
1 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

What's this you've said to me, my good friend? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in conflict resolution, and Ive been involved in numerous friendly discussions, and I have over 300 confirmed friends. I am trained in polite discussions and I'm the top mediator in the entire neighborhood. You are worth more to me than just another target. I hope we will come to have a friendship never before seen on this Earth. Don't you think you might be hurting someone's feelings saying that over the internet? Think about it, my friend. As we speak I am contacting my good friends across the USA and your P.O. box is being traced right now so you better prepare for the greeting cards, friend. The greeting cards that help you with your hate. You should look forward to it, friend. I can be anywhere, anytime for you, and I can calm you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my chess set. Not only am I extensively trained in conflict resolution, but I have access to the entire group of my friends and I will use them to their full extent to start our new friendship. If only you could have known what kindness and love your little comment was about to bring you, maybe you would have reached out sooner. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now we get to start a new friendship, you unique person. I will give you gifts and you might have a hard time keeping up. You're finally living, friend.

Proton mail has some extra (security?) feature, or they just lack smtp support, and you cannot directly use it on thunderbird. They offer a "bridge" app which allows you to do it, I just use that.

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I rooted my fire stick with a piece of aluminum, you had to open it and bridge two points on its board to make a reserved memory area writable, and then run a script to root it. Have no idea about new models/firmware but XDA developers is a click away. It was the 4k model at the end of 2019, I think it's just one or two generation behind the current 4k stick

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It was just when/where to land when coming back, since I had to pick between 3 cities and a couple of available dates

I had the Soldier of Fortune original game disk, but lost the box with the CD key. Mailed the devs/publishers asking for help, sending a picture of the disks, and they basically told me that I should have been more careful. Googled "soldier of fortune CD key" and ended up on one of those now-defunct websites which collected cracks and CD keys, discovering that not only you didn't need the key, but you could also just download free stuff.

Now I pay for Prime Video, Netflix and Spotify and buy lots of games on steam/gog, but I also created an app used by thousands of people every month to help them sail the four seas

Yes! I like to play on the bed so there's nothing better. I'm playing forever skies on pc because it freezed the steam deck when I tried to start it but any other game it's on the deck

Yes it's awesome, I use it with Microsoft terminal for tabs + themes, thanks to that I still have to learn how to use powershell

Bitwarden apps have been open source since the beginning, mobile + backend + web

Damn I really needed systemd analyzer to debug stuff! Thanks!

This was for a music festival too, at least I immediately bought the ticket for that and for flying there, so that was quite cheaper

Always dual booted Linux (ubuntu/mint/manjaro/endeavor) and windows (8/10/11) without issues. I think windows published an update (happened only once if I remember correctly) that wiped Linux partitions so yeah, it can happen, but to me that has the same chance of windows breaking itself because of an update (same with Linux). Honestly just take a backup and try whatever distro you like. If you just want to see what Linux is like you can use virtualbox on windows and install it on a virtual machine.

Dual booting is hard to setup the first time so you may want to have another pc with a guide and a forum ready for help. To me the hardest part was how to understand the partitions for swap/home/root/efi etc. but newer Linux installers have a wizard that usually does everything

Things to remember if you decide to dual boot:

  • disable secure boot in the bios
  • disable fast boot (I think that's the name) or windows will "lock" the disks on hibernate
  • keep your distro ISO image on a USB key with Ventoy installed to quickly restore any issue you may encounter. If windows overwrites the boot partition you can easily restore in 5/10 minutes without losing anything so don't be worried about that

Definitely a good suggestion, next time I'll remember that 20/30 extra $$ is less than 200

You got it almost right, the game "west of loathing" does have a bread-based class if I remember correctly

Inkplate offers some esp32 powered eink solutions, and someone built an eReader software for it, should be this one


But I have no idea how good it is. If you want to use it offline I suppose you could get any eReader that supports loading stuff via USB, You can manage a kindle library with calibre and turn off wifi after the first setup, for example.

Deezer sent out a mail that they are closing the free service so it may not work anymore (without a paid Deezer account)

Sadly KDE 6 broke a lot of stuff, the next Nvidia driver update 555 should fix most of those issues (it's in beta right now).

For single issues with games you should specify more so we can help.

I'm using an MMO mouse (the ones with 12 buttons on the side) myself, and sadly there is no mouse with native support for macro on Linux, but a lot of them are supported thanks to developers (see Piper for example), which mouse is it?

You can try the todo from goblin tools, you describe the main task and it tries to split it into sub tasks for you. I've tried it a couple of times and it wasn't bad


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For weird/horror games I follow alpha beta gamer on YouTube, so my suggestion is finding a YouTuber focused on indie games you like. As another user wrote you can browse itch.io featured page to find some hidden gems.

I am testing Lapce and I can see it as an alternative in the future

I kinda love this aside from it being unusable

I'll never buy an Ubisoft game, I remember when years ago their games installed spyware on the browser (found it on my Firefox) . Pox on whoever thought that was a good idea

Finished system shock remastered, started pacific drive, but I think I'll play it on the pc (bigger screen needed for the immersion)

Looks like one those scp wiki sub-websites

TouchPads 100%

There is a mod or another game built to play ace of spades again online, can't remember what it was but I played it last year

There's a bug with arch distros and the Nvidia driver 550 which is breaking systems, the drivers should get updated on the 15th of May and some fixes could come out sooner, but in the meanwhile I'd wait a bit

I'm playing the invincible but I think it's one of those game which are a lot better on a big screen, I think I'll finsih it on desktop.

Wandering sword is pretty good but I think I'll switch the controls to mouse and keyboard since it's kinda annoying to use as joystick

Still have to decide on which big game to try, I have a lot of great indie games waiting for me. I have the resident evil 4 remaster to try so maybe I'll do that

Loved it! I'll have to play it again since I bought all the dlcs. I think they recently announced kingdom come 2 so I'm pretty hyped

The issue is that pc games are not built for multi touch. Maybe emulating platforms which use it more such as the Nintendo DS?

I started watching alpha beta gamer on YouTube and rediscovered a love for indie games (channel is horror/weird focused but here I mean all kinds). Short and original, they are great to play and never too long. People's taste are different but maybe we could have a group/playlist on steam

Opening a link in Firefox reader mode would be pretty cool!

I'll try looking to see how easy it is to create an extension


Edit: maybe this extension can be used https://webextension.org/listing/chrome-reader-view.html

Unchained was born long before stremio, because the real debrid app for Android sucked so much it got pulled from the play store. It's not as media focused as stremio, so if you're only interested in finding and steaming movies/shows it's definitely less useful. It does have some nice features such as searching links on torrent websites, support for kodi servers and it's also being developed a support for torznab servers (such as jackett). It's free and open source without ads, so you can just try it

Fire stick and the shield are both android devices so you can just install whatever you want


What's the issue with piped?

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I think the issue is that the more users these instances have, the easier it is for them to get throttled/banned by the services they want to use. I self host piped and it works 99% of the times

Also some services are frequently changing stuff or just making it impossible to have an alternative frontends

If I remember correctly it needs a (CO) TURN server, so maybe this is about an embedded solution?

Before this website I used to download from dauphong or mercs215 on the pirate bay