
1 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I like the wording customary alot more then people spoutn' "standard"

I don't think getting CVE's is a good metric for security strength, but good points aside.

..or paid well.

Just realized my keyboard is 22 years old.

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I did not have arse whisk on my bingo card today

Sketchy passing manuover in a charity motorcycle race.

To be honest we were racing honda 90's (honda passports in NA) so every pass was sketchy, but this is high on my daft list.

Diceing with a pro rider for a couple of laps, huge fun, close racing, a long lefthander coming up, I knew he had a big advantage here, his skinny ass could lean more here (ground clearance is a problem on soggy commuter bikes) so each lap he'd gain a little lead here, this time i'd nailed the corner, got close, two back markers ahead, didn't lift, passed the pro guy, dived between the backmarkers, over a greasy kerb, massive highside/slapper, kept it pinned and pulled away, I think I scared the pro because I didn't see him until it was all over.

I had the biggest shit eating smile under my helmet the whole time.

"Nice work" this is your adhd trick, that dopamine release when you solve a problem. I'm 25 plus years working now, different career's but that trick, that solve issue get dopamine, I've realized I can quite literally fix anything now, could change jobs in the morning and be working on my own with no support in under a month.

Anything except chemisty and this phone's autocorrect.

You can take that trick and apply it on anything else, just frame what you need to do as problem.

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Dad of three here, had lots of issues like this first time around, they can sense your gowing flustration. couple of things helped first lower your expectations, clothes on backwards? still wearing PJ top? good enough. three bowls of ceral and still won't eat anything? yougurt! Make things a little game how fast can take off the night nappy? (that's a little later lol). how often are you waking in the night for feeding? as soon as you can stretch to four hours the difference is amazing. It'll soon be better, I have all five of us on one couch right now watching minions, pizza later coz I ain't cooking.

If you want solidwork or fusion : https://github.com/cryinkfly/SOLIDWORKS-for-Linux/releases

I'd love to use and suggest blender/freecad, but I struggle with the workflow.

I still use Inventor 2017 in a windows VM.

I just hate the syntax, systemctl start apache2 feels like dumb manager speak over service apache2 start.

But other then that I love how systemd has been for me.

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Got done with a 12 hour shift, hopped on the motorbike and zipped off, lost the frontend on like second corner, hadn't taken into account the cold tarmac first thing in the morning cause my dumb ass thought I was just done with a DAY shift.

Don't think you need ventoy features, install fedora in a suitable partition, install your next os afterwards in another partition and don't install grub, boot back into fedora, update grub, it'll find the new os and give you a list to boot from on startup.

Why did you choose ventoy?

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Well, to expand, I had a cough for three weeks, just could not rest, took a break from work Monday, got steroids and a chat with my psych on Tuesday, so on Wednesday after two days of no ritalin/deep rest and a new pr resting heartbeat (I love health gameifaction) I decided to start back easy with half my normal dose of ritalin and my second max dose of steroids 8x5mg (I think)

It was a lot like that bradley cooper movie, no idea the name, "I can maintain" just got lots done, including dusting off my bike and going for a spin, https://sh.itjust.works/post/20050726

Anyway the rest of day was fine really, I just kinda lay there until 5 in the morning, getting more annoyed about how I've fucked up Thursday just because I couldn't sleep.

I am probably just way overdoing the ritalin at 60mg a day, so 30mg+max adult dose of steroids after two days with no ritalin was stilk too much.

Am 42 and unmedicated my whole life, adhd coaching can help alot, I find my focus for doing stuff is also terrible, however it's things I've convinced myself are unneeded bullshit, do I need to send that email today? sort the insurance paperwork? yes I actually do and once it's done I can go treat my self to some creative time to relieve the 'ugh' feeling of emails.

Also an immense amount of coffee, but that's probably not great advice in your situation.

You don't have to use stable for the entire duration of debian 12, switch to testing after say about six months, I'm running testing right now (by accident, forgot I was tracking testing and not bookworm/bullseye) only found a tiny bug with libvirtd.

Debian is lovely os.

Motorcycles, I come from a big motorcycle family and frankly the whole racing thing masked every single symptom, for my mom and dad too. Having some difficulty at this point in my life right now, three young kids and a stressful job, hard to go blow off steam, so as soon as I am able will use the stimulants.

You think a decade of pizza delivery, near death most nights being my most happy and calm would have raised flags earlier in my life no? lol

Try to get a dopamine fix early in the day, not something extra, like going to a gym, but change something like taking a hard fast walk to work or local shop for bread/ milk instead of a car.

Spent a large portion of my life riding motorbikes hard, adhd didn't bother me until I couldn't ride bikes.

The stress is worst.

