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Joined 12 months ago

Reminder that Project 2025 is a Heritage Foundation plan to gut the powers of Congress and policy-making commissions, and to disproportionately empower the Executive branch.

I do not think for a minute that the 2026 date is accidental.

Technically, SCOTUS didn't do anything. They refused to take up the case, which means the 5th Circuit's ruling, that superseded both lower courts that affirmed it was illegal by saying "we'll address it next year after the primaries," was the final say.

The thing that needs to be made sense of is why the 5th Circuit is allowed to operate in bad-faith as a rubber stamp for everything Conservative.

Wow, a whole list of "things that never happened."

Please, get help to escape the conspiracy feedback loop you're obviously in.

Well as we know, all cishet people know exactly who they are at any given time, and their personality, philosophy, epistemology, and tastes never cha—oh wait...

Must suck for him being so boring and predictable all the time, that he has to invent reasons to get all hot and bothered.

Does anyone know if there was a motive? I didn't see one in the article, but maybe I missed it.

Either way, she deserves permanent incarceration away from society. "Fucked up" is an inadequate description.

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There's a reason Trump is getting RICO charges in Georgia, and it might be because he's the boss of a mob of violent idiots.

This. All of this. It's fine if the goal is to let the active communities bubble to the top organically, but that doesn't mean much if people can't easily find them.

It would be nice if there was a way to load-share communities among the instances or something, kind of like a mesh network.

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Yes, but have you considered that if we legalize weed, Satan might get your kids?


Standing could be as simple as "it harms the American people to allow him to run." The lawyer doesn't have to be directly injured, since class action lawsuits are brought on behalf of entire groups all the time.

Not that it's a slam dunk reason, but I would hope and think the lawyer in question knows that they have to prove some amount of standing.

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I don't think it's an agenda, I think it's just poorly delivered. The facts are:

  • Teen hacks corps using a Fire Stick.

  • Teen has done something novel with proprietary hardware.

I think it's safe to assume that he's intelligent and creative based on those two things. With proper guidance from the right kinds of people (including parents), someone like that could eventually put those talents to use on someone's Red Team, or working with an intelligence agency, rather than doing something illegal to stretch their wings (fuck big corporations, but the law is what it is).

I don't think it's unreasonable to note that his talents will be wasted by grinding him down in the justice system.

We do want this in our politics, but when we have fascists calling from inside the house, it's a luxury we can't afford right now.

Once fascism is no longer a viable political path for extremists, then we can talk about improving candidate quality and having better options. From where we are currently, though, it feels like putting the cart before the horse.

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Reminder that this isn't a GOP document, it's a Heritage Foundation document (right wing extremists).

They could try to follow it, but the Heritage Foundation ≠ GOP. If anything, the Federalist Society is a far greater threat, since they have tactfully and successfully infected the judiciary, and they don't even have a public manifesto of this nature.

This is certainly concerning, but it's far from guaranteed to be utilized.

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No. Fuck Facebook, and fuck Zuck. There isn't a world in which they would federate and respect our privacy.

See how they build internal user profiles for users not on Facebook through tags and other metadata scraping techniques. If people you know talk about you on Facebook, there's a shadow profile about you out there, waiting to connect with you in real time. I have no reason to think they wouldn't do the same kind of shit here.

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They get so much grassroots support because...

This is your answer. The change we want isn't going to happen at the federal level only. The DNC has had a really terrible leader up until recently, but even so, they don't have a good pulse on the left-electorate. They can't seem to figure out that the country isn't center anymore.

The reason we didn't have a "red tsunami" at the midterms, which going on historical trends should have happened, is because of the extremely hard work of grassroots orgs that mobilized the voters on the left (typically low-turnout voting bloc) in local, state, and federal races. And they did all that on a shoestring budget, with little to no help from the DNC.

The change is going to have to be from the local level up. That's how the GOP got to their "minority rule" status, and it's how we'll win back true democracy.

It all has to do with evaluating flight risk, with his lawyers asserting a reasonable belief to the judge that he's not one (prosecutors likewise can make their own recommendations). Bail can be denied, but from what I understand from legal podcasts, most cases have release conditions.

The fact that he skipped town means his lawyer might get in some trouble, but it almost certainly means this guy is royally fucked when they find him. It doesn't look good to juries when you run away.

