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Joined 1 years ago

The descriptor "free" misleads - this is exactly the type of thing taxes were always meant to pay for.

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Man the bots aren't even good at hiding they are bots anymore.


That was just spammed in a news article over and over for hours.

Thats great but can we demand some decent UPLOAD to?

cries in 300down measally 10 up

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Sounds about right for any news outlet. "Slams" is so overused, and usually nowhere near an accurate euphamism.

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Endocrine disrupters - mainly from plastics

Its not like she has a realistic alternative. What do you want, a split democrat ticket going up against the republicans ?

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So he's saying its run by his friends?

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Wednesday that bans homeless people from existing so better off Floridans don't have to see the poors so much


Hope people demand refunds over it.

Because outrage and violence generate "engagement"


Git itself.

Which allowed this monstosity I contributed heavily to, to leave a hellscape of svn patches: https://github.com/LandSandBoat/server

So git earns the "favorite" designation hands down.

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Hell old MSs penalty was giving free licenses in markets it never had a grip on, so its "lock 'em in!" model meant the "penalty" benefited them!

The party, which was formed in 1971 and supports laissez-faire capitalism and civil liberties, is the third-largest American party by voter registration. Its website says: "Libertarians strongly oppose any government interference into their personal, family, and business decisions."

There I fixed the atticle to be truthful.

Friendly reminder that only reason 3rd party apps didn't have reddits ads was that reddot never modofoed the api to push them, and cancelled the agreememt with the one app that was sending reddit add money...

My 1st thought is that we may need these minor fears to learn how to deal with fear itself and as part of developmemt they'll likely just be a fraid of something different instead.

"Sleeping early" ha, no such thing. Just setting yourself up to stare at the ceiling.

We're supposed to force ourselves to get up still dead tired instead even if we didn't get much and "eventually" says the doctor, "you will get tired enough to sleep on time". LIES. ALL LIES.

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"Reddit CEO teases new ways to damage and eventually kill Reddit"

Webview instead of elecrton eh? I remain skeptical. I have had other eletron based apps that were nowhere near as crap as teams is. I don't think the engine underneath the user end was the whole problem by a longshot..

The backend is an abomination born from the spliced dna of sharepoint and exchange. I have my doubts it will ever not be shit.

I think that attorney general should have to walk in her shoes for a bit and then have someone hold up his release

Double irony is they'd also send a takedown to github claiming the code contains their IP due to being too ignorant to comprehend that none of the code contains any of thiers to do what it does

Gif you say so

Gog has support problems on some windows games too. Also they mark games run via dosbox as windows, which is annoying when you specifically want to find an older windows game that also had a dos release. Even with those issues, gog is still my goto because at least my games won't be full of denuvo securom etc. and nobody else seems to remotely care about the really old harder to find games. I'd be scouring ebay for old discs if not for gog.

Hate. Every iteration of society in history has normized hatred of some "other" and its bonkers.

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Is their trust broken forever or


is there any chance for redemption?


Anyone that trusts unity after this will get exactly what they deserve next time greed make unity put thier privates in a vice to squeeze out more profit with unreasonable terms then half backpeddle to less insane but still obviously unpopular changes.

I'll stay as long as it doesn't become reddit and former reddit ppl stop trying to force it to be reddit.

This is frankly better than reddit was and if they don't come around to that they are gonna ruin it for me.

It has 100% happened before and just never been admitted to. I have both 1st hand dealt with the aftermath and heard from other smaller companies about it. I work at medium sized MSP and disaster recovery is in my wheelhouse.

Repugnantcants need it easier to dox harras and threaten people they dissagree with while claiming its the OTHER group ruining everything.

Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.

::: spoiler spoiler from alpha centauri but doesn't make it wrong :::

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"The US needs to reclaim 2 million houses from firms to revive the American dream of homeownership"

Fixed. The housing exists, it's just bought up so you can't have it because they want more profit.

Also fck HOAs and the horse they road in on.

No ms, your search offering was such utter shit that only the AI boom saved you from the death it deserved and your attack on google comes to late - google is already falling from its pedistal on its own because they've enshitified the service.

We've so much plastic waste that its now our most signifigant marker in the fossil record to say "humans lived here".

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I'd stop spending all my time on trying to survive and poor all my hours into work I want to do instead of have to do. I have a ton of stuff I'd actually want to do that are very definately work but I can't make a living doing it, so I don't!

overwriting all your posts multiple times before deleting them and walking away so reddit can die seems like a pretty good option right now. I mean we're already talking about this on lemmy instead of reddit so why not? Corporations need to learn the lessons "don't crap where you eat" and "at war with the product users = your business is done, so respect the product users "

They fear becoming a minority.

They operate under the false beliefs that they already are and that "the libs" bring in foreigners to tilt the vote (which is litteraly not possible) and then "those people get free everything" to feed further into racism. The imaginary bussed in people can't vote or get benefits but thier social circle says so and thats all they need to believe and repeat it.

The triangle of rhetoric is appeal to authority, appeal to emotion, appeal to logic. They don't accept any of it thay didn't come from within thier social group so there is no convinving them and that is why Tronald Dump can say he could shoot somebody on 5th avenue and have them call it fake news despite being recorded.

(Edit x 5 :Why oh why can't spellcheck just work?)

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Wait. Why is Reddit losing so much money?

Leadership makes bad decisions and is greedy and stupid. This isn't complicated.

Its worse in that to see the content I want I need MULTIPLE subscriptions that add up to more than cables cost ...or I can sail the high seas once more. I've cancellled everything except amazon because I save enough on shipping to justify it (mostly heavy items)

Lack of sleep. Lack of time to do anytging except the bare minimum to get back to work.

I disagree in it really making sense (at leastlong term, but I recognize this is also "normal" for these corporate types) - it destroys long term viability for short term goals.

Happens all over the corporate world. They are encouraged to operate this way usually the guy there when the actions were taken getz out well before those long term consequences arrive. Hopefully Steve does bear the consequences himself, he dezerves it for being a horrible person in general.

I'm sorry but my suspension of disbelief is ruined because that hand is too large to be his.