for lunch, then pressure cleaning the courtyard and laying fresh mulch in preparation for toilet training my 6 week old puppies.

I'll also clean out the aviary and last fresh sand for the quails if I have time, then probably a family movie, enchiladas for dinner followed by whatever my eight year old bake.

Just another Saturday.

The secret ingredient is crime.

I was looking for the Bender reference, and you did not disappoint. 👍

I'm new to Lemmy but I believe Boost for Lemmy allows you to filter on keywords.

Obviously people misunderstood. I'm very much pro vaccine - fully vaccinated and triple boosted.

I was making reference to the fact that anti-vaxxers were citing comorbidities in regards to COVID deaths to downplay the numbers while refusing to do so for deaths shortly after vaccination. This was especially galling in light of the fact that the first groups vaccinated were the most vulnerable: the elderly.