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Joined 1 years ago

Man, I think the "don't talk to me before my coffee" shit is so cringy. It's overplayed and honestly if you can't be a functional human before having drugs, you gotta sort yourself out.

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Crazy what a few feet can do to public perception

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What blows my mind is that they weren't AITSE before??

Like so many positions in film are union, crazy that these key people were in the blind-spot

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Listen man, the priests like what they like. Don't kink shame.

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There's at least two in the sequel for sure

I'm sorry you went through that, I hope you have some peace in your life now!

So genocide

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Bidet is the way. Absolute game changer and saves money on TP!

Who hurt you

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Dark was absolutely incredible, one of the best pieces of media I've ever seen. Start to finish such a good story.

Yeah holy shit, wish my property management was half as fast! No AC? No problem!

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I feel like calling something an infestation is a hilarious way of setting a narrative for something. Like someone opens a cupboard in your house and your like "Careful!! Snack infestation in there, can't seem to get rid of em"

You guys are why I started watching the Orville, bless your souls!

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If you've ever heard of WOOFing that's a great place to start. It's a work trade program I did years ago, tons of farms around the world. You get room and board, just work the farm for a short term. I traveled across Canada doing that years ago and ended up staying on one for 2 years in the discovery islands off the coast of BC. One of the best times in my life. Now I live in downtown Toronto, wondering why I ever came back ahaha

I'm very curious to see how they roll this out. I'm a big advocate for UBI, so this is super uplifting news. I really think this will benefit a lot of people!

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This is hysterical! Like, actually high effort guide that's content is insanely funny. I had a great time reading this. It's honestly so high quality, I'm geeking out the fact someone made this, and made it so well.

I was just telling my buddy this the other day when he was bragging about "the steal" he bought his new futon for. Like mate, you paid too little and to get a good bed, and too much for a shit couch.

Holy shit I do this too. Why are we like this?

Another thing I do which frustrates me to no end is trying to pick something up with something else in my hand, making the task of picking said thing up so much harder. I could put the other thing down sure, but life is pain and this is how I am.

silent cartographer intensifies

Whatever is happening to that dragon behind the wall is very NSFW, but I'm glad they are having a good time at both ends.

Inside Job is so good, I was crushed when I heard they canceled it. Such a fun concept for a show, and I thought it was really well written. Was really funny, but also had it's sad moments. I'm bummed about that one for sure.

The wave of nostalgia that washed over me seeing this template. I remember making a few iterations of this myself back in the day.

Old meme, but it checks out.

Hindsight is an amazing thing, tough to equate one time to another in your life. things are transient, and all add up to the experience of now. Can't all be good but it won't all be bad. Every one of those experiences make you you, and I think that's important.

Morrowind was such an amazing experience, it's one of the games I wish I could experience for the first time again.

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Oh absolutely, I'm just super jazzed that this is a serious conversation that we are having, and that there is real movement on it (however small)

I was an RIF user for a long time, I honestly haven't looked back since the API thing. I've found connect to be easy to use and it scratches the itch for sure. Love to see it getting more traffic now, my only sense of loss would be the Google search with "_____ ,reddiit" to find someone who has spoken about what I'm looking for. Lemmy will get there, just happy to be along for the ride

I heard they recently added more hops

I just watched this episode today! Show is is good, I love old adult swim cartoons. I gotta rewatch through Xavier Renegade Angel at some point as well

I'm halfway through the second, and wow am I enjoying it. Some episodes have super profound plots, and other episodes are super heavy. I love Seth McFarlane's humor too so it's a really enjoyable watch for me.

Never thought I would See a Guelph meme but here we are!

Thanks for being a good sport, I meant no malice, just a funny typo ahah

Yeah as a kid I never really got Niagara on the Lake but as an adult I love that little town. Some good pubs and great views!

There's also the jetboat tour near there that takes you up to the whirlpool which is mad cool, definitely something a teenager would be interested in.

Niagara falls itself is neat but super touristy, Maid of the mist is fine, but in general I like Niagara on the Lake better.

"people should love who they want, everyone should have love"

Neo's - "everyone includes guys and that's gay dude"