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As a man, I diasagree. We are also allowed to be hungry and horny.

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Does this mean the SCOTUS is giving Biden free reign to free up some seats?

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My understanding is that the 5th amendment may apply as well if the device is locked and they need a passcode to access it. After a quick search, it isn't clear to me whether or not that's the case though.

Sounds like the internet needs to have some rules established to keep things under control. Personally, I think 34 rules is a good number, at least at a minimum.

The debate covered important questions of national significance, including whether Trump had intercourse with a porn star, who was better at golf, each of their physical health conditions (including Trump's height and weight and apparently cognitive ability), and even featured a modern use of the word "malarchy". They might as well make a short, catchy intro for it, break it up into episodes, and advertise it as a sitcom.

The debate was completely useless. The only thing I got from it was that Biden's brain still works but his body doesn't, and Trump's body still works but his brain doesn't. There were some slight mentions of hot topics and each of their positions on the subject, but there was so much jumping around and avoiding questions that it was not very helpful.

Honestly, I think one of the things Biden said should just be applied to both candidates when determining who to vote for: "Just take a look at what he says he is, and take a look at what he is." (I believe this was used in context of Trump's weight... lol) Both of them have served 4 years in office, and both have done stuff outside of the oval office. It's easy to see how each of them would spend their terms based on what they already have done.

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I'm not sure I understand why this question comes up everytime some chinese app is in a news article.

Anyway, it should not come as a surprise, but "Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin", someone who works as AG for a state in the US, presumably is more interested in US interests than Chinese interests, and presumably places more trust in the government and businesses of the country he lives in than in the government (and businesses, for where there's a distinction anyway) of the country of his nation's economic rival.

I felt like neither side really answered the question about how they planned to address addictions in the US. They both talked about the US-Mexico border and trying to catch more imported drugs, but failed to address domestic production, and more importantly, failed to answer how they plan to address addiction in the US (as in current and future addicts).

Also, the whole question about physical ability diverted so off topic that I lost what they were even talking about. Biden seemed to try to answer it, but then it took a sharp turn towards weight and golfing skills?

Edit: I should also add that yes, Biden tended to stay on topic more. Trump always seemed to be answering a different/previous question instead.

In my case, since I get DashPass through my CC (not directly paying for it), I've seen it discounted to below the price some restaurants list on their websites. I pick up all my orders myself though.

I wouldn't pay for DashPass directly, personally speaking at least. I don't use DD nearly enough to justify investing more into it vs. just ordering on the restaurant's website or calling in the order. The only reason I even use DD is because I get that as a benefit through my CC and it usually pushes the prices to same or lower as ordering directly.

Minecraft. Back when I started playing, it wouldn't even tell you what recipes existed, yet gave you a 2x2/3x3 grid with hundreds of types of items/blocks to figure it out yourself.

Still one of my favorite games though.

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I find it funny that the same people who are against government regulations and giving more power to the state are the ones voting for this. They also seem to be so poorly informed that they think it'll stop anyone from watching this content lol.

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Furthermore, according to certain claims, the Apple Support account on Twitter will no longer respond to customers sending direct messages starting from October 1st. It’s worth noting that Apple has been providing customer support through Twitter since 2016.

Instead of this method, customers reaching out via Twitter will receive an automated response.

Part of me hopes it's "💩".

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If the ICC has no jurisdiction, why are they all worried about the investigation? Let them do their thing, then just nod and say "OK" afterwards.

Also, I love how the US refuses to allow itself or certain close allies to be held responsible for war crimes. At least we can criticize our own government though, could be a lot worse I suppose. Still, maybe don't do those? That'd be great.

I mean, this should be a no brainer. Aren't there regulations in place, regardless of amendment-this-or-that, on what can be broadcasted in the US as "news"? I'd have to go check, but regardless, knowingly spreading lies to manipulate your audience isn't really something I'd consider news, just propaganda.

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Story points and velocity always felt to me like a flawed metric. It encourages volume of work, and discourages quality of work. The worse your code is, the more stories and tasks you can create to fix it, and the higher your velocity. It's a bit of a shame that it's used so widely as a measurement of work completed, and I wish a better means of measuring productivity would become more popular instead.

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If they're living in SF, then it's even less money. It's a lot, don't get me wrong, but it takes a lot of money to afford to live in (or around) that city.

This post seems to be largely about the value of product ownership and the harm that DRM brings to the end user, and does a great job at making that point. However, the title seems to have caused a different discussion to spawn in the comments about whether piracy of digital content is justified. This is just a casual reminder to read the article before replying in the comments.