Clearly, it's too hard to get him on a zoom call to get his "totally real and not made up evidence." But then, a whistleblower isn't as useful to the GOP as a political "martyr."

Sounds like something that should be in a book. /j

Given that he both knew he had some of them and showed them to people who didn't have the proper clearance as a matter of bragging (for which we have proof on audio), it's going to be more than a wrist slap for sure.

Whether or not they can make all the counts stick is a different matter, but he is not likely to escape all of them.

Their games are great. Their lawyers can go skinny-dipping on Pluto.

Or worse, repeats it knowing the short-term gains and ignoring the long-term consequences. If the Japanese balloon bombing of 1945 happened today, I am almost certain modern media orgs would choose profit over safety and refuse to save lives by keeping it secret.

The fact that they didn't lose horribly in the midterms is all thanks to grassroots efforts in the states with shoestring budgets. When we've dealt with the fascists, it will be the DNC's turn next, and I'm looking forward to the shocked Pikachus.

I get your feeling, and I'm actually a little bit older than you (so have had to vote for the same boring centrists), but "fuck that" isn't how you strategically defeat a coalition of rich, Conservative ideologues who have been slowly and tactfully eroding our democracy.

"People like me" haven't had their candidate yet win a primary (I'm a progressive socialist), so I'm not sure who you're referring to.

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Real talk: what does "leading" actually mean? Because if it's like 4% of the generation, it's not much of a paradigm shift.

As far as people with lower-end systems being unable to enjoy newer titles, I'd like to point you to the prolific and endlessly creative indie scene. Yes, you may not be able to play the latest AAA "Skyrim Ultra Remaster DX: Penultimate Boogaloo - GotY Edition," but there's lots of gems out there that don't require the latest GPUs.

But as for realistic graphics, there's actually an aspect you may buy be aware of: game companies actually influence the movie industry. Because games not only have to deliver realism but realism in real time, they have to constantly invent new techniques. The movie industry picks up these techniques and makes better movies.

Plus, IMO, improvements are always welcome. Death Stranding had some of the best mocap I've seen in both the movie and videogame industries, and don't feel those improvements were wasted effort.

Yep. Basically the 14th is the quickest path to disallowing his run. But he can get multiple life sentences for murdering a million people and still run.

It's been great, honestly. I had Garuda on a laptop I was using to stream from a local Desktop, and it worked better for Remote Play than Windows 10.

I smell a biography book deal and a string of news appearances where he talks shit about how the GOP has lost its way.

Gish galloping: the favorite tool of bad actors.

The D'ni.

They're not guilty for the things their users do. Bad actors are all over Facebook, so revealing a government was using their platform for nefarious purposes is more like, "See? We can be good guys, too!" It's positive PR to be proactive like that.

Jood. The further we stray from Jod, the jreater this society will jet.

No, I just watch content from evolutionary biologists, because it's something I'm interested in.

It may not be that our version of the species will be renamed, but since species delineations are somewhat arbitrary (where does one generation stop and one start, when it's actually a gradual process?), future generations of biologists may decide that we are something else. Either way, we won't be around to know!

This current version of humans? No. But could it ever happen? Absolutely, if we assume our future evolutionary human descendants survive and provided we can supply everyone's needs.

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I've heard from other evolutionary biologists that the next gen will be homo sapiens sapiens, and we'll be renamed something else.

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I think I'd prefer So and So. She seems to have her shit together more than Whatsherface.

Yeah, I didn't express it very well, but I wasn't trying to imply they weren't a threat. They 1000% are.

It's just that plans like this presume every conservative is like them, and as we've seen even in the House, that's not the case; it wouldn't be a cakewalk

Still, it's one more example of why Conservatives (capital C) need to be dealt with soberly.

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It's not that simple, thanks to the Electoral College. If electing a president was based on popular vote, the last several Republican presidents wouldn't have been elected.

But thanks to how the Electoral College works, getting elected is based more on strategically winning specific states. Texas, for example, has several deep blue cities with some of the largest populations in the country. Yet, all 50-something electoral votes go to Republicans, because Republicans win the popular vote in the state. The will of those millions of people is discarded and flipped due to the other areas voting differently.

You gotta be on the nightly-builds repo to get it.

I was told not to talk to strangers.

TBH, how do his followers have any money left? They've bankrolled all of his endeavors for the last 7-8 years, plus bankrolled the other various grifters who kiss Trump's ring.