
1 Post – 9 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Has Labrador will travel to the beach.

Ahh the Lemmy PQI (porn quality index) has jumped leaps the past few weeks. Just need a few of the more estoric NSFW subs to transfer across to appease my filthy corrupted soul and my journey to Lemmy will be complete.

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Recall training is so much easier if you get them started early. Once your puppy has had all his or her vaccines and are good to get off the lead at ground level you can get started.

Let them off the lead wherever you're in a safe space and won't meet any hazards like traffic, up to about 6 months old they're still in puppy mode and will never stray far from you. Every time they run back to you just repeat your recall phrase like "[name] come" and when they get to you lots of praise and a tasty treat. In no time at all they'll be bounding straight back to you as soon as you use your recall phrase and all the other dog owners in the park will be saying how well trained they are.

Disagree, sorry.

Thorium is unproven in a commercial setting, molten salt reactors in general are plagued with technological difficulties for long term operations and are limited currently to just a few research reactors dotted about the globe.

There's no denying that originally a lot of the early nuclear reactors chose uranium because of its ability to breed plutonium for nuclear weapons proliferation but nowadays that's not a factor in selection. What is a factor is proven, long-lasting designs that will reliably produce power without complex construction and expensive maintenance.

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This comment feels so reactionary and so off the mark based on the op comment that I'm not certain this isn't a bait post... Which I've just been hooked by... I should stop talking now.

Some of the university challenge surnames are great, especially with the announcer who tries to get them out as fast as possible.


Amid Evil totally scratched that itch, plus it's a huge game so there's hours of quality content too.

Andesoria's out there somewhere I think.

Thanks everyone, managed to get the backup switched off. So I'm now totally turned off the photos app so what other gallery apps do people recommend?

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I use keeper which appears to be one of the less popular ones if the comments are anything to go by here but it's served me well, the browser extension and android app are pretty good too with only a few websites flaking out and requiring copy pasting of password