It had me at the start. About halfway through, I realized it was written by someone who needs to seek mental help.

I hadn't heard of Gab AI before, and now I know never to use it.

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This advice mostly applies to people who are less experienced and less familiar with just how complex HTML can be. As for other languages - if you're doing regex on markdown, you'll probably be fine (but you should verify if you're writing something for the general case that must not fail). But in HTML's case:

  • You have nested languages (CSS and JS)
  • You have tag-specific rules (img and link end in />, but div must end in a separate closing tag)
  • Browsers use error correction to try to make sense of invalid HTML, like inserting missing tags. Many websites rely on this behavior.

If you're trying to use Regex to parse a specific website's HTML, you'll be able to get what you want eventually, but as a general HTML parser, there will always be some website that breaks your assumptions.

I still wonder how generalizing over 300 million people by the actions of one tourist makes sense. There are a lot of things that would be easier to point at, like the Christian extremists and the alt-right (although from my experience many of them don't actually leave the country very often). Still, sweeping generalizations like this cause much more harm than good.

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I'm not sure which game this comment is in context of, but steam reviews showcase the issues pretty clearly. For example, I went on the steam reviews for MTGA at one point for fun and saw a comment complaining about there not being enough white male masculine looking avatars. I'm not sure how Gideon Jura (literally the definition, even in cards, of a masculine white guy) and Garruk are not masculine enough for this person lol.

Most likely, from how the comment read, they were complaining about the female portraits and portraits with non-white characters. I'm assuming they missed the NB character portrait (Niko Aris) since they didn't specifically call them out.

I also remember back when Horizon: Zero Dawn came out there were a lot of people complaining about a female MC. Personally, that was one of my favorite parts of the game since it gave a non-traditional perspective of the story in my opinion. Maybe some people disagree, and that's fine, but giving a game a poor review just because the MC is female is honestly just a dishonest review of the game.

You are not entitled to my money.

I don't think the article claimed anyone was, at least from my read of it. It's your loss if you refuse to enjoy games over such a petty reason though.

It's also honestly just childish to give a game you haven't played a bad review for having a more diverse cast. The main character is literally on the box art - if it bothers you, then the game is clearly not for you. It's like me reviewing an otome game poorly because I don't like otome games.

Anecdotally, I've been hearing from someone who works there that they've been doing some blatently illegal things with regards to RTO enforcement and reasons for dismissal in general, including threatening employees who take time off for not "badgeing in" while on vacation. I'm hoping we see some huge fines in the near future on them, as employees raise complaints and even sue them for their practices.

Jim Crow called. He wants his laws back.

Man there have been hot take after hot take in the programming communities over the past few days. Here, I'll give my hot take since nobody asked:

If I have to touch your code and I can't tell what inputs it's supposed to accept, what it should do with those inputs, and what outputs it should produce, I'm probably deleting your code and rewriting it from scratch. Same goes for if I can trivially produce inputs or states that break it. If your code is buggy, it's getting fixed, even if that takes a rewrite.

When working with others, write readable and maintainable code that someone with much less context than you can pick up and work on. It really doesn't matter if you need to use TypeScript, mypy, tabs, doc comments, or whatever to do it.

When doing your own project, it doesn't matter. It's your code, and if you can't understand it when you come back to it then you'll probably rewrite it into something better anyway.

See, it's democratic as long as people vote for their candidate of choice. Only one candidate? Well, you voted for them at least.

Also, I'm curious why this hasn't been an issue in the past. Is it Ohio changing the deadline, or the DNC being moved later in the year?

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Wow, imagine listening to your employees. I know there are people who like to work in the office, and there will always be a need for one to be there. I work better at home though. There are fewer distractions, I get my own office, and everything I need is within a short walking distance (food, water, etc). I don't need to chat with my coworkers every 5m. I don't need to see their faces to discuss system design, nor do I care much about how they're dressed or really at all what they look like. If my manager wants to see if I'm productive, he can see what tasks I've finished, which is what he should have been doing to begin with anyway (he was, at least in my case) because faking productivity is easy af.

We do meet in the office once or twice a week though to get through all our team meetings. I find that to be a good compromise, because those meetings are often better in-person since we get lunch together afterwards and such.

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Been using Freetube, and I even get watch history on it without needing to enable a "use my watch history for advertising" setting. No issues so far, but I don't watch in higher resolutions so no idea if that would cause any issues.

