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Joined 13 months ago

I follow closely what is happening in the US from France because even though we have a very different culture I still think US politics is a preview of what's to come here.

Right now I consider we are at the step where our media are crumbling and becoming unable to properly inform us. A step that has been reached a couple of years ago in the US in my opinion.

The next step will probably be our own coup attempt in a few years and a steady increase in the division of the country and far right movements.

Maybe people didn't frequently have weird hobbies before.

The way I see it internet widened enormously the diversity of knowledge we get to check. And that's these weird rabbit holes online that create the similarly weird new hobbyist.

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Since when does wealth be shared when someone dies ?

No, the money will go to their descendants who will try to get even richer than their parents. A large part of that money will also be taken by the state because ?? and ??.

Nothing would change.

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I chuckled when I read this :

privacy safeguards from Google

And now our partner, the NSA will demonstrate the privacy safeguards they implemented in our latest software..

The devs said "improve AI" I don't understand it as make it godlike and unbeatable.

I disagree completely with your perception of AI in games.

I think AI are way to weak and primitive in this day and age. And it shouldn't. It should be scalable and able to challenge players who want to be and be braindead for others.

Right now in most game AI is borderline braindead.

An old game like FEAR has much better AI than most modern games and it's from 2005.

So yeah, I think AI being very limited in most modern games is definitely an issue and unfortunately nothing specific to the game in this topic.

I care, what do you think I could do ?

Israël is backed up by the most powerful country in the world both politically and militarily.

Many people do care, it's just not something they can fix.

We can donate to lessen the suffering but at the end of the day, one dude in the Whitehouse could probably get a cease fire in minutes if they really wanted to.

Well AI might destroy mankind but at least we had this.

Worth it.

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Europeans like Chinese electric vehicles because they are affordable.

Meanwhile European manufacturers are probably pushing behind the scene to restrict the Asian competitors on the market so they can decide what price is right.

In the next months in France they will reduce the subsidies for Electric Vehicle with a poor CO2 bill like imported Chinese cars.

So even less people will get to afford EVs.

I don't think this is just about cheap Chinese labor importing cheap Chinese cars to Europe. It's also about Europe ignoring the importance of battery tech and manufacturing for decades and suddenly acting all surprised that we are not competitive.

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Just a perspective on why people would support NVIDIA here:

  • They don't believe in copyright law so they don't mind whoever infringe on them. Especially since here it would make the proprietary driver work better.

  • They do care about copyright law but think having a working driver outweighs respecting them.

Not my opinion here just saying that for some people usability trumps any other aspects.

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Meanwhile Larian studio reminding everyone that a good way to make money and avoid layoffs is to be nimble and make good games.

Big Corps sees nimble and good studio making a good game, starts layoffs immediately.

The real murderers are the people that sell their studio to a big publisher. They immediately seal the fate of their teams. They will have layoffs eventually...

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Honestly, I kind of think my country (France) forbids weed today because of all the bullshit of the Reagan era and it's pretty infuriating.

Their depiction of weed as some super dangerous class 3000 hardcore drug ended up as some kind of standard for most of the developed countries.

It sucks.

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Big AI trying very hard to hide the truth about glue in pizza.

Also a 5mn ad break to sell his kit felt much too long.

It's like 1/3 of the video.

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What a terrible strategy...

Hey you should consider not blocking ads and joining YouTube Premium! By the way we just increased the price of the service you currently virtually have for free.

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I'm usually pretty relaxed when it comes to disclosure of vulnerabilities but this is the kind of issues where I think it would have been better to privately report the issue to the Lemmy dev and wait ( a long time probably) for it to be fixed before disclosing.

Especially since currently there is multiple people abusing the image hosting feature.

Not a big deal, but sometimes it is actually a better practice to give an opportunity to the dev to fix something before forcing them to do so in a hurry.

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US only :(

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Still laughing at the vast amount of people coming from reddit and expecting only chill people to be on lemmy. Like lemmy users are somehow immune to toxicity.

It's less toxic overall but we (or mostly the moderators) will have to fight them all the time.

At least it will improve the moderation tools which is always a good thing.

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By remotely I don't think they meant a long RJ45 cable connected to nothing.

So this doesn't look like a setup that can be fully secure.

Could even be completely fake and just to dissuade China from invading.

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Also considering the apparent toxicity of certain Blizzard employees it's probably a good opportunity to "purge" the Kotic gang and his following.

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As far as I recall he actively seeks to commit cybercrimes and even says so himself.

It's not the first young hacker on the spectrum that has urges to hack stuff.