ADHD trait, able to deal with stress. this is bullshit, I think it's better described as don't notice stress, in short term situations, good! around the six month mark? no.

twice now I've nearly lost my kidneys. Fixing lawnmowers in filth and ice?np Delivering pizza in crap conditions getting slapped off the bike for a decade? never happier. Office job? less then a year in, auto immune system is like "WhAt's wrong, Why so Stressed, is it these Feckers?!" boom kidney failure, did it again 9 years later.

Try procurement, it's paperwork, you get a quartly rush of work with extra deadlines and you can work with plenty of different people, your waitress/people skill would help there.

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Nightcore for me, regular high bpm stuff wasn't working for me.

This is totally it.

I don't exercise I put the three kids in a truck tyre and drag them to school. (MUSH Daddy!)

I don't exercise I walk to shop for milk, get home, realise I forgot the damn bread, think I can make bread, look up how, get distracted, make healthly wraps for lunch.

I don't exercise, I just lose the thing I just put down, queue marathon of reorganization (it's not cleaning) until I get the point of lifting heavy machinery to look under and give up, hammer on a worn 3/8 socket. Bonus cardio if the 10mm was in your other pocket all along.

Or alcohol. tw200 would be good on medieval paths.

Nah just couldn't fecking sleep

Been using cbpp for.. a long time now, (honestly forgotten when I started) hoping u/computermouth has plans to move to wayland, but I can't be arsed going back to reddit to ask.

Not had much luck finding a minimal stacking DE to replace it.

Have three small kids, even my NT wife can find the noise too much, I just have to leave, I go be useful as best I can and make dinner, do clean up laundry etc

Because I've been using an apt-get based distro since the late 90's, Because I work in IT, Because I don't like rice/hours of config/features. Yawning chasm of difference between always boots and always boots and dive right into work/game/browsing/whatev's

I've read it, only thing I remember is the first chapter pizza delivery, gonna have to dig it out now and refresh myself of the rest of the story.

Started ritalin couple of months back, I (40'sM) noticed very little difference, however my wife really notices the difference's, to me I just kinda feel like it's a good day with effort, some times I notice minor things like emails being a little easier. The second guessing myself as it wears off is the biggest pain, I'm on 60mg now and will switch up again soon, can't wait to move onto something that doesn't need adjustment every 4~5 weeks. In your case, did you notice anything initially? it did work at some point for you? don't wait to up the dosage, go ahead talk to the doc if needed and go for it, it's no problem if it's too much you can go down again.

Could be depression,100% talk to a doctor/professional, reach out for help.

Just as your therapist and agent_flounder say, always start at the very start, just that small step first and remember to stop, don't go full hyperfocus and attempt the whole huge project in one go. let say you complete three small parts/decisions, slap yourself on the back and go for walk/coffee/game.

At the kinda base of it, it is about steering yourself into the flow, if you start small and get an early success hit, then tackle a slightly bigger item, you'll be moving along nicely in no time.

We're all taking about career stuff right now, but don't be afraid to throw in non work stuff, I'm WFH now and I may start the day with some CAD design, slap that part into the printer then start mirroring a customers VM to trouble shoot some janky java that'll only fail on there eviroment. I won't solve why that crap is flaking out but at the end of the day I'll have a new part in my hand and a testing enviroment to begin with the next day. Time then for exercise/chill/motorcycle ride until the kids come home and the real work begins lol

PS some days I'll be delighted to have sent an email, can't win all the time.

Looking for similar myself. I love cbpp, based on openbox, it's just out of my way and lets me do my work. but I want to move to wayland, thinking kde plasma, spend for ever changing it to my liking and some how export all changes. probably a bash script first but thinking long term write it in ansible.

But i'd much perfer to find a stock/sane solution.

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Can only offer you three points, 1 nope sports really are boring, 2 you mention planking, I'm no gym dweller but if you need more muscle, planking is the opposite of what you need to do, lift heavy things, short reps, high protien diet. 3 motorcycle racing, specfically silly stuff like moped enduro, the amount of fun and helpful people you'll meet in the pits is crazy.

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Interesting, I've always been more together after a bike ride, but never heard anything offical on that.

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Stress from not doing a stressful task is stressing you out, but that stress is what's stopping you, not the stressful task it's self. #sorelatable

Why the down votes?

Can you simplfy the issue by disabling the nvidia in bios?

Ugh, yeah, I got really good at being places on time, down to half a minute anywhere in my city, so I figure out how long it'll take me to get there, set an alarm and forget all about it, do a task task that can be dropped, and when the alarm goes the race is on.

I read the second part, took my meds today!

it just feels like a manager decided the command should read like english, made the decision then went back to never entering a command again in the terminal again. every day, i get to decide, should i enter "systemctl restart problem_service" all again or hit up on the keyboard and and hold back, then rewrite over the previous status command. bit less work if the status/stop/start/restart bit was on the end like it used to be.

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Deltacortril, 8x5mg

Not enough yet, made a list of apps I need, moved the dock/bar to the top of the screen. only have kde installed on my personal laptop, I don't any where near enough time to spend on it, my desktop isn't for playing around on.