Someone else already mentioned LibRedirect, I have that setup to link to Freetube.

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It is wrong, actually. Piracy is illegal, adblocking is not.

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As a software developer, the last thing I want to see is another obscure timezone to deal with. It does seem like it'd be important to set a standard here though, and it's unlikely to affect most software engineers anyway unless we start seeing colonization at some point.

Also, in general, I can't imagine how relativity will work with this kind of timezone conversion.

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We've been trying to contact you regarding your car's extended warranty.

Everyone has their own unique story for going through the process. For example, someone close to me believed they were F2M, and mid-transition, learned instead that they actually liked to express themselves as feminine but wanted some features granted by the hormones they took. Once they got what they wanted, they stopped taking hormones. I'm not sure that's the same as a "detransition", but it answered a lot of questions this person had and ended up helping them with their body dysmorphia (which was what the goal was in the first place - not necessarily to fully transition, but to address their discomfort with their own body).

In this case, it seems like this person did fully transition, but they were unable to adapt at first to the transition (largely due to their environment). I'd imagine this kind of story isn't super uncommon for people in environments that won't accept them transitioning, where they feel the need to change themselves back to satisfy society until they can either accept that their environment will reject them, or find an environment that will accept them.

Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

(Emphasis naturally not in the original.)

It depends on if you can claim they gave aid or comfort to the people storming the capitol. Many of the justices might be questionable for other reasons, but unless they were actively there or publicly supportive of it, I don't think they'd qualify. Plus, who's going to rule on it, the other justices?

That being said, in 2022, there was a case of a politician in New Mexico being barred from public office for life for being supportive of Jan 6th. Apparently it's the first time this has happened since 1869 (and remained upheld).

When writing software that will be deployed to a production environment, it's better to slow down and take the time needed to write a higher quality, more durable solution than to rush and quickly kick a product out the door.

I don't know why this is a hot take, but sometimes it feels like it is.

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Case and point? If they're not being compensated, they have no obligations to anyone. "Free testing" isn't compensation unless they plan to monetize it later using improvements from that testing.

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Everyone here is saying not to use Discord, but what are they expecting the server admins to do after moving off Discord when Nintendo's lawyers send them a letter? Like sure, hate Discord, but the problem here clearly lies with Nintendo.

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I don't know what this rant is in response to, but it's ironic that it was posted right after my wife was upset about a bunch of transphobic comments made to her friend's (semi-famous) mother being posted on another platform. It amazes me how upset people get at others who want to just live their lives to their fullest.

You're not wrong. All religious extremists are, in fact, air breathers. They're also generally water drinkers.

As someone who doesn't drink, this has reinforced my preference to wait until things improve (hopefully they will eventually...) before considering a trip there.

fad-driven development

This is certainly a way to dismiss all other programming paradigms, I suppose. Also, having used both C# and Java, I can't see myself writing another backend in Java again when C# is such a pleasant language to write in. Both languages have flaws of course, but I find C#'s significantly more tolerable than Java's.

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So what they're saying is the law only applies to Christians? Satanists are plenty happy with abortions and contraceptives, surely they'd get a pass if their religious texts encourage it.

Naturally the answers to your questions depend on who is looking at the website, but from my experience...

Does the ideology of ‘using other people’s tools to create a better product’ apply here in this context


or would it be considered plagiarism?

Absolutely not. It's showing that you can incorporate the works of others to build something great rather than spend time reinventing the wheel. Nobody's going to look at your website's source (assuming you link to it somewhere), see a bunch of .ts or .jsx files, and think "oh this person invented Typescript/React/whatever".

Should you need to reinvent Javascript, your browser, your OS, etc..? Probably not, and as long as you're using something built by others to build your website (vscode, node.js, etc), there's no reason to feel like using a library wouldn't be the same. Also, for most real world projects, you'll be using libraries you didn't write. This is just showing that you know how to use them.

Where it would be unacceptable is if you claimed to have created those libraries/tools yourself.

We have infused AI into every layer of Windows

I sure hope not. I don't want Windows to just decide to delete my hard drive because it feels like it.

We are introducing Windows Semantic Index, a new OS capability which redefines search on Windows and powers new experiences like Recall.

You could also improve Windows search by contracting with voidtools and integrating Everything. While you're at it, maybe ditch the bing searches, and other useless search results?

Anyway, the rest of the article seems to go into actual dev-oriented details, and there's some interesting bits like enabling certain AI acceleration features on the web (probably only in Edge though...), for what that's worth.

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