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Joined 1 years ago

But they were restoring all my posts and comments for weeks after I deleted them.

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I work in IT. Most systems have laughable security. Passwords are often saved in plain text in scripts or config files. I went to a site to help out a very large provincial governmental organization move some data out of one system and into another. They sat me down with a loaner laptop and the guy logged me into his user account on the server. When I asked for escalated privileges, he told me he'd go get someone who knew the service account passwords.

After a few minutes, I started poking around on my own... And had administrative access within an hour. I could read the database (raw data), access documents, start and stop the software, plus, figured out how to get into the upstream system that fed data to this server... I was working on figuring out the software's admin password when the guy came back. I'm sure that given some more time, I could have rooted the box because the OS hadn't been updated in years.

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Funny, I don't even live in the USA, and I know about Tulsa, who the people that died were, and whose homes and businesses were burned to the ground... How is it that someone who lives where it happened doesn't know?

That's some serious weapons-grade ignorance there.

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Dude doesn't sound like the kind of guy who has $200 million. Or could ever earn it in a lifetime.

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And now Meta knows when she's having her period, the phone number of her gynecologist, and what period products she buys... thanks to the app spying on her health and fitness, contact, and shopping data.


Spez thinks that redditors are junkies who are hooked and can't leave. It was easier than I thought it would be to leave. I only log in once a week for 5 minutes to delete any posts or comments they've restored against my will.

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Strange how people can be so oblivious as to the role they play in the consumption of energy and materials...

I've recently started to believe that the only way climate change is going to end is if a very, very large percentage of the human population dies off very quickly... like... 70-80% or more. One billion people still seems like too many.

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The best part about this is that the more they do this, the more it costs them. Every action, especially disk transactions, cost them money. Just log in every day, run your deletion utility, and cost them a couple bucks more for being pricks about it.

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This is dumb anyway - nobody is going to pump 1MW into a car, the grid can't support it, never mind a supercharger-style station with between 8 and 20 plugs. A 20-plug Supercharger needs around 1.5MW to serve each station with 72kW.

And really, when I'm on a road trip, after 3h in the car, I need a break that's long enough to hit the bathroom, grab a bite to eat, and stretch my legs. The car is usually charged to 90% in under 45 minutes anyway, even if I roll into the charging station at under 5%...

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The cool kids have left the building and moved on to building the next thing.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, full stop.

There's nothing saying that this isn't something of our own creation.

The Roswell incident exposed the existence of Mylar -- something human-made, classified, but other-worldly in appearance and texture to anyone who might have seen it at that time... Now something mundane enough to be used as potato chip bags.

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And FYI, the info about Signal was confirmed as they received a subpoena a couple years back, and their response was part of the public court records.

Who knows, with inflation the way it is, maybe it'll be $200M for a Big Mac by the time he retires. ;)

Heh. Can you tell my parents? I'm pretty sure both of them would suck this guy's dick if he showed up at their house. I've tried various ways to explain that they're in a cult, but yeah, they're in way too deep.

I find it hard to believe that the folks in France who work in government have forgotten that protesting is the compromise people made to have their voices heard... The alternative being the separation of heads from necks as the first step in the revolution.

This is what Superchargers are. The snag is that during busy weekends, the batteries eventually hit zero, and everyone is capped at 72kW, because that's what the AC/DC transformer can provide.

Just to delete the comments that reddit restored after I deleted everything in my account.

Yes, in very poor countries, they subsidize the data usage for WhatsApp, so that it's free to end users. It's extraordinarily popular in Asia and Africa as a result.

Go back and read the first sentence again.

It still exists? Weird. I played with it for like, a weekend, and that was plenty.

Oh, yeah... But you have to admit, it kinda explains the behaviour in a concise and plausible fashion though, based on the facts we do know.

This is why I prefer cloud services outside US jurisdiction, and refuse to use anything based in the USA - like iCloud. National Security Letters are a thing, and even massive companies like Apple can't fight them.

Really? I just handed down a 2017 MacBook Pro -- still supported by Apple, meaning it runs the latest OS, and gets patches.

Can you give me an example of any other device with longer software support from the original vendor, at no cost to the end user?

Monterey still gets security updates. :)