It's a whole different question when someone is conscious he is doing something illegal and actively seeks to do it.

This is not another Aaron Swartz story imo. It's an autistic individual that doesn't hack out of curiosity but in order to damage businesses, and people or benefit himself.

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What about a new article in the constitution?

I guess most will find this completely overkill but access to free information should be a right everybody has and no party should be able to remove that.

I understand amending the constitution of any country should be done very carefully but keeping century old constitutions is completely dumb imo. Some articles are still relevant today others are not or would seriously benefit in being updated.

Good job !

I highly recommend trying out the various online regex editor.

These WISIWIG kind of editors are great because you immediately see what the regex is catching and for what reason.

I took the first one in my search results but try different ones.


Also I used GPT to get some regex for some specific strings and it can be helpful to get a quickstart at building a specific regex.

In that case I was building a regex for a specific log from postfix.

PS: just make sure to select the correct flavor of regex you are using in these online tools.

Edit: Also one of my favorite YT channels has pretty cool videos on RegEx : https://youtu.be/6gddK-cOxYc?si=0bnNkSDzifjdxwjU

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It's sad Mastodon is not pushed more as an alternative.

Instead people will go from one shitty social network to another.

And then some hacker will get into that wallet and empty it.

The presidency will act all shocked at the news pretending they did everything to secure it...

Hey, I have some trouble reading this image with my humany eyes.

Can you help me read its content ?

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This post seems surprisingly openly racist.

I had issues in the past with opensubtitles serving malware through fake download buttons on the site.

You had like 6 different buttons to download with only one legit.

Sent them an email and they removed them...

I hardly trust this site and really don't appreciate they use open in their name and pull up shit like this.

I wish we had some sort of P2P sub hosting... So we don't have to deal with sites like opensubtitles.

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Exactly, especially since the article is basically just reading the changelog and jumping from random additions without any logic.

The simple fact that iMessage has 0 interoperability makes it much worse than everything else.

So I doubt RCS could be as bad except if they remove the ability to operate with other RCS clients. And even for Google and Samsung that would be extremely stupid.

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Now code is imprinted straight to your retina.

You can see the code long after in your sleep and keep on optimizing it.

Damn these people being happy their favorite app is on Lemmy.

Seriously why do you care ?

Also, the reality is not that the sync cult is too vocal it's that they represent a solid chunk of the overall user base.

And also the fact that on Lemmy there is not much content as of now so minor things can become events.

I'm a bit salty about sync's pricing especially because I already bought the ads removal when sync was on reddit. And I feel like this is not a new code base so I should at least get a minor discount.

There are all kinds of sync users, stop oversimplifying things and spreading stereotypes. Just let people enjoy their few days of being happy they can browse Lemmy in their comfort zone.

The sync cult however seem to be as annoying as they were on reddit.

This is very weird for me because I was very active on reddit for many years and was subscribed to the android and sync subreddits. Barely ever seen any comments or posts about sync. If you had a lot of interaction about sync on reddit, I have to believe it's because you were looking for that type of content. Or maybe you had a very narrow selection of subreddits. I don't know.

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Robbed ?

What about tortured for weeks and then killed ?


Sorry this is a very grim case but it's very famous in France.

Dude thought he was going for a date with the cute girl from a local shop. Ended up being horribly tortured. This gang used women as bait frequently.

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Nothing really graphic here but it is accurate.

I actually couldn't believe such picture existed. And then I remembered that this is Trump so it is to be expected.

Maybe we shouldn't feed that troll ?

I think in that case a shadowban would be the best way to do it. Or an IP ban if that's possible.

In any case this is giving him even more reason to keep on harassing people for attention.

For once, it seems like the right people were involved in this resolution.

What the court says is a pretty standard opinion in cybersecurity, you can't have "safe backdoors". We could have had some lobbying bullshit like the usual but this time the common sense won.

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I would be very curious to see the algorithm adapting to that:

User: click on shrooms ad

AI: Oh he likes shrooms with his cocaine! Let's try a marijuana to snort with his cocaine.

The EU can't even pay for fediverse servers?


Prove it !

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Oh reposting the same racist post ?

Maybe that will stay longer this time.

Also as DDG is based in the US it is most likely legally bound to give your informations to any agency with a nice gag order on top of it.

I can't imagine any serious privacy oriented business to be headquartered in the US.

The whole better privacy is true with DDG but certainly not to the extent people would like to think.

That being said DDG has decent search results and is slightly better than Google for privacy. Google is an ecosystem so every little bit you don't give them is a success.

It's really too bad we don't have good private search